r1 t i I ) 17- ! i PI K K V ILIjK LKTT Kit. The Points of a Week In and Around This Thriving Neighborhood, f Distress After Eating S. S CONVENTION. AUOITH BUKKAU, JMkovilH;, N. C. May 18, PJO-1. Nausea between meals, belching, vom- : itiDg1, flatulence, fits of nervoua head ' ache, pain in the stomach, are all symptoms of dyspepsia, and the longer Mr. (i. Ij. Pittman, visitad his it is neglected the harder it is to cure it. ,-noth.T at Pinkney, Sunday. ff00(2S SarSaparilla iany oi our jmjujmb ujk iu uiu . T Padicallv and nerm.infntlv rrtr ff : 1001: TV ft. T r Tforn rf Wilmirxrtrm ' . r J " " V ' . . ' i strengthen and tone the stomach and ;9ki luri WiiiiflMvr viwitimr ri -l!i.t I Vt;s. i ...... I other digestive organs for the natural performance of their functions. Accept no substitute for Ilood'a. I hal dyspepsia twenty-flye years and took different medicines but got no- help Tin? l.'Ith Annual Sunday Srliool Con vent ion oi Fork Town ship Will be Hold at Pine Forest, on Saturday, May iiKtli, 11HM. GOLDEN AVKDIMNG. 3Ir. and 3Irs. IS. 15. Kaiford Cel ebrate Their Fiftieth Anni versary ol3Iarrietl Lale. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. (.Jodwin was a scene of beauty, ele gance and gay festivities Saturday evening, the joyous occasion being STEDIAN FOR GOVERNOR. o- The following is the programme of j the celebration of the Golden Wed the 13th annual Sunday School ConVlin of Mr and Mrs. B. B. Raiford, Carnival in your city last week. Mr. J. I. Ham, of Wilmin was here Sunday, visiting relatives Miss Zona May, came Sunday from jBeston, to visit Miss Minnie Garros, j Miss Pemiinah Does, of mar; Princeton, is visiting Misses Lula find Dora Dees. Mr. and Mrs. Perry unci children, f vention of Fork township, to be held .at Pine Forest, Saturday, May 28, until I bean taking Hood's SarsaparMa. Have taken four bottles of this medicine and can now eat almost anything, sleep well, have no cramps In my stomach, no of Wilson, are in town visiting the burning and no distress." Mrs. Wixliam family of Mr. Oscar Stith. F very body is busy preparing for the commencement Thursday and Friday nights of this week. The remains of Mr. Joseph Jack son, who died iti Soul It 'nnlina, I i-t rj j( week, were brought hen, ;rid laid to i rest in the old Jaek.-on burying, irround. ; G. Barrett, 14 Olney St., Providence, R. I. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps tho promise. WALT Fit LFTTFIt. !l II. and Savings of a Week The Methodist District ConfcreiKM Sunday School coiiicH here the .'ifth Sunday in July. Let al! our people unite in giving the Conference i royal welcome. In ;o.d Around )ur Thriv mg Xeighborhood. w. rn;u, x. c, t May '", 1901. J Miss Ophelia C'arr, i- vLMing her si-ter, Mrs. Milford Aycock, near We extend to Mr. F. L. Peel, our ; Pinkey, this week. deepest sympathy in the death of his Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr, of your estimable wife, Mrs. Fula Fdgerton nty vnt last Sun,lay iu our com. Peele, which oc.-urred at their home j Imini v visiting friends, near hereSunday night. In her death; Jliss Julia liurley, or your city, spent Saturday and Sunday here, visiting relatives and friends. the husband Io.es a loving wife, the .children a devoted mother and the community a good friend. BUCK SWAMP ITEMS. Mr. I. L. Yelverlon, of Fremont, was here Sunday. Cotton chopping is now the order -of the day, and the average' farmer has a good stand. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ilarriss, of your city, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gurley Sunday. Mr. Marion Lynch left Monday for Wilson, after spending a few .days pleasantly among us. Miss Mitt'e Hollingsworth, of Magnolia, is adding pleasure to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Lynch. Mrs. G. W. Fdgerton returned last week from the Wilson Sanatorium. Her friends hope she will soon be restored to health. 'Aunt Liia" Peacock, an old rnd jujrhlv re-reeled colored ,on;uu liv- J'lUXJRAMME. 10.00 a. m. Song service. 10.10 Devotional service by Rev. II. E. Tripp. 10.20 Song. 10.L'. Address of welcome by V. N. Bass. 10.: 30 Response by E. T. Atkin son. 10.1" Song. 10.50 Exercises by Antioch Sun day school. 11.05 Song. 11.10 Address by Cieo. F. Hood. 11.15 Song. M.:;5 Address ly II. B. Parker. lI.5o Appointment of commit tees. 1 1.55 Music and collection. li'.OO Dinner. l..;0p. m. Opening niudc. the venerable parents ofMrs.Godwin The spacious parlors were peopled with young and old alike from a dis tance, and with loving friends throughout the city, who had gath ered to scatter the sunlight of happi ness and enhance the halo of joy around these two loving souls who have traversed the ides of time hand in hand adown the pathway of life for a full half century; sharing the gladsome hours and lending solace in the hours of turmoil, sadness and vicissitudes changes of scene, and time, and place that mark the mile posts of every life, and in which ev ery soul is tried, in its journey to wards the shores of eternity. As the guests arrived they were received in the hall, which was ta.-te- i fully and appropriately decorated, by Mrs.W. F. Stroud and Mi-s Mary Farrior, and conducted to the spuei-( ous south parlor, where they were j The Endorsement of Hon. John S, Cuningham. JS- 1 v. - ...irsw -v V - x v. 7 , Aft. ...wi ai... T ii Godwin, assisted by Miss Mabel l. l. l arker. Iiarnes, of Wilson, and in turn pre sented to Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Kaiford, in whose honor the triad hour was celebrated. ou.m.o i.wb. .v x. Ai. . ithe eveninjr floated the strains of 1.55 Exercises by O.ikl Hid Sun day school. 1M0 Song. ing on the l.- 11. 1 M'isses L da, Fields and sister Miss Pearl, and Mr. Oris Jones were vis iting the Misses Swinson last Sun day. Mr. Charlie Coor arrived home last Friday from Cary High School, and is being greeted pleasantly by his numerous friends. Messrs. Alden and Frank Yelver ton, from Fremont, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Velverton. Mrs. Dallie Gurley and children, off h idboume, N. C, are on a visit to relatives in our commupity,where their friends are glad to see them. Messrs. Carl Swinson, George Hooks, Miss?s Btssie, . ElHe and Frma Swinson attended commence ment exercis.es at Pikeville last Week. Anderson. 2.35 Song. 2.40 Exercise by Fhenezer Sun da 3 school. 2.55 Song. .'3.00 Comments on the works b3T H. H. Parker and otlitrs. ft. 10 Reports from commit'ees. .3.15 Adjournment. All Sunday schools are invited to attend and all tint attend ire asked to bring well filled baskets. J. M. Mitch km,, Town-hip President. TO S. S. AYORKERS. A Banner to be (liven to the Township Making the Best Bepo.t. In order to encourage the SundaT sweet and inspiring music, which, added to the brilliant lights and merry voices of the assembled guest-", i filled all hearts with gladness, and "all went merry as a marriage bell.' The piano was presided over t3r Mrs. Thos. McMillian, of Rocky Mount, and Messrs. W. E. Stroud and George E. Stanley, of this city. The decorations throughout the handsome home were profuse and most beautiful, and the color effects charmingly blended. In the south parlor the color effect was Red, the walls were draped witn Crimson Rambler and the rtwm was dotted here and there with lovely potted tlowers. presenting a dream of beauty and picturesque delight upon which the eye gladl3' dwelt and the soul feasted hountifull3T. Here the many a.idcostl3 presents of trold, number ing into the hundreds, were displa3'ed and greatly admired by all present. They were indeed handsome and at tested in language unspeakable to Dr. Lul)3T Siiiilh and brother, Mr Goorge'Smith, of your eity, spent last;tIie Sunday schools, en 1 flit. lmrn. onil tiytwnii in wliifh thfi school worker, of tke county, I will (.0UplH aro f,, am, Jnust haw give a nice bunu r, 'o ! awanled brought happiness tail and unalloyed 1 a a 1 a i 1 IU 11 rll rill lo dil" 1 ' al ' 'i tin ti Mvir 1 - each vear to the hnvns'.uo making . , , , " est emotions to jn rvude the soul. the best reiort a- " !i C 11:13 Con-( Yea, the dark curtain that obseurts 'past events no dnilit rol ni aside, ai d as in a 1 anonunie i-v tliey First. Tlse town-hip having the truv.-i - d the -c-.e- .f life oYr ag-tui, largest number of its inii ihiamts 111 dwelt 1 ;u;.. up -n tee b;.-uis of eoi;rt- - oT; t - v.i- :'. 1 y (Major Charles M. Stedman, candidate for i nf Xorth Carolina.) Below we publish a personal letter Maj'.r ( oaries M. Stedman, whom L vention, on the foHowiog points: !l Hi liom; 1 , c -d ;:es I a v ( a- lands 01 f I ,!..' I Til, ' i vas !'s years ,,. Tlie ladies of the noighhorheod gave an ice cream stip.n r at F.r.ck vvamp school houses. fturd iy niiht, in honor to tiieir ekieot te-.ichej, Miss Bessie Lnmb, Lose school e'.o-ed the day before. .".lbs Lamb ( has made n.any iih : ds daring her! Thm-dav Will Cra-Iotd, v. i io iie re v i:i ei( 00 them. 1 A uid lr- ; dcparue.nHs a)d Hie i r.od S Second. Luc t i'.vii-!i!p ii.ivi tl;c irge t average attend. iu e. Ti.ird. The to .yn- '. i; taa t iui sci a x 1 s one 11 lac 111 a -! 0-3 , visiiiii- niemoers oi nis cnurci . 1 . we were dad 1 t Lev. It. Fripp v;i- '-ere Mou- He and his good wiLj are- opdhir ; nioatiis, (niking ail et'.ih its 1 -jber of j oots as ship, felt iij;;': hioe-d of 3-'ht' with'd'v 1 Sraaa again i. to ;i.s- e el I( al 11' w e :.li -iut I he ri. n, !! folding pel ;;-.e .' e t ' e iio'.c felt toe !ie:.rt iv'lp .s-ioa;lte 1 hrohhi-.g a:oi f- : t he looirerst Uie jov ii.e! ioc s t ) krio - wtien by Hon. John S. Cuningham en dorsing Major Charles M. Stedman for Governor of North Carolina. The letter needs no comment, but speaks for itself: -'Cuningham, N. C, April 30. "My Dear Sir: The Democratic party will soon be called upon to nominate a candidate for Governor of our State to succeed Governor A3cock. 'It is important that we should select, for thia place, not only a good Democrat, but a man of experience and wisdom who is familiar with the needs of our people, and who is in perfect S3mpath with ever3 in terest the mechanic, the farmer and all of the business interests of war State. "In this connection I want to call 3our attention to the cahdidaeT of have 'known personal for many year.-j. lie is a gentleman of spot less character, a wise statesman whose record as a citizen and soldier has been of duty well performed. He can be relied on to see that every man, no matter how poor, receives his full protection under our govern ment. He is a devoted North Caro linian who loves his people. "When a D03' he took up arms at Bethel and fought through the entire war and a braver soldier never drew a sword. Let us nominate this ster ling Democrat and eloquent orator, and reward this splendid patriot aufi hero. He will make a wise and con servative Governor, satisfactory to all the elements of our part3, most acceptable to all who desire an hon est government and the afTairs of the. State wiii-ly and well administered. "Yours very tra!3, "Jn!l. S. Cl'MMillAM." WltC the I'D', t X' 1 uir with our people, ami welcome evei v here. meet a glad a Wilu:; ) Mr. W. II. Turbo. Ada II -.well, a::d 1 eave-tor her O I'eelVt suC Ir-:ne in Sih r ( it oe Not i en ( 'redem o St. Petershurg, Mav 21. 'I ne re port, cabled -esterda3 that the for eign ode ia!s had received a telegram from the Russian consul at Ch fo reporting that the Japanese had made ii land attack at Port Arthur and had lost 15,000 men killtd or wound ed and that the Rus-dans h ad lo t 000 men, is true, but as nothing cou firmatorT has been received from ari3 otlu r soun-e, the report is not given credence. Health iwsuK'Ar.iC!'- The man who ir.vrc his life is wise for his tantily. The men who msur-js !i;s haalth is wise both fcr l::s fa-nipy and himself. You may ifisere health I)y guard ing it. It S3 worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, vhich generally approaches through the LIVF and mani fests itself hi innumerable waj s 7 A K E 1 iriK I e rhl I : -.--.s 1 CUjs if-', of your cit, wrre visitors at tho ho-. a' of Mr. aral 31 is. V. F. Itose last Sundav. j Foarih'. Tie1 t 'c;;-iiip tl at gives j to tea ;-hde uvr, Messrs. Juo. F. Southerland. Jno. JL smith, (the original Jno. R.) and Needham Sa vens, were cut here i'-.)y Tiiurs(la3 morning, on l-tisi-ness, at.d were tlie gue-ts of Mr. and Mrs. (iui. Pipkin at breakfast. .Lev. A. P.. Morgan of your eity, tilled Mr. Tripp's appointment at Fhmezer Sunda3T afternoon, and de lighted Iih hearers with a very fine sermc.n, which was attentive list ened to 13 a large' congregation." the sc- .ois I i'ih. Tlie 'i-1, 'e:t o;,t' (ie e.-de at the County written report .11 t lu cotfUv cdlicoiS. :s mm i. led oa- as two oi er in "Ti ro iiu-K ivai'ii. tuiu I awkward, O lime in 3'oui" ii g!;t, And make sjue a child jeoen, if iu-.t ; u v to-i ig'd. ' "There are moioe-ds spi nt Which a:sn 't wdo iee -!,adow upon te.e d iA, oid .remain an 01 -eea'a-oe p.art ;a:i at f tfl 'ir.2 r-5 1 8 rim CI u mi And save your hoalth. Administrator's Notice. Having riuslifid as sdmlnltrator of the .estate of Theodore W. Privette, dpafied, no tice lsliereby Klvnn to all iersons lnrtebCfa to ( the eaid ptr, to make Immediate pay ment loth urdriined. and to idl persons xiidinir clntmrt aRtiiiint said estate to pTe.oent the Kam-1 to ilia uadersigoed tor Tiayment on or before the 8th day of Ap;l', li)05, or thta notice will be pleaded In bar of their I B FON VIETLE. Administrator Tob Howell had some shoes put on his Poland China mule a few da3s ago, and he says his muleship was . Pharmacy so proud of them that he tried to walk the railing of the river bridge with them, on his return home. ! 1 t .... 4 'there is considerable amount of sk-kness in our community more than usual at this -season, though vcr3T little. of a serious nature, the 1 principal troubles being those dis orders arising from eating earl3 vegetables. of the ore-(d"; -aid so ti;e-e two Irwin cr hearts win, uo uoubt, tan-y cao e;e 1: school the meiuoiy of the gladsome hours riveidioa and a of the celebrating scenes of their 1 n,.i 1 : ill.;., ,.i . lo.n-ls of the ,0',i-n euuiug wi'iim men m ;u is , u a soft inspirat ion so long as li e is ' vi .Tichs; fell to dieill. 1 hope that Jl tie- Mwn-diips will j,x rie north i.arlor the c.lOr e.:'ec-l tiw to win the h inner. If ! tan as- wa- White and Green and about the sist anvone in this I v iil he only too room were palms, ferns and white glad'to do so.- . ;- too, a scene of- loveliness was beheld. Fraternally, The dining loom color effect was If. !. I'AitKKd, Jr.., ! Grid; the td.le was tastetuliy deco President Wavne ConnlV S. S. As- rated with oattenburs: pieces over yellow satin; gold n candlesticks with 3a How car.dles dotted tlie table, - A sudden attack id ni-b.t of some acd 051 the ' h a form of Powel Complaint mav come ha alsome goldee c nnleom.hlledalso tnnnvm.iv Fvorv fumilv hnnlrl U WltU yellow Calldies, a Hit a. hUSKet ! provided with a bottle of Dr. Seth hed witn toveiy .uarsnaincui lose Arnold's Falsam. Warranted by M. F. Itobinson A: Pro., and 3IacKav's 0 0 0 v fc2 TI10 Great Spring After the rigon of winter are felt ycu a;; tonic, laxative ar.d llab"-; to fee! ll:e need of a I ,4 i T 1 scciatioo. i vorn i must have a sufficient supplj of f overhung the table; about the room the tasteful color blendings were indeed lovel3T. In the centre of the table was a large gold cake, the gift of a friend in Durham, which was I admired b3T all present. Of course, everything temptina: to the inner man was served during the banquet hours, and it were vain to attempt to particularize. Miss Annie Farrior gracefull3r presided over the table, assisted "l3 M'isses Clara Porter, Mo! lie Chamberlain' Stella Hood, in order to develop into a crop. and Nannie Farrior. The supper No amount of Phosphoric U was served in courses. xoi unui me iiimuiui 110111 niu Potas The Sunday School Convention at Pine Forest next Salurda3 promises to he a mucn enjo-ea occasion. The choirs are practicing and the crowd will hear some good singing. Ever3 body is invited to come and bring their dinner with them. WTe under stand the exercises will be held in the new church, which is now com pleted. Now, when you start Satur day morning, don't forget your bas ket and then stand around and gape, waiting for some one to invite you - Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potash in fertilizers for grain and all other crops We shall fee Tad to send free to any farmer our lit tie book whicfc '"intains valu able information about soil culture. GERnAN KALI WORKS, Kew Vork 98 Nauiin Street, op Atlanta. ;a.--'J Ho. liroad 8t. a Ul i the guests reluctautl3 leave the ga3 and jo3ous scene. Mi . 'Kaiford is bO and M!rs. Paiford 70 years of age. , The Akgus cQugratulates the aged couple upon this felicitous occasion and joins most sincere 3- their many friends in wishing tlum yet., many happy 3ears together upon theearth. ; The-following out-of-town guests wer present for the happy oc usion: Mrs. II. Winstead and Mr. Jno. Manning, of Flm City; Mrs. W. B. Barnes and Miss Mabel Barnes, of Wilson;. Mr. atjd Mrs. Thos. Mc- Millian, 'of Kocky Mount; Dr. nd M. Lewis and daughter, of re fe.3 i ei YOU WANT. THE EEST OF CO"! mi v -f?- r -r- t- ' ' 'H. ' 3 : .n oe T a This medicine is scientifically c:;r herbs and bark, combined o".h cti J A r ! : Y Kidney 1 roubles, and al! dista;-t.N a.-ivi:. . h JLmU rou ifrtirists for Ttlini"?! sin: i ivj Kewaie of Du .sti'. utis uf tloit'r.fii! 0 tln:r it. All Dru Bobbitt Cheifiicci Co., gg:sts, or express prej;l. s3a:t:n-.ore, fid., U. 5. A, t-3 K r f) w ' 0 - i a, J A ft () S-OIIVE g-- it- resh iviilcii lows ' FOR SRLE. I cau, fumisli you a Jersey, Gurnsey or llo stein cow which will-crive 3 to 0 gallons milk and 1 tc 2 -lbs Imtter tier dar for very little more than you pay for a scrub cow that will not do half this well and eat just as much. I can also furnish you nice stock pigs, several breeds. For further information write Lfi. 5DGERTON. GUILFORD. S. C. j ,0 dinner. Hotter brinS it with you, JJOLEfSKCIJErTO 1 0 of . U . and be on the safe side. tc,t!.,.?Al.0 Wilminsrton. - . i N k rv-d l IT WILL PRY YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR DESIGNS AND PRICES Before placing orders for Any kind of Cemetery Work Designs on application. fi. A. Tucker & Bro. 110 East Centre St., GOLDSBORO, N. C. A 5G acre truck farm 2i miles from Wilmington out car line for sale. ' This the 7 ih day of April, H04. 1 f

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