. . Jfw ' r . II The National Bank of Goldsboro offers The National Bank of Goldsboro wants to depositors ever. your business, and accommodation th safe banking' warrant. will be glad to talk - cr correspond with ; you. Geo. A. Xoawood, Jr., Fres. JL j. liost, Vice-Pj-J ;1L J. Best, Vice -Pres. This xRGUS o'er the peoples rijjhts, Doth an eternal vigil keep No soothing strains of Maia's son, Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep" NO 98 Vol. XVII. GOLDSBORO, C THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1899 ir.-oaifi go- S-A i i??S r-; 1 fc I &M ' l.S c j -Jg It?-, fca ?-J y li -j AIP F-M ,j ' f 'J C- p-Vr'A Jpl r II M ll rl f P 11 F H H p - tf St--: f wf rjlll N N H nri j Bakloq Povvd Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum falcir.sj pc.'cJers arc the greatest mcnacers to health cf the present day. Rovftt CAKING CO., NFW YORK. OUR LOCAL OPTIC Mr. D E. Smith sent to this cf&se this morning tlio tirst pc-a blooms of the season. They locked green and vigf.roua ar:t were iu great contrast to the weather. The death of Mrs. Thos Kil patrick, nee rviis-s Willie Bst. so loDg connected with he G.j:ds boro Bakery, and whu was ouiy recenuy marritcj, occurred last last at their home in Oranm City, Florida. Gen. Ki ;bard Nelic r, of IJilti more, whose accident in falimg on the ice in that ci-y seme wetk ago and breakiughis leg we no ed at the time, is in the ci!37, cl crutches, but h;s many friesxU here will be giiid to 1. arn that he is steadly improving. Dave Ma'.ach', a negro mat: about 20 years of age, was ar rested yesterday in !Seima by tbt chief oi polu-e of that town ana brought to this ciiy on the iau train atd piactd in jrd by Sheriff Scott. The negro v. as wanied fur house-breaking, an tffetise wfcict he committed last week iu the Providence section of this coun ty. Daily Argus of Friday last. While the farmers and mer chants alike throughout this sec tion have their money season in the fall, when the cotton and to bacco is being marketed, the bus iness men and pianers. on the Yv fc W. Iu ll south of here, will soon enter upon their money sea son, "which comes at this time as a result of their truck crops. The merchants at all the stations along the line are now displaying heavy stocks of goods to tempt the people into -whose hands the money will fall lirst. The farmers buy goods during the year on time that are to be paid for in the Spring jubt the same as our farm ers buy expecting to pay in the fall. The prospects for their truck crop are said to be unusually bright, and if the prices are all right a prosxerotis season is in store for everybody. Oris MJnuts Cvugh Cure, cures. That is ishat it was made for. As the season of the year when pneu monia, la grippe, soro throat, o-uj;hs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and iunr troubles are to he tua;ded aj.a.ii.uT, nothing- "is a lino tub.-titute," will "aaswer the purpose, " or is ''j.ist as pood'' as One Minute Coujj'h Cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles Insist vigorously upon haying it if "something else" is ottered you. ,J. II. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, ano John Li. Bmith. tit. Olive. Uig Deal iu S(atc Lands. Charlotte, N. C. March ol -I M. Meekics, an E' zibeth City lawyer, arrived here to day ar.d made a big deai in Edstcrn North Carolina lauds. K, S. Finch and W,N. Failing, of this city, have options on all the lands belonging to the State Board of Education, consisting of several hundred thousand acres, They gave Meekins tc-d jy an option on eighty thousand acres in Tyrrel': Washing lieu Beaufor, Ilvd?, Pamlico, Car teret and Craven counties at one dollar an acre. Metkius repre sents the Brauaing Manufacture ing Company, of Elentcn, the largest lumber company in the South. He says cash will be paid for the lands in the next th'rty days, 'ihey are samp lands, &nd finely timbered. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used D. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of fciifTereio have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. TLey make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by J. II. Hill& Son, druggists, Golds boro, N, C. ; LET CAHP1NG CEASE i Editor Argus: There seems to be an erroneous idea concern ing t'12 recent meetirgs held by the physicians of this city. Some ic!8 us, either iguornntly or mali-ci-u-dy, are trying to spread the impression that the "Doctors are forming a trust." Please read carefully: The physicians have not ad v;;r.ced the fees for medical atten tion, but have come to a definite understanding among themselves to have fixed rates, so that they themselves and the public may know they are receiving jnst treatment. The charges cf the physicians of Goldsboro that have (ecu adoptf d and priuted on their fie bill are more moderate than in any other city in North Carolina. Wo have compared them with those fiom other towns. In many iv:pccts the rates on the fee bill are less than have heretofore been generally charged in this town. Below are the resolutions setting forth the objects of our society. Please read carefully. The Fie Bills ate conspicuously placarded hi the physicians' cilices for the benefit of themsdves and the pub. lie: ''We, the members of the Wayne County Medical Society, appreciating the beneficial results emanating from eo-operativo or gauiaation in the development cf tbe various spheres of human ac tivity, are impelled in our pres ent purpose to secure the greatest good to our patrons and at the same time to protect ourselves from unjust discrimination by the lpity in failing to recognize and promptly mjet their obligations to tbo medical profession, as they would other business relations, create this fraternal bond for niu tu. 1 protection. "In this organization of the Phy sicians oi Wayne County we are not unmindful as c j-laborers cf the Li'sh and ennobling incentives to true charity atd philanthropy w tie a have eycr characterized the Doctors of all ages. "This Society will embrace in its membership those who are quali fied to enter the North Carolina: State Medical S3ciety, and will be governed by the Ct nstitutional aod Ethical provisions a3 embod ied in the American Medical As sociation. 'In order to astute a true and faithful observaLC3 of tbe rules and regulitins of tha Society, and to exposo any infraction or violation thereof, it becomes nec essary to nppoint a Board of Cen sors whose- tluty it shall be tJ in vestigate and report ail derelic tions ami delinquencies on the part of the meu.b rs, and that this Board shall coutist of three mem bers, and in each case of derelic tion or non compliance with the by-laws, upon satisfactory evi dence adduced before the Society, he found guilty of accusation pre ferreel shrll be fined at the discre tion of the Society not less thau one dollar ncr to execeel fifty dol lars. "That each member may ex change or present a list of delin quent patrons to the Society or to each member thereof, so that the Society may eletermine the class and number of non-paying pa trons in cities and rural districts, so that -they shall be debarred from professional attention or pay cash when seeking tho same. "That a due appreciation or re ciprocity is essential between Phy sician and patron, and this Society being organizttl for tho essential protection and good of each, vhen professional antagonism to the So ciety's best interests is found to embarrass our prof essional - and humane endeavor by our fraternal organization, wo reeolvo to with dra'v professional courtesy a"d consultation whenever sought by those thus opposing "That this Society, believing that somo general rules should be adopted by the Physicians of towns and country relative to the pecuniary acknowledgement from their patients, it should be a point of honor to ndhero to these rules with as much uniformity rs vary ing circuuustancus will permit. "IJesolvkd, That the forego ing resolutions be adopted by the Wayne County Medical S.cicty and that the same bo subircribd toby ench member of the Society "Kesolved, That our accounts for pre fesi n:d services bo ren dered eveiy llrrty days, unles special business relat'ons render the same inopportune or imprac ticable." W. S. Joxe?, Sec'y. - A Pi ightiui Blunder. Will often cause a horrible Barn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly bed it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by J. II. Hill & Son druggists, Goldsboro, N. C. THE A3IEK1CAN fcOLDlElL The reports from tha Philip pints of the service of our troops thereare of a nature to cause every American heart to swell with pride. There has not beeu one act of ccwaidice nor a step of retreat and good generalship has been supported by a soldiery whose courage, patience and fighting would rx.ake tho honor page of auy country stacd more glorious ly forth in its history. The campaign in tbe Ei.3t hzs, howeyer, peculiar q ualities which commend the se who are engaged in it to the hearts cf their count rymen. To-doy, aud for the past few weeks, it is being fought chiefly by the citizen soldiers, not one of whom has until within i few months seen a shot fired in battle, and they are all conduct ing themselves with the precis ion cf regular troops a.nd of vet erans. Take the list of killed and wour.cied, whosa fearful length is printed from day to day. They are from the volunteers, the boys from the plow, tbe clerks from the stores, acd officers who had only until within less than ayear looked upon soldiery as a military picnic, a playtime period for ar mory drills and dances, a matter of uniform and rbrtaiion. Bnt back of this existed tha real sols dier's spirit, the fighting capacity which belonged to the Oid Guard, theermies of Marlborough, Crom well and Frederick the Great, Bjicg called upon to exhibit it they have responded with Eucb splendid courage that the nation which sent them forth bugles to realize the potentiality of the race and to know that it is a, peo pie of strength iu war as in the other channels through which it has- attained grandeur, Not one child dies where tea formerly died from croup. People have learned the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately stops cough ing. It never fails. J. II. Hill & Kon, eioldsocro, and Jchn K, Smith, Mt, Olive "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother." Pittsburg, Pa., March 31. In a case to-day of a husbmd suing for damages for tha aiienatiou of bis wife's affection. Judge AVhite refused to allow a girl to testify against, her mother's character, saving that it would be in viola ticn cf the commandment to "honor thy father and thy mother," 'OR gives nature the mild assistance needed for the regulation of the menses. It is of wonderful aid to the girl just entering womanhood, to the wife, and to the woman ap proaching or going through the turn of life. Women who suffer from any unnatural drain, any bearing down pains in the lower abdemen, falling or displacement of the womb, can quickly cure their troub les at home, completely away from the eyes of a physician. A few doses taken each month will regu late 'the menses perfectly. Large tottles sold by druggists for ft. TbeBradfield RegulatorCompany, Atlanta, "fiaT SIDE LINE. 30. Weekly. Pocket (free) Sample. Protected ground. Continuing corns. Competing prices. Libearl credits. BRATTICE CO., r 243 Pearl St., New York S in bU Capture ot Mulolos. Washington, March 31, -Gen. OAs cables today: Manila, March 31. "Oar troops are resting at Ma iolos. A cousidarable portion of the city was destroyed by fira. Oar casualties are one killed, 15 wounded. Hall has returned with troops to his former position north of aaniia.'' Manila, March 31,-10:50 a. m. Major General MacArthur ad vanctd to attack Malolos. the seat of the insurgent government at 7 e'c'ock this morning. He was met with strong opposition, the rebels resisting desperately, but losing heavily. Gen. Hail's brig ade is advancing north from the water-woiks and driving the left wing of the en-my across. Noon. Mi'jir Gen. MacArthur entered Malolos, tha seat, of the so-called insurgent government, at 9:30 this morning, the rebels ournmg thsi city and simultane ously eyacuating it. They are now in full retreat toward the north, where Aguinaldo and his cabinet have been for 2 days. Ttl IliiRF A COLD IN.0NE.DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it lails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine hag L. B. Q on each tablet. The Tobacco Trust. Trenton, N. J,, March 31 Papers were filed with the Sees retary of State this afternoon, increasing the capital stock of the American Tobacco Company from $35,000,000 to $70,000,000. fhe number of companies iucor-. porated during the month was 250, by which there was paid fil iag fees amounting to 130,000. There were 35 companies whose authorized capital exceeded $1, 000,000 each, and the aggregate authorized capital o thee 35 companies was $1,111,750 000. Shake Tnto Your Shoes. Allen's FocEase. a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing, nervcus feet, and instantly take? the stinr out of corns and bunions. It's tha greatest comfort discovery of the ago. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure lor sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. gold by all druggist and shce stores. By mail for 2c. in stamps. Trial package FKEE. Address, Alien 8. Olmstead, Le Roy, N.Y. Wads ol Testimony. Washington; March 31 sGreat wads of testimony :n the contest ed election cases of Dockery vs, Bellamy in tha Wilmington diss trict. and of Poarson ys. Craws ford in the Ashville district have been received by the clerk of the House ot Representatives, and by him forwarded to the govern ment printing effiie, when all the testimony is iu ii will be printed iu book form. In both cases the testimony, when completed, will ba exceedingly voluminous. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Aunie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard street, Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-, sumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a bur den. All other remedies and doc tors ccu'd give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "it soon removed the pain in my chest and 1 can now sleep sound ly, something 1 can scarcely re member doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe," So will everyone wr.o tries Dr. King s New Dis covery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lurgs. Price 50c. atid v'1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at J, H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro. llobbed The Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition, My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue ccated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three pbysicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised -Electric Bitters;' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for thres weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50cts. a bottle, at J.: H. Hill & Son's drug store. "V. hat Shall run Give? '.' T";:e solemn qu. si.ion con:es l:or.:e to almost evi.ry m.in at sou'.o period iq n is career. "What will you t'ive in ex c ha litre for vourlife?" It is like that i 1 . other solemn question about the soul. Just ; an honest man foels that nothing of earthly value can he weighed against his soul ho a man who has one friend to love him knows that life is tc-o precious to be bartered aw.iv for am V bition, or money, or pride. But men are slow to believe that over work sometimes kills; a man h:;Ks to ad mit that his health ever needs any particu lar care. He feels miserable and "out of sorts" but tries to "blui'f it off" until he gets flat cn his back, ur.-u le to do a stroke of work. He becomes obliged to spend no end cf money for doctors and even at that can hardly save his life. How much more sensible, and in the end how much cheaper at the first si jtis of phy sical weakness to write to Ur. K. V. Tierce, chief consultirsr physician o." -he Invalids' Hotel and Surcrical Institute, of Kr.iialo, N. Y., and obtain, free of chare; the ad vice of A skilled and educated physician who has a wider reputation for the success ful treatment of chronic diseases than any other physician in this country. In a letter to Dr. Pi-ree. Mr. T. W. Brittin. cf Clinton, Dewitt Co., Ills.. i o. r.o:: .,751, writes: 4t For over a year I was truiible.l vlh liver e )!r.- plaiut. Had no appetite, couhl ket p lioti.:T: on my stomach, and had severe pains ia lay stomach and l-owels. I doctored v.-illi heme doctors but did not obtain relief until a friend advised me to take Dr. i'ierce's GoUIlii Medical Discovery. I b.-ecan takinir it at er,c and after taking four bottles I think myself eared, as 1 can eat anything I waut and my feed never hurts me." Dr. P;erce's Pleasant Pellets cure consti pation. At all medicine stores. EASTEH AXD SPiaXti. A .Poetic Blciitlins of the Two: What Toas ter Signifies: Some Eeilectioiis for Argus Keatlers. Daily Argus of Saturday. Oa the morrow throughout tbe Christian world tbe gL.d song will be, Christ is risen from the dead, and men u-'d angels will sig Hal lelujahs to the resurrected Lord. Flowtr-deckcd altars, pealing or gans, glorious Te Deutns and worshipping millions, throughout the Christian wor'J, will proclaim the grandest truth ever given to man, that death has boon con quered by the Sjq of G el! Oa that first Easter daj-, in fan away Jud:a, the ai'gal who kept watch in tha rock-hewn tomb told the story of tho resurrection of the body which through tbe ages has brought comfort to countless millions of bleeding hearts who mourned their dead. "He is not here; lis is risen," has been whispered by the voices of angels to hearts that criod cut ic agony above newly mace graves through -the centuries that make up the world's history. To the souls that have been crucified on dark Good Fridays the beautiful story cf the R:isurrc:ion brings hope and comfort. Because the tomb w here tbe Saviour lay is empty, save for the whito-wiugod angel who guard-s the szered spot, Christendom r j 'ices and keeps the g'orious Easter Diy. The agony of the cross is past; the silent sleep iu the tomb is over; the risen Cbrist proclaims that 'death is swallowed up in victory" and saints on earth and saints above sing hallelujahs to ''Him who hath put all things under His fee, even that list enemy, Death," Easter lilies, like sweet white swinging censers, wilt carry the story of the Resurectiou far cut upon the winds of heaven; hucuan voices will chant songs of tri umph in Goa's temples and holj priests will tell of the levo and sacrifice of tha blessed Saviour for mankind. The beautiful Eas ter Day finds the world eager to listen to the story of the liiur rectiou, whether told in song, in the fragrance of spring fl jwers or from the. lips of priest and pastor. The world is growlog better and each Easter Day fiads it a step advanced towards the mils lenium time. Those accustomed to welcome Easter with reverent rcjaicing. as a day of tbe highest spiritual significance, are apt to feel re-gretful,-df not resentful, at the apparent secularization of this "queen of "feasts," in tho popular observance that has io recent years become so conspicuous. The decoration of the shops, the display of Cowers m the streets, tbe Easter emblems in the win dows, seem to cheapen the exalted sentiment of the day. Yet all i tress j bid 3 t: i i rce I,,, airgs art !.e pov: ia a sonse a tri r of the E-esur the ! 11a. ;:c o a Veii uocfi th i fi-3 e. , i : Wui'laly iiv wi 'tner. I. is cm ai w. ly at s and 1 !.:.;! o E islcr f a pag ingns'i name to !; ,1 derived t--,ri :i of ftS'Jvii to ' 1 e :;cs o bt;r:rg; ana mooe.t it i ; ev to uei-ttvt on rite r;cgr,n ic t!i;t i a; ' : must h e ae soeiattd som iu -z o( !-; puf e? natural with the re-i-vakeni.-? of the d mi -r.f f !1 S. , ? r tij'ji ire nt would h cf win'er. ua'urali y sot easeiei of utik a own thankssivir.g : ii .v! tho (v. ming r-pr -0 Oi.1: 11 VOT- . Vi,i : cttne the t.o;'S'!.-.n courclj nro t. sun 0Ci ton, Li.:d o'i '. i. .. ; tiov o i ! s i I i o- or r. ilo -a wore galhcr.-d up -ru v:i o.io a'1 r to, oi fiitb ia tho trluo.p'i of ilu risr Lerd. THE TEN GKTS $10,000. ('omaiittce's AVarraut Tin'otscd hy Capt Day. Ralo'gh Now.? acd Cbierver. The pcbttciit'ury a ppvopi i.iL;oc deadlock was brekon yotordey. And tho pabho till is this m rniog $10 000 poorer because of the bvfrpk, thr-t amount beirg i 0 V O . . O -J L ; O.O- L , or: i o m.ttee oi .bo oeer h er.l, Ilorofu o i n We d"( sd.iy, it x'ill bo rorieoji'.:-.-;ru , to h'jnor too oraer oi mo c-eoiotito'-, sot;-ssv5, OJo.f , aod Tiovie, for thi amount. T(-.U x. fusal ho b.io-ed on the grou od that tho question cf the right to m,neg3 the peni tentiary new b.iag iu litigation he could net ray out- the State's money until cfiioially a-ivisod by the court os to who was the proper persoo to reciVw it, The failure to get this money made things lock qoiie serious for the peoiieutiary. It wou'd buy many things this $10 000 for many thing-i were n jod.d by tbo i o s t i utioa and there wore no funds with which to pui c'u-ise It crops -were to be raiiod oa the Stain farms they am;! first be pian'ed. To do thid new stock and farming implements must be obtained, fertilizers must be pur chased and seeds bc-uobe; to say eoihor g of supplies for the cons viot s. Tho Fu donists hod L t th'ngs generally goto wrick and ruin. To repair the damage theL-gis ' lature had appropriated $50,000 and now becaueo cf litigation ucr tho me-odgomotit of tha in stitution tho apOiO.p'ial ion was not available, 'ho State Teca- urer not caring to tiki ary chaaco on the deoisioa of th.3 Bapresi-. court. The Gordian hoot w 3 cut by Cap'tiiu Day, As tho rooooy w air to be spout in improvtmonts that must be med?, no matter which side won, he yes erdcty morning endorsed tho worrar.t of the exe cutive committee of tho new board. This do so the Slate Treasurer was rolLvod o? all re sponsion; iy and ho Tjromp'Jy forked over the $10,000. "The ptnitenii;ry ought cot to he cripp'eo1,'' said Copt. Day, "and if males end supphes .are to be bought' they ought io be. bought now My vv'c to ti e oomoait'ee cow inccouol-is logo on regardless of the p'-uiikig de cision as if they wore geir-g to run the instilut-ior-for aii t?me. I want the penitentiary to be seif sustainirg. I want it to be sue eessful, no matter whes'e hande it's ia." The warrant was signed by "E. L. Travis and W, H. Oaborn, executive committee of the board of directors," and endorsed by 'W H. Day, superiutendeat of the penitentiary." Mr. Travis left on the noon train for the State farms, to make some further investigation as to the manner in which this money ougbt to be expended. Ke I i' in Six Hours. Dislrossrn Kidney and Bladdoi Disea.-e relieved in six hoars by 'oNevv Great South American KiJney Cure." It is a creat saprlte on accouut of its exceeding promptness in ivlio lr,g pain in bladder, kidneys and back, ia malt or female. Kelieves retention of watei almost Immediately. If yoa want quick relief and cure this is the reruody. Sold by M. E. Robinson & LJro., Druggist., (Joldsboro, JST. C. i 7W T"T SJ JL v. JL JL r 1 We have on display at our store 1,000 yds. of this new matting and, like everything else American, is the best ar ticle in its line in existence. The following are only a few of the many testimonials we can show you in regard to its wearing qualities. Guthrie, Oklahoma, Oct. 2nd, 1898. Air. Geo. W. Allen, Northwestern Grass Twine Co., Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir: Replying to yours of the 2(Ah inst., requesting an opinion as to the durability grass iloor matting in the say that we regard your matting as the peer of any thing m the marKet, in its line. We conservatively estimate that 200,000 people have walked over the same, but find it none the worse for wear. Yours very truly, (Signed) A, T. Riley, Commissioner. Omaha, Nebraska, Noyember 1st, 1898. This is to certify that ve have had in our booth in-the Trans-Mississippi Exposition on our floor, a quantity of grass matting manufactured by the North western Grass Twine Company. The matting has been in constant hard use for the past six months but shows at this time very little wear. We cannot speak in too high terms of the wear ing qualities of the matting manufactured by the above Company. (Signed) The Standard Sewing Machine Company, Per A. M. Thompson. Omaha, Nebraska, November 2nd, 1898. Mr. Geo. W. Allen, Algr., Northwestern Grass Twine Exhibit, Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir: The grass floor matting you put on the floor of our factoiy exhibit in the Maunfacturers' Building, has proven perfectly satisfactory in every way. We had ten girls working on sewing machines in the exhibit for five months, and where their chairs were pushed back and forth over the matting it shows no perceptable wear. It also held its color well, and after five months wear seems as good as new. We cheerfully recom mend your matting as the best we have ever used. Yours truly, (Signed) M. ESmith & Co. This matting; is made of prairie grass and is woven in such a way that it will wear twice as long as the best China or Japanese mat ting. We also have the rugs to match matting. See this before buying anew coat for your floors Yours truly, foyall 5: BoMci). Beit aod Nec.K Clasps. The newst designs, the latest styles and the low est prices. Something new in Mat pins. Call in and inspect thm. -Engraving free. Jeuuelry, Watches, : Clocks, Cleaning, jRepairincJ, etc. lylusical Instruments: and Supplies, ; iy ur JL JL and wearing qualities of the Oklahoma Exhibit, would . D. Gifldens, Jeweler and Engraver.