VOL.;!.' RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 29, 1898. No. 207. FLEET SAILED TO -DM SITE 0F cflHP changed a gut glass trial Four Cruisers and Three Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Comprising the Spanish Squadron, Sailed This Morning from the Cape de Verde Islands, But Their Destination Is Unknown, PORTUGAL Blanco in His Dispatches to Spain Claims that the Bombardment of Matanzas by Our Vessels Did Absolutely No Damage ' - to the Forts or Garrisons A SAILOR ON MONITOR TERROR SHOT FOR TREASON Spanish Spy Shot at New Orleans-Clara Barton and Nurses Leave for Key West-Montgomery and Panther, With. 600 Troops, Arrive at Key West--Discussion of War ' Revenue in the House-Vote This Afternoon-$34,000,000 Will Be the Cost of the War Up to July First. 'LEFT CA1E DE VERDE. ; ' WASHINGTON. April ; 2!. The Spanish fleet nt the Cape tie 'Verde Is lands, according to official despatches received here today, weighed anchor thin morning mid sailed out of the hnr lxir. ' The destination of the Spanish ileet is unknown. HEADING FOR AMERICA. .:;' LONDON, April 2D.-D is rumored lit' the American" Legation that the Spanish fleet, which left Cat k Verde tli In morning, is heading for America, WRTUGAL'S NEUTRALITY DE CREE. LONDON, April 2!). Portugal to-dn.V issued a neutrality .proclamation and before, its announcement could reach the Cape do Verde Ishiuds the Spanish fleet hail saucily i i Portugal held off from issniiiK the neutrality decree as long as they couicl well do so without becoming an ally of Spain. They gave the Spanish fleet at too Cape de Verde Islands sufficient time to complete all arrangements and the Spanish authorities sufficient time to plan their campaign. AUSTRIA TO AID SPAIN. Secret Service Agents Watching Span ish Suspects. WASHINGTON, April 2!.Tho an nouncement that Austria is going to aid Spain caused a sensation licnO An 'offi cial note will he sent to Vienna on the subject. The secret service agents are watching Spaniards suspected of in forming Spain's movements of army and navy. . "OFFICIAL A N NO UNC EM EN T" Not a Man Killed During the bom bardment. MADRID, Ai.ril 1.1). An official an nouncement says that the fort iticutiolis of Mutandis did not suffer by bom bardment. Not a man was killed r .wounded. ... . ( CL.ULV BARTON'S WORK. TAMPA. April 21). Clara ISarlon and n force of Red Cross nurses sailed for Key West this morning on the steamer Mascot. SPANISH FLEET SAILS. By Telegraph to The Times. ST. VINCENT. April 20-The Spanish fleet sailed this morning. Destination unknown. MAY ATTACK CONSULATE, By Telegraph to The Time. KINSTON, JAMACIA. April 20. The Spanish may attack the American Consulate at Santiago. J ' ... THE PARIS NOT SIGHTED. By Telegraph to The Times. - tjF E EN STOW X. April 2!.-The Campania arrived this morning. The Paris not sighted. RUN THE BLOCKADE. By Telegraph to The Times. : MADRID, April 20,-The Captains of the Spanish Trans-Atlantic steumer, guarantee delivered mails to Cuba and' run the blockade at Havana. . A SMALL SLOOP CAPTURED. By Telegraph to The Times, v KEY , AVEST, ' April . 2!t.-A small sloop, captured thin morning. Seven Spanish spicf nhonrd by Newport. '; THE NEWPOUTS CAPTL'RE. KEY WEST. April 20. The gun boat Newport has captured another prlxe. This time it is ft Spanish sloop which was trying to ran the blockade. The ennture. was made off Cuba mis. The blockade in that section is proving effective and no reports of successful .'attempts to run the blockade have been received, ' PROCLAIMS WILL p.E SHOT. KEY WEST, FLA.. APRIL 2D.-A SAILOR OX 1TIE MONITOR' PURI TAN'' HAS BEEN CONVICTED OF TREASON HERE. HE HAS A FAMILY AT MATANZAS. HE WAS CAUGHT FILING THE LOCK OF MAGAZINES. HE WAS FOUND GUILTY' B DRUM-HEAD COURT MARTIAL AND WILL RE SHOT. ;' THE WAR REVENUE PILL. Democrats Won't Consent to Bond Fea-'.-.;. fare of the Measure. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 2!). The House convened at 10 o'clock this morning to allow two hours more dis cussion on the war revenue bill before the rule for amendments under the tive minute rule went into effect. Under the rule a vote will be taken at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Itlaud. of Missouri, discussed the bond feature of the bill to which lie saiil the Democrats- -'could not agree. They couldn't agree ' to issue any more coin bonds, which would he construed un der Republican administration as to mean nothing but gold. So long as the mints were closed to the coinage of one half money metal of the world the Democrats only under circumstances of extreme stress could consent to issue such bonds. He argued divisibility of immediate coinage of silver seignorage. RUN ON SPANISH BANK. -.LONDON.' April "2!.A Madrid dis patch announces that the run on Spanish bank continues. SAILED TOWARD CUBA. LONDON, April 20,-A St. Vincent dispatch says four Spanish cruisers anil three toicilo boat destroyers are sup posed to have sailed toward Culm. f'U.UXUHIO TO JULY 1ST. WASHINGTON". D. C. April ". Secretary Alger has siibmillod the defi ciency estimates at' thirty-four millions to cover additional army expenses up to July lirst. DENOUNCE!) BY K. OF L. WASHINGTON. D. ('.. .April 2! The Knights of Labor have pent a cir cuhir to Congress denouncing the pro posed increase of interest bearing debt. FRANCE READY TO FIGHT. PARIS, April 20 It is announced that extraordinary naval and military activi ty is displayed throughout France.. All ships recently mobilized will be kept In fighting trim. The reserves expect to be called out.. ; . ORDERED TO SEA AT ONCE. BROOKLYN. Aprli 2:).-Th navy yard cruisers San Ti'iiiicisiro ami New Orleans have been ordered to se.a im mediately. SPANISH FLEET REINFORCED. MADRID. April" 20.-ThV United States fliet is not expeefod to hm eh Ma iillla until Sundae The Spanish (lect is divided into tw p.ir,- and has been reinforced by a large? auxiUiry cruiser. PANTHER ARRIVES. KEY WEST. April 20. The troop ship "Panther" arrived this morning. conveyed by tile Montgomery. MICHIGAN TROOPS. 1 DETROIT. Mich, April 2H.-Tho war detiichiiient of Michigan' naval militia two hundred and twenty-live strong; started for Norfolk this morning. TO INVADE CUBA. .TAMPA, Anrll 2l).-Orders reeelved by the commander are to bo prepared to United States Consul at Toronto. In Invade Cuba with ration for thirty raising n regiment of Canndiiin volun duytl, .. , . teers. NEUTRALITY FALL OF MANILA, Bv Cable to The Times. HONG KONG. April 21). Banking com panics have chartered a vessel to remove specie from Manila. The fall of the city is hourly expected. INHABITANTS STARVING. Spanish Soldiers in Cuba Seize all Food ami Supplos. By' Telegraph to The Times. KINSTON, .FA MACI A, April 20. Over four hundred Cuban, British and American refugees arrived this morning at Port Antonio from Santiago. They said the inhabitants can only exist one week. -.The soldiers are disheartened by suffering and disease. Torpedoing Santiago harbor has been n'mwioncd. CAPTURE OF THK GEOIK.IA; ': By Telegraph to The Times. ' :" KEY WEST, April 2!l.--On!y one blank shot was tired -in l lie "Gaivia" by the Newport. She was carrying news of the movemenls of the Uuited States fleet to Havana. MADRID QUIET. By Telegraph to The Times. MADRID, April 20. No disturbances The newspapers continue their work belittle United States fleet and its work. FOR THE CANARIES. By Telegraph to The Times. ST. VINCENT. April 20. An hour after the cruisers sailed, the three tor pedo boats Airieto, Aor and Razo with the .armed transports San Francis co. Ciudadde and Cadi, left port, going in a northerly direction. Their desti nation is understood to lie the grand canary. Provisions are becoming scarce as a conseiiience of the largo purchases of the fleet. No news i.f the declara tion of war received. THE CONFERENCE REPORT. WASHINGTON.' April 20 The Sen ate has iidoyted the conference report on the naval appropriation bill. The Senate decides to adjourn from', today until Monday. INDIANA AT KEY WEST. KEY 'AVERT, April 20. -The 'Indiana has arrived for supplies and thirtoeii-inch guns. - DAY TAKES THE OATH. CANTON. April 20. Secretary Day lias taken the oath of office ns Secre tary of State. KNGINEERS FOR CUBA. WEST POINT, April 20. A battal ion of engineers leaves today with pon toon trains to join the army of invasion. SCORES OF AMENDMENTS. W A S II I N G TO nTT pril '20. Two 'or thiv scores of amendments to the war revenue bill was introduced. Some of considerable importance have been agreed upon by the ways ami means committee. The amended bill may he offered as a substitute and then the bill will go to flie House. LATE BULLETINS. WASHINGTON, April 20.-A Span ish sailor on the Monitor Terror in stead of the Puritan, is to be shot for treason. French nml Austrian consuls at Mn- , tanzus protest uguiust bombardment be cause no warning was given. Nuvnl officers believe the Spanish fleet Will return to the Canary Islands. . -, " .: I Gen. Fita Lee Itelieven the forts at llavuna could be dentroyen by the net. ReM)rt at. Key ; AVest that Carenan was bombarded yesterday. CANADIAN 'VOLUNTEEllSt ! TORONTO. Aorll 20,-Col. Popei ex- Camp "Bryan Grimes Property, West GOVERNOR'S GUARD CALLED TO DAY To Take Up Camp This Afternoon and Act as Patrol Until the Arrival of the Other Volunteers from Throughout the State. All Raleigh was astonished this morn ing by a rumor that ijmckly spread over the city to the effect that the Asylum amliorilies had held a protest or gotten out an injunction against the State to prohibit the use of the Crn wford-Rogers-Bclvm property as a camping ground for tin- mobilization of the volunteer troops which are to reach Raleigh on Monday aim Tuesday. ' Silted down to the cold facts it was learned that the camp selected was above the asylum water intake on a branch which supplies the water sometimes used at the Central Hospital for bathing purposes. Dr. Kirby w as commended by many, bid there were those who said arrange ments for temporary supply at the asylum Could easily be made, and that Raleigh might lose the mobilization of Stale troops by so much local disruption. The Chamber of Commerce authorities at once began to look for another site, and nt 2 o'clock they, were ready to report. .. Work had begun ot. "Bryan Grimes" camp- early this morning, and it was sonic time before the workmen were no tified to break away. This, however, was looked after about It o'clock, and at 2 o'clock Quarter master General Harrcll agreed upon the new site. THE CAMP SELECTED, ll is the one first suggested and most desired the -Cameron property, between tilt north entrance to the Fair Grounds nml St. Mary's School. The large field extending from tlie street car track oul Hillsboro street almost to the Seaboard Ai Line shops will be used- as drill ground. - Co! Harrcll sent large .force'- of bauds out to the' -Cameron property as soon as the decision was reached and the ereelioit'of tents, digging sinks and other arrangements were rushed. The camp is to lie completed by to-morrow afternoon, buj. a large part of it will 1m ready for occupancy by the troops this evening. FOOD FOR THE SOLDIERS.--'-. The-Commissary .General, Col. S. S. Itachelor is -making all arrangements for feeding- the volunteer army. Bids have been received, and the lowest in every case was accepted. As soon ns the vol unteers are mustered into the' United Slates army by Captain John C.i Groshnin. of the 7th Cavalry, mnv nii duly at the Agricultural and Mechanical College, the State will cease paying for supplies for the troops and the .govern-' incut will have entire charge of the men. THE GUARDS CALLED OUT. Last night the 'Governor's Guard-re ceived orders from the Adjutant General coiiiiiiaiidiug them to report at the camp at 4 o'clock im Monday afternoon, but all plans were changed to-day, by an order from General Cowlcs, w hich sends the Raleigh company into camp at i o'clock this afternoon-if accommodation has been arram.red. The Guards were pleased by this order, and made ready nl once to make the trip' to the new. camp. ..Those in com mand of the company .are Captain Crawford, First Lieutenant Beavers and Second Lieutenant Smith. Sergeant Bunch has a large tirniy trunk and in this are all records of the company. The boys are in high spirits and are glad to be the first company to go into camp. NAMING THE CAMP. The authorities have been universally commended for naming the camp "lirynn Grimes," in honor of the Pitt County Gtintds. the only company in Eastern North Carolina to volunteer to follow the Hag anywhere, whether in America. Cuba or Spain. To-day when the site was changed, an effort was lnade to change the name of the Camp to "Paul Cameron,"- niter the former owner of the property, but it failed. The new camp was the first choice of all parties concerned, and it is found to be unite satisfactory to oil in the neigh borhood. The citizens of Raleigh are .beginning to realize the great benefit to result from mobilization of the State Guard here in Raleigh. Much money has al ready been turned loose here, and when the troops arrive the city's business will be greatly increased. - THE NEW COLONEL. i Col. Armfield arrived this morning and wan with the' Adjutant General through out the day. He is receiving congratu lations from his many friends. Col. Armfield returned home this afternoon, but will come to Raleigh on Monday to take coiiunund, Every company In his regiment Volunteered, and ho will have under Ilia command every one of liU old companies. The statement that, efforts were being made to have regular army men placed in high positions was correct, and Ad jutant General Cow-leu and Major Hay es argue that it would be well for the Second Regiment, which Is l1 be com posed of new nSon, to be under experienc ed and trained soldiers. ' This is accepted by the opposition, but the movement is still as unpopular. TIME OF ARRIVAL. , The troop from the west instead of arriving in Raleigh on Monday will pro bably ho-detained until Tuesday, us some companies will not be ready to move until Monday afternoon. - The ---.v. 'V.- 'v':";' ' y: '.-'. v . to be on Cameron of St. Mary's. Durham. Charlotte, and Shelby compa nies will reach here Monday nig'it. Col. .lames Holt, of Burlington, was here to-day to sec. General Cowlcs. A place has l.eeu reserved for a company from Burlington to be commanded by Col. Holt, and they will be given ten lays to report in Raleigh. SECOND REGIMENT. The next call to be- issued from the Adjutant. General's" office will for the second regiment of volunteers.- .'. The regularly organized companies in the State Guard were given the first opportunity- ami now the vacancies will be supplied by the citizen volunteers. Adjutant" General Cowles to-day threw -up the sponge, saying that more volunteers had offered themselves than there was room for in the call froal North Carolina. There are a number of companies in the State -Guard that would be glad to come, but they cannot recruit up to 1'ie retpiired S-l men. For . instance, tile A'ance Guards' urc anxious to be in the next regiment, but. they have not the full number and have been unable to re cruit to the qciuircd minimum. .General Cowles, in an interview with the Tiines reporter this morning, saitl such companies 'could come and recruit tip to tlie necessary number after their arrival. They will be given opportunity to choose their own men. . It is. announced that: the Governor 'will form' the battalion from the negro vol iinteers, and ill regard to' this-'much is being said, bill no action taken. CHARGED WITH 1IOUSE-BREAK- ' iN;. .. Jim Moody, Alias .'.Crawford- AVoodard. Round Over to Court. Within two -weeks' after his release from the penitentiary, Jim Moody, alias Crawford Woodard, lias begun the sec ond pilgrimage to tlje State prison. . On April ltilh. he. was handed a little slip of paer which gave him his liberty. On tii is was written: . "This is to certify. .'that Jim Moody, alias Crawford Woodard.. has been re gularly discharged' from the Penitentiary by expiration of sentence. "T, B. RUSSELL.-Warden,"' ''Jim Moody had served twelve nionl lis on the farms at Wudesboro, and was in Raleigh on his way to Edgecombe county. This morning he was before Mayor Riiss charged with house-breaking, and the -evidence -was such as to force the Mayor to bind him over to court'ou .fotKI bond.' in defa'ult of which he was sent to jail. Ma.or Russ said to t lie prisoner that (lie court would do well to sentence him for twelve years iusJead of twelve mouths at his next trial. The trial of .. D, 'Webb, a 'member of the Governor's Guard, for assault on Kd. Djckcrsniii resulted in a tine of ."S.l.tMl and costs on the soldier. Webb struck Dickcison for calling him the most in famous '.of names. SPANISH SPV. TO BE SHOT. By Telegraph to The Times. NEW OI.EANS. April 2Vt.-J.din Walls arrested as Spanish -spy. at 'Port Ends, will be shot. Walas err cmfwyp slirdlu otaoinmfwy WHEELER AND LEE CHOSEN. President lias Decided to Appoint' .Them Major Generals. Washington, !. ('.. April 2S. Repre sentatives Lamb and Rixey, of irginia, called on the President to-day nml. pro senteil the name of William Niille, Ad j ill ii lit General of Virginia, for Briga dicr General, who is endorsed by Gov ernor Tyler. During the interview. President McKinley intimated that he had practically decided upon the ap pointment of General Fitzhugh Lee, and General Wheeler, of Alabama, as ma jor geuernls. SUPRL'ME COURT, Appeals from the 12th District: Miller vs. Alexander, argued byV, R. Whitsoii for plaintiff appellee. Morrison vs. Chambers, argued by W. . Jones for defendant appellant. Bunk' vs. , Louglirnii, argued by T. II. Cobb for plaintiff; W', W. Jones for de fendant. - Alexander Ex Parte (appeal by Gwalt ney.l, argued by .1. M, Gudger. Jr., Tuck er and Murphy for appellant: Davidson and Sondley, contra, Andrews vs. Jones, argued by Murphy for, defendant appellant. Mr. Kuehiie returned this morning af ter a long stay hi the South. Miss Laura Adair, of Atlanta, who has been in Raleigh the guest of Miss Bessie Belvin. left this morning for Richmond to visit Miss Adele ..Williams. Miss Adair made many frleds here, mid they look forward with pleasure to her eurly return. "'-': -'' LOST! J;..:' A Five Dollar Bill on Fnyetteville street street between" Hnges store- nnd Martin street. The finder will be liberal ly rewarded by the return of the same to MRS. J. G. HARDEN. 107 N. Salisbury street. Evidence Embellished by Diamond Dyes. GREAT DIVORCE CASE THE ALLEGED CO-RESPONDENT ON THE STAND THIS MORNING. The Trial Will Continue To-Night and Will Not Take Another Recess Until All Work Is Finished.- The Glass trial was continued in Su perior Court this morning and will be concluded to-night. Judge Tiniberlake stated this after noon that a recess would be taken for supper and that the trial would be com pleted without adjournment even if it kept the court in continuous session all night. The lirst witness at the morning hear ing was O. II. Johnson,- who owns a grocery on Hillsboro street. Mr.' Johnson' testified -that he boar led at Glass's -and everything was pleasant as far as he knew between Mr. mid Mis. Glass. His evidence further than the above was of little value. A. Dughi testified that the character of Mr. Glass was good, lie heard of the trouble between Mr. and Mrs. Glass and telephoned to Mr. Glass. "Then Mr. .Glass came to my house nnd told me that it was true that his wife had run away with a young man.- Advised Giass to say '.nothing about it." Dughi saw Col. Olds and requested him not to print it. Told Greek O. Andrews about the trouble and asked him not to print. In his presence Mr. Glass asked iiuv Poland, of the Tribune, not to print the article. Then, after Mr. Holding advised its uublication. Glass said, "Ali I want; is justice from my friends." Never heard of it until May 10th, at night. W'UjS acting as a friend of th" family. r . . Mr. Josephiis Daniels, editor of the News and Observer, testified that Mr. J. X. Holding, attorney of Mr. Glasi called May 11th, and informed him of the trouble with Mr. and Mrs. Glass. Mr. Glass telephoned and r-'Vpu sled that it be . suppressed. and re uncsted it not to be published. Later Mr. Holding consented to the pub lication and gave the facts printed til" next lnorniiiu. Mr. F. A. Watson testified as to the general character of Mr. and Mrs. Glass. Both good. Mr. A, M. Powell testified to the goof character of both parties. Good.- Tes tified that the serenade was on the nisrhl alter the election May 4th, and th.it Mr. Glass was in the party. Mr. Phil lliiem, Jr., said character of Mr. Glass was good. At .the Encamp ment one night we-ttuyed until 1 o'cloclc. Hint was seven ieatM) , ago. Miss Mamie Alderson "works 'at tele phone office a book-keeoefr jinj. stenog rapher; has l ep ther two years; Henry Hart was m ibe offic Monday morning. Amy ;!d. abont 8 O'clock, y Hart w,( ' ' there with f;iass "when I. vime lu. Hart shook hands with, Mr. ' Olasi .nn l tobf ' nun goou-itye. mm unl not eoiui? ieu ', office Tuesday morning and never tw , Ii t id there again. Heard about the torn did during the week. Henry Hart' inline connected with it. ' -;i'i-Cliarles 'IcKiinmoii knew tlie -general ' character-ot. Mr. Glass. Good, v j- Charles McDonald: Sold building and loan stock to Mrs. Glass and Mr. Glass. , paid the dues. June, 181M! it wos par! to order of Mrs. Glass. General char acter of Miss Mamie Alderson good. L. P. Duncan testified to character of Mr. (ilass. Good. Mrs. Glass. Good. W. R. Cook, foreman for Southern Hell Telephone Company. General character of (ilass good. Boarded at Glass' house two different times, bwt time in May, "it". .Ho 'described the ar rangement of the (ilass residence and the position- of the various rooms and their doors. Mrs. Glass' character good so far as the witness knew. He didn't think it possible for Glass to have looked through the window and have seen what he claimed to have seen with the lump (in the table where Glass said it was. . - . L. T. Viirboro, recalled. Thought Glass could have seen it, the light shin ing through the door would have been rellected about the room. He said (ilass told him. on the morning Hart went; away, about What he hud seen the night before through the window. II. 1. Sutterlield, recalled, also testi fied that Glass told him about what he had seen and that he would never live with his wife again. He "aid Glass told him he was looking through the side or east window. The witness said (ilass pointed this window out. to him next day as the one through which he was looking. I This oroducod a great consternation among the attorneys for the . defense. Glass had stated emphatically in his testimony that ho looked through the front window. 1 Here the defense closed its case and the co-respondent. H. R. Hart, was' caned to the stand. lie said he was 11) years old; thut his people lived at Richmond, but he Is night operator at ICIklu, between Rich mond and Newport News. He denied emphatically the charge; that ho ever iad any improper relation)) with , Mrs.' Glass: or that he bad been iu Mrs, Glass'1 bedroom, ns churged by Glass, lie slept,, he miid, in the Glass resi dence the night before ho left Ualeigu; that he. usually, slept with Gluss, but doesn't know whether Glass slept there thut night or not. : - v "He was not there when I Went to twtfc$it he woke me np next morn ing about 7 o'clock ami asked me to come to his office before going awoy. lie wax already dressed am ' the bed i (.Continued on Second Page.) ; IS