Tbs National Bask of Goldsbarf Waste yu basfness &ad wfD be glad t talk r eorrpeBt Argus THi Kitiml Bask of Saliiborc Goldsuoro 6CK with yo GEO. A. NOEWOOD, President M. J. BEST, Tlce-Presldf- Comatj : - f- GEO. A. NORWOOD, PreMdemt. GEO. C KOKNEG AT, CasMer. No loothing strains of Maia's son, Can lull its kandrei eyes to sleep. Tbi Aru o'er th peopla'a right Dotk an eternal rigi! keep; GCVLDSBORO, 3ST. O.. THURSDAY EVENING, .FEBRUARY 26, 1914 NO. 124 y i - , - . - : , -. .... : -, . . . .-, -: , - . .... .... .... . : , - . - . i ! - . V OL. LX . ; ...!..- SENATE WILL TAKE j UP MEXICAN MATTER Discussion Will be Carried on . Behind Closed Doors IS WISH OF PRESIDEI1 State Department Has Asked Villa that Benton's Body be Sent to His V id. ow, but so Far o Answer Has Been Given. ! Washington, Feb. 22. Regardless of whether or not the execution of Wil liam S. Benton, a British subject, by General Villa, was justified, today's dc velopments emphasized clear Jy that protection of foreigners in Mexico bar become a commanding problenj of in creased international importaiy:J, ap preciated no less by President jY.'ilsoi than by leaders in Congress. linen these were the day's developments. After a conference with President Wilson, Acting Chairman Shivcly, of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee, and members of the committee reached an understanding that tho .Hnn if tnk n n in Senate, should be closed doors. Pending resolutions, lookin to bet ter protection for foreigners soon " be taken up by the Senate. , Discusison in the British Parliament of the Benton incident was read wu-5 , much interest by officials who pbserv- j .1. . ed particularly that the United States was not held responsible by Sir Ed ward Grey for the death of Benton. The British embassy announced that the British consul at Galvestonj Texas has been ordered to El Paso to assist in the inquiry concerning Bentou, but In no way to interfere with thq Amer ican, investigation. i Intimations were received through semi-official channels that marines would be landed by Japan and France to act as legation guards in j Mexico City, along with those of Great Brit ain and Germany. j 1 That the Huerta government is noi averse to the sending of foreign lega tion guards to Mexico City is known here officially, but the United, States for the present, at least, will not fol low the course of other nations. The whole tenor of the Mexican sit nation, while revealing no. unusual ac tivity, reflected the same anxiety and perplexing tangles which have charac terized it during days ot extreme iC sion. j If yon have money you SOMETIMES have trouble. If yoa don t have money you ALWAYS have trouble. .Sohe your MOSEY TROUBLES ! taking p few shares of Building and Loan stock. Readily convertible into CASH .and absolutely safe. V. E.jStrou Secretary. j OYER SEVEN THOUSAM ; BANKS IN N E W SYSTEM Less Than Fifty National Banks oi , Country Failed to Kespoik" ; Favorably. j Washington, Feb. 23. The n?w .ft' eral reserve system will be??-" Al ness with a membership of j ' 1 7,500 banks. This was appa ent o night when, at the close ofjtne . ':-st day on which national banf ) co .ld signify their intention of accepting tlie terms of the currency law, less than 50 of the 7,493 national banks of the country had failed to respond favor ably. More than enough state institu tions have applied for membership tc bring the total to 7,500. Official count of the banks and tabulation; or ihoir resources and liabilities tomorrow wil1 begin at the treasury department. .Most of the insti'.uticns that hav ir.tr. the new system; are con'- UUb 111 V naratively email, and if o'iur-'e that 97 rser cent, of all the caui si "V- resources in the pre .tent nafona! K ' system is represented by those who applications are in. j Suppoose you should loe yo;r 'Uon, would you have money. o f; back on or would you be compelled t faU back on your fricndsl Take o.v some Bunding & Loan stock now and fall back on that if trouble comes Absolutely safe. .W. E. Stroud, Sec rotary.: " . MEN CAN LIVE without insurance; it is dying without it that causes hardship. .The great service of insurance lives when your life fails. Jtfational Life Insurance Co. of Vt (Mutual) I H. M. HUMPHBEY, State Mgr Goldsboro. N. 0. PAY Deposed Governor of Jiew York Starts Letral Action to Secure Salary For Full Term of Office, j AH.anv, N. Y., Feb. 23. William Sulzer loJay instituted legal proceed ings before-Justice Aid en Chester, of the Supreme Court, with the purpose of regaining the Governorship from which he was removed last October. An order was issued by the j court commanding Comptroller Zohmer to appear and show cause why a writ of mandamus, compelling him to pay the former Governor his full salary ;as the occupant of that office, should not be iss-tied. Mr. Sulzer previously ; had made a written demand on Mrj Zoh mer for his salary. When A'torney General Carmody notified Justice Chester that he jwould oppose the granting of the writ, the court said he intended to refuse it as ;. matter of lav, holding that the court of impeachment had passed on the coientkns of Mr. Sulzer. j An agreement then was made be tw n the aitorney general anj Col- nn(.i Alexander S. Bacon, counsel lor 'i v-. civor tn facilitate the deitermi- ', fnation of 'the questions involved by .' V, Gt-.ir. tjnnl'dlllfi Cnlirt- ! I I f The contentions raised by m- Sul- j SULZER WANTS FULL tak n up; in "- 7Gre were 1)as3ed on fully by thel court the State Geologist out gave engmwi discussed jbehiim ; ilM.,ei,chment. Chief among! them ing assistance to the officials at that i aro that the Assembly's action in lm- . . v. ; .-, rr- v ; , vi was lie tra I : of inipeaclirnetlt was illegally or- ganized; that six members of the court hafl no right tQ sit and tnat the acts which he was charged went corn- he took office. I llt'iil lilll 11- ' " ' Affidavits signed by Albert Ti Gey- er. Democrat; George W. Jndgq, Pro gressive, and Clinton,. T. Horton, Re publican, all. members of the Assem bly in 1913, were filed with the peti tion. Mr. Geyer swore that although he attended the session of the Assem bly when the impeachment resolution was adopted, he had no advance no tice that it was to be r resented. Messrs. Jude and Horton swore that they had no notice of pending im peachment proceedings and that if the-y had teen present they would have voted against the resolution. j This is the first proceeding institut e;l by Mr. Sulzer to test the validity of his removal from office. Two other- actions have been started by residents of New York City, but the former Gov ernor has disclaimed any connection w ith them. BATSO-FlTLTO'. A Wilmington Marriape.In Which Manj Goldsboro People Will Be Interested. i From the Wilmington Star of yes- terday we copy the following marriage notice in which the bride was Miss Bessie Fulton, a former Goldsboro young lady and of the family j of the T. O. 0,'F. Orphan Home here: j "At the home of Mr. and Mrs,. B. H. Marshall, No. 81 4 Orange street, last night at 7:45 o'clock Miss Bessie Bea irice Fulton, daughter of Mrs. jjas. U. arden, was given in marriagei to Mr. Jesse Jacob Batson, the officiating minister being Rev. W. G. Hallj pastor f Southside Baptist church. The wed iing was a very quiet affair and there were only a few friends present...: The jride is a youii'? ia.:y vi uf-'-a Personality and has a - host o-.ji'T'cnds who will extend fclicit?. Jor -- me -room is with the Bra.'.sha v Furnifar? Company and is a young lfian of hrieht. nromise. The young couple will make their home at Sixth street. No. 415 South Stamp Pads Carbon Papert Type writer Ribbons at Goldsboro Drug Company. ; PRESIDENT HARRISON SPEAKS. I ilvad of Southern Will Cooperate i" lieielopha: W stern Carolina. Ashev'llc, Feb. 23. At a represen .. .. ; . . . ; r ative mass 111 C '"'til)" Oi lirounm.iii ens os A LeviPe nd the seven coun- .3? representing the Greater Western ::' h Carolina association, President . : - u trriscn. oT the Southern rail Ti:.j r .ernoon made his first pub j a; pearanc.e heie since becoming i-e bead of the system. He expressed his pleasure in addressing citizens of thi3 section and sta'ted that; he ex pects to lend the same co-operation in developing western North Carolina as was given by President Finley. tie said that the resources of the system will first be devoted to improving present lines In the system before any new lines are built. That he hopes to have a main line through ,Astievllie and better euipment over all ines. He said that double tracks will; be built wherever feasibl Shinon cleans! Bath Tubs Porce lain ware Tile Hearths, 25c. at Golds tar Drug Company; THE OLD NORTH STATE WHAT SHE IS SOW UPLIFT AM) DOING FOR GOOD ROADS. I Chapel Hill, Feb. 23, 1914. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geol ogist, will this week visit the convict Camps at Bat Cave, Henderson county, and Walnut, Madison county. He will also look over the roads of Polk coun ty,? which are being built by bond is sue. On Friday, the 27th, he will give lec tures at the University of Tennessee before the School of Road Engineer ing. At the Annual Convention of the North Carolina Good Roads Associa tion, which was held in Morehead City last July, it was decided to amalga mate this Association with the Na tional I Highway Association; and, through this amalgamation, it has been possible for the North Carolina Good Roads Association to employ a Road Engineer and Field Organizer. The one, who has been secured for this work, is Mr. D. Tucker Brown, formerly of the Virginia Higway Com- mission, and Mr. Brown took charge on February 1st. He began work at Whitovi P ( n Minimis CUUULV. wucic he not only held a public meeting with place. ; inis wee. u Biib that theineering services to tne town oi ivie- bane and Alamance county in connec toin with the location of a link of tho Central Highway from the Orange county line toward Haw River, f t H. M. BERRY, Secretary, N. C. Geological & Economic Survey. G0LDSB0R0 IS FAVORED THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY THE COUNTY AND THE PUB I LIC TO HAVE DISTIN GUISHED LECTURER. OF The Wayne County Medical Society, constitute1 as it is of nearly, if, not quite all the regularly practising phy sicians of the county, as well as our citizens in general are to have a real ly notable scientific lecturer with them on Wednesday of this week for both a day and an evening lecture. The day -lecture will be with the physicians as an organized society. The evening lecture will be in the Chamber of Commerce, to which the public in general, both men and wo men, are cordially invited and urged to attend. The i lectin er in question is Dr. H L,.! Wright, and the following letter sent to every physician in the county including one to the Argus, explains the object of the visit and under what auspices he comes: Dear Doctor: One of the objects and purposes of the Southern Medical Association is to stimulate an interest among physicians and the public in health problems that affect the South, and to aid the county medical socie ties in building up and increasing in terest ? in their organization. With this end in view we have re cently been most fortunate in securing the services of Dr. H. L.. Wright, who until recently has been in the employ of the Alabama State Board of Health. Dr. Wright is originally from Okla- homaj practicing there for some years. He is one of the first graduates of Tulane with the degree of "Doctor of Public Heclth" and he is also a Chau tauqua lecturer of considerable repu tation. ! Dr. Wright will be in Goldsboro. Wednesday, Feb. 25th, 1914. He will ! be glad to address the physicians of the county duiing the day on "Medical ' Organization" and "What County Med- i(al soci -ties May Do in Public ! Health Work," and address the public - ! at night on some health topic. Pos. i ., ' , , enrvtf, lnpal nr(l!l ; uuii uu l-iay uavc duu.v i iem. I Tell him wnat it is anu rnj can help you. If you have some doctors who have not joined the society, who would be desirable, get them out to the doctor's meeting and 1 am sure he will convince them that their place is with organized medicine. Tell him about these things. He is with you to help you in any way that he can. I hope you will co-operate with the j other physicians in making these meetings of great benefit to your so ciety and the commanity. If electric current is available Dr. Wright can -use ! his ctereopticon at the public meeting and thereby make his address more interesting. Dr. Wright is a thorough gentleman, and I will aptxeciate any kindness or 'courtesy that you may snow mm while with you. i Very truly yours, SEAUB HARRIS, Secretary. THE GOLDSBQBO FLORAL GO. Institution Has Good Reason For Its Marvelous Growth of Business In This Section. (New Bern Son.) A day or so ago a representative of The Sun spent several' hours in Golds boro. This in itself is not such a phe nomenal occurrence as to be worth recording, but while in GoldsboroThe Sun man became acquainted intimate ly with one of Eastern Cvolina's most growing and most deserving enter prises. The Goldsboro' Floral Company, ar The Sun man had the pleasure of see ing for himself, carries on a business whose magnitude' is not generally known. This company furnishes cut flowerr for a large part of Eastern Carolina drawing much trade from New Bern It makes a specialty of decoration? for social affairs. There are a large number of regular customers who habitually give orders for bouquets When the number of dances and other functions necessarily calling for thf purchase of flowers is considered, i is easy to see why the company docs such an enormous business through out this section. Ten expert florists are empolyed by the Goldsboro Floral Co., which has four spacious feet each. reenhouscs, 32 by 200 j ! Mr. S. A. Starr, owner of the busi-1 ness, is vice-president of the Society j of American Florists. It's easy to save if you make the start and it is easy to start with us, W e open new series March 1st. Shares 2."c. per week. Absolutely safe. Golds boro Building & Loan Association. "THE SMART SET" TOMORROW NIGHT- "The Smart Set" will be seen in the Messenger Opera House on Wednes day night of this week. This is by far the best musical and vaudeville combi nation of all colored talent on the stage and always give a clean and en joyable performance. The right dress circle is reserved exclusively for white patrons. Ink Mucilage Sealing Wax Gold Paint Library Paste at Goldsboro Drug Company. Colds, constipation and headache are three common auctions and re lieving the constipation helps the cold and stops the headache. Use Foley Cathartic Tablets because they are very prompt and thoroughly cleansing, with absolutely no unpleasant effects. A whole bottle full for 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. The Goldsboro Building & Loan As sociation opens their 31st scries on March 1st. Shares 25c. per week. worth $100.00 at maturity. .Absolutely safe. W. E. Stroud, Secretary. Schoo. DON'T The Contest on the Written eopie P Will SATURDAY, FEB. 28TH REMEMBER! We will give $5.00 I -C LD to the boy or girl who writes the Best Essay on the Peoples Bank, its advantages; what it has done, and is doing for Goldsboro. ir eepiies OPEN SATURDAYS 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. AS WE GO ALONG Mr. Walter M "Donnell, one of the ablest sales mat aers today in the United States, in personal letter to ; the Secretary of ti e Chamber of Com- j merce, makes tfrs most interesting! comment: i "I have lately -eturned from Wesi ' Virginia where made an extended j stay and had an oi lortunity to renew my acquaintance with commercial cities that depend on manufacturing for their growth and wealth. I came back still further convinced that the South is going to repeat the history of the middle West and the, Wes which I saw grow up during my youth and early manhood. "I hope to be able to visit you i? Goldsboro sometime within the yeai and I know if I am able to do so, I will see a good live town and find that it has advanced considerably through the able efforts of its Chamber o Commerce." It is hoped that the people of the ! South themselves see as clearly the dawn of the new and greater South and realize the possibilities that lie ir this benignant and rich section of the, United States. Of all the States ir the South, North Carolina is the mos favored. It is located mid-way be tween the North and South. Its eu- able climate cannot be surpassed in all the world. Its natural resources form j the foundation for a tremendous i growth, and of all the cities in North Carolina, Goldsboro is the best. Everybody's playing Rook get pack at Goldsboro Drug Company. A DIFFERENCE IN EATING. Why don't you try to earn your liv ing?" "Well," answered Meandering Mike, "it's dis way: When I eats dis way I gits cold turkey an' mince pie. If I depends on me earning capacity I'm liable to get sinkers an' weak cof fee." THOSE STUPID MEN. A crabbed old misogynist said to Ethel Barryrnore at a dinner in Bar Harbor : "Woman! Feminism! Suffrage! Bah! Why, there isn't a woman alive who wouldn't rather be beautiful than intelligent." "That's because," said Miss Barry more, calmly, "so many njen are stupid while so few are blind." WANTED TO BUY Old and Second Hand Books, any quantity. No text or medical books wanted. Ye Old Book Shop, Asheville' N. C. fo-tf Pan-Cre-To cures Indigestion, Dys pepsia and all stomach and liver troubles. Williams' Drug Store. r. n..i j fniinr anil shnrhisss r or mat uicu ".'.""o nf breath, take Pan.Cre-To. It re- i i v no. the cause, at Wil- lie V CB Ujr nma? nmir fitnrp Chi ren FORGET Best Essay to on the he Evenings, 7 to 9:00 Bank IBamik FLAG RAISING ALSO INTERESTING EXERCISES IN CELEBRATION OF NORTH CAROLINA DAY. Yesterday, Feb. 23, the Jr. 0. U. A M., of Mt. Olive, presented the Dob bersville Public school a beautiful Bi ble and Urited States flag.. Mr. Eld ridge, of Mt. Olive, and a member of the Mt. Olive Junior Order, made the presentation speech. - Mr. Eldridge spoke earnestly for the reading of the Bible in the public schools, and eloquently of the flag which stands for liberty the world over. County Superintendent E. T. Atkin son in behalf of the teachers, pupils and patrons accepted the Bible and flag. He also complimented the Dob bersivlle people on the progress they are making along educational lines. The present school at Dobbersville was made possible by the consolida- tion of a one teacher school in Wayne rnnntv with a one teacher school dis trict of Sampson county. In the place of a little dirty one room school house, which was a disgrace to the county s few years : go, now stands a large twe room school house, painted, with r belfry and flag pole, the house also hplng well equipped with desks an black-boards, etc. The people of the Dobbersville con solidated district paid by private con tributions one half of the cost of th building, Wayne county paying on fourth and Sampson county one l'ourtr Before consolidation the school, record shows an enrollment of 39 pupils, av: erage attendance 22. The present rec ord shows an enrollment of 106, aver age attend? nee 86. Mr. W. A. Cartel is principal of the school, assisted b: Miss Sola Pritt. By invitation of the Mt. Olive Jun iors, Col. A. C. Davis, of this city, wa? present, as the orator of the day, to speak on the principles of the Junio Order. Mr. B. F. Sasser, member or the school committee and also a mem ber of the Mt. Olive Junior Order, ir Well chosen language end -splendid delivery introduced Col. Davis to th' great audience. Coh Davis spoke foT an hour, holding the attention of al1 present. Col. Davis made one of hic great speeches, which will be long remembered at DobbersviPe, and at ib close was given great applause. Mr. A. A. Miller, the photographer was present and made a picture of th' school The good women of the district fur nished dinner in picnic style, whicl was, it is needless to say, thoroughly enjoyed by all present. FALLING CREEK ITEMS. Misses Margaret Cox and Stella Benton of Calypso, spent Saturday and Sunday at their home here. Mr. Will Rose and son, Landis, of mt rHve were visitors at Mr. jonn . Smith's Sunday. Mr Henrv Massey had as guests I ..... . " I Sunday his mother, Mrs. J. T. Massey i nnri brother Mr. Dock iviassey .in j Princeton. Messrs.- Archie Smith, Asia Bass. Roland Gurley, Preston and Aaron Johnson of .Rosewood, were visitors in the community last Sunday. ' North Carolina Day was appropri I t'tely celebrated in the school here last ! Friday. The r rogram consisted of I selections regarding farm and home. ! life. : i Mr. Herbert Barnes of this section ! nnri Miss Sadie Fitzgerald of Kenly. I were married at the home of the ! bride's parents last Wednesday after- ! noon. Immediately after the ceremony 1 the bride and groom left for the lat i ter s home, wnere a. -in,ci)uu-: i given. ..... Mistses Dessie, Gelrtie and Sudie Grantham attended the reception last j Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ophe- l lia Barnes. ! The Quarterly Conference-.of the Mt. I Olive M. R. Circuit convened at Fall ! in Creek Methodist church last Sat urday. A number of delegates were present from the other churcnes 01 tho circuit, iroimr Boll of Fa!:;ff Creek School. First Grade Sudie Cox, David Grantham, Ella Rose,. William Cox, Marv Bell Cox, James Daniels, Jimmie Weaver, Glennie Weaver, Robie Coats, 1 George Coats. j Second Grade Sallie Brown, Len i wood Hood, Henry Murphy, Rosa Pitt mr.T). Annabelle Coats, Pah House. Third Grade Isabel Cox, yioia Hood, Wille Neel, Walter Reaves, Tom- wnri Harvev House, Josepmne ilX J S , - . Rose.'" Fourth Grade Harry Daniels, Zel- der Pittman, Ludie Warrick. Fifth Grade Goldie Herring, Sixth Gra Je Albert McCullen, Hor Blackman, Willie ICUDC Afc.vwvj Hill. Grade Delodlus Brown, SENATE AND HOUSE COMMITTEES BUSY With Tentative Drafts of Trade Commiss tn Bill THE . PBESISErT'S KiEiS Snb-Conimittee.Wrestliiisf Willi Prob lem of Limitation to Bis Busings The Jurisdiction of the i'ro. . posed 'o2)i;ni-;:(H;. Washington, Feb. 2'i. Memi:c;'s o- the Senate and House Inter-State Commerce committees today were busy W'ith tentative drafts of the pro posed inter-State ;trade ..commission bill, but no conclusions were an nounced. The House sub-committee, headed by Representative Covington, of Mary land,' is wrestling with the problem o limiting to "big" business the jurisdic tion of the proposed commission. Hie tentative section to cover this poin says: "That all corporations, joint stock ompanies and corporate combimumn engaged in commerce among the sev eral States or with foreign nations, ex cept corporations, joint stock compa nies -and corporate combinations, sub . ect to the inter-State commerce:- act and its amendment, having annua! gross receipts of $3,000,000 -or more, or having annual gross receipts of less than $3,000,000, but belonging, to such classes of corporations, stock oo:ii:a nies, and corporate combinations- a-. che commission may in its discretion determine, shall furnish to the com mission annually such information, statements and records ot their or ganization, bondholders and stock holders, business practices and rela tions to other corporations, joint stock companies and corporate co-mblnaiivjnF as the emmission shall require." Views of the President, who has in dicated that the trade commission bil1 is first in importance among the pro posed measures, are expected to pre vail in the bill when the sub-committee reports it. It is proposed to have only big business subject of the juris diction, of the trade commission bin how a limit shall be fixed remains. an open question. The President has suggested the dif ficulty of framing a limitation in terms of dollars and that it might be im practicable to exempt all concerns un der $5,000,000 capitalization from the commission inquisitorial powers. We open our 31st Series March 1st. Come in with us and get on the roa to INDEPENDENCE. .Absolutely safe. Goldsboro Building & Loan Associa tion. : Brass Polish Silver Polish Floor Wax at Goldsboro Drug Co. LOOK AHEAD SAVE NOW. In Hie future "yon .will.-look back and thank your stars tiiat Jou iookcu ahead. New sehies March lt. Absolutely'-' safe. -Goldsboro Building & Loan Association. TO THE PUBLIC. Owing to the fact that so many peo ple are moving into our city, and it being impossible for me to ascertain who are f questionable character, I will thank any one that knows of ob jectionable parties trying to rent or buy any property I have in charge to notify me. Their communication will he kept strictly confidential. E. K EDMUNSON, 10d-f20 Real Estate Hustler. SALESMEN WANTED Fifteen sales men are wanted at once good pa. M. N. EPSTEIN. Glaucus A. Bryant (Licensed Under North Car. Statute) CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Experience 1906-1914. WILSON, S. C. Consultation, Court WoTk and Surveys- Given Special Attention All surveys made through this of fice, either by assistants, or myself, are guaranteed to be accurate. We invite' and extend to you and your friends the courtesy of this office for information, or we will be glad to call upon you at your convenience. Chloe Pittman, Mary Rhodes. Eighth Grade Henry Massey, Frank. Rhodes. Ninth Grade Hattie Holland, Edna Pittman, E. A. Stevens, David Rose, Luby Warrick. Tenth Grade Annie Sutton.

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