eMUh4 rery AlUrnoom W Bund?. ' ' mi tii Alters iuBMSHise ce. JOS. K. ROBINSON.. ..KtUtor. DAILY ABGUS. ,.... 15.00 ...i...L26 .eo On Year Six Months Three Months.. . .- One Month. . One Week:. SEMI-WEEKLY. ..L.. 11.00 One Year Six Months... Three Months .60 Entered at the Postofflce in Golds boro as second class mall matter. CHEERLN'G SIGXS. The Florida Times-Union interest ingly suggests that if every ear of corn or head of wheat raised in tho United States this year should contain one grain more" than those of the last harvest, ear lor ear and head for head, the country's grain supply and its wealth would be greatly increased, without additional acreage or labor. "Careful seed selection and scientific cultivation," the Times-Union adds, "would in time, bring about such a re sult." The fact is that very result is now being brought to pass in states that are alert to new methods and hew ideas of agriculture. North Carolina's average acre yield of corn has! notably- increased in the last six years. The work of the boys' corn clubs has been wonderfully productive and has brought fresh energy and fore- Good Time Now I For Blood Health Energies Are . More Keen and Respond Quickly to Help. If you are down with rheumatism ; If you sneeze, feel chilled, are choked with catarrh, have a cough, or your skin la pimpled and irritated with rashj eczema, t: any other blood disorder just remem ber that all the ills of life come from im pure blood. And yon can easily give your blood a good thorough cleansing, a bath by using S. S. S. There is no need for anyone to be despondent over the illness of blood Impurities. No matter how badly they attack the system, or how unsightly becomes the skin, just remember l there is one ingredient in S. S. S. that So stimu lates the cellular tissues throughout ; the body that each part selects its i own es sential nutriment from the blood. t This means that all decay, all break ing down of the tissues, is checked and repair work begins. S. S. S. has such a specific influence on all local cells as to preserve their mutual welfare and afford a proper relative assistance to each other. For many years people relied npon Mer cury, Iodide of Potash, Arsenic, "Physics," Cathartics and ''Dope" as remedies for blood sickness, but now the pure vegetable 8. S. S. is their safeguard. I You can get S. S. S. in any drug store, 1 but insist upon haying it. And you should take no chance by permitting anyone to recommend a substitute. And i if your blood condition is such that you would like to consult a Specialist freely, address Medical Dept., The Swift Specific Co., 218 tswiit t-'iQ., Atlanta, ua. f The right invariably triumphs at least that is the feeling a man always has when he happens to beat the other fellow to it. The Best Consrh Medicine. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since I have -been keep ing house," says L. C. Hames, of Mar- bury, Ala. "I consider it one of the best remedies I ever used. My chil dren have all taken it and it works like a charm. For colds and whoop- ping cough it is excellent." For sale by all dealers. A college professor classes vanity along with fear, love and hunger as r primary element that controls humar action. In feminine humanity it maker fear, love and hunger seem incidental $100 REWARD, $100V The readers of this paper pleased to learn that there is will be at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, j Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall Ca tarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and j mucous surfaces of the system, thereby j de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by b 'Iding up the constitution and i as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its ourative powers' that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fals to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., To ledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c Take fall's Family PUTs for consti sight Into every department of farm ing. ;: ' : ! : A skilled farm demonstrator in every agricultural county will open the way for practical, widespread ap plication of scientific knowledge The result will inevitably be richer in pro duction on less land and with less la bor. : j ; The United States has lagged many years behind Europe in agricultural development, but there are cheering signs that this country is .now awak ening to the basic importance of the farm and that a new era of food pro duction is at hand. I Health Restored by Eckman's Alterative Glandular trouble, very frequently di agnosed by physicians as "Tuberculosis la the Glands," has been found to yield to Eckman's Alterative when other treat ments did not bring relief. Eckman's Alterative is a medicine which, during : the past fifteen years has brought about many recoveries even in a number of supposed hopeless cases. Read this: 257 LauristonSt., Phila., Pa. "Gentlemen: In March, 1909. my doc tor pronounced my case "Tuberculosis in the Glands." and a number of operations In a hospital failed to benefit me. In the meantime a friend of mine advised Eck man's Alterative. The wounds in my neck were still open and in a frightful condition when I started to take it. After using two bottles I found I was improv ing, having gained weight, could eat and was able to sleep. I continued using it until I was well, which wna in November, 1910. On November 11, 1010. I started to work, and since that time I have not lost one day's work through sickness. I highly recommend Eckman's Alterative to any one who Is suffering from Gland trouble." (Affidavit) JOSEPH B. WHITE. (Above abbreviated: more on request.) Eckman's Alterative has been proven by many years' test to be moat efficacious for severe Throat and Lmng Affections, Bronchitis. Bronchial Astnma. Stubborn Colds and In upbuilding the system. Contains no narcotics, poisons or habit forming drugs. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries, and write to Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia. Pa., for evi dence. For sale by aU leading dm Kg 1st No man ever knows how many friends he has lost by handing them advice. The political candidate who "also ran" believes the country is short of asylums for hopeless idiots. I Does Your Stomach Trouble You? Ill ayts Wonderful Stomach Remedy Is Successfully Taken in Cases of Stomach, liver and In testinal Ailments 1 And One Dose Has Often Dispelled Years of Suffering Wonderful I will change Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy can really be termed a wonderful remedy and the benefits that it elves in many of the most chron ic cases of Stomach Trouble has spread its fame from one end of the country to the other. No matter where you live you will find people who have suffered with Stomach. Liver and Intes tinal AUments, etc.. and have been restored to health and are loud in their praise of this rem edy. There is not a day but what one hears of the wonderful results obtained from this remedy and the benefits are entirely natural, as it acta on the source and foundation ot these ailments, removing the Doisonous catarrh and bile accre tions, taking out the inflammation from the in testinal tract and assists in rendering the same antiseptic. Sufferers are urged to try one dose which alone should relieve your suffering and convince you that Mayr'sWonderful Stomach Remedy should restore you to good health Put it to a test today the results will be a revelation to you and you will rejoice over your quick re covery and once again know the joys of living. Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mavr. Mfg Chemist. 156 Whiting St..Chicaeo. or better still, obtain a bottle from your druggist, t ooldsboro Drug Co. If the world owes every man a liv ing, the millionaires must be preferred creditors. Colds, constipation and headache are three common auctions and re lieving the constipation helps the cold and stops the headache. Use Foley Cathartic Tablets because they are very prompt and thoroughly cleansing. with absolutely no unpleasant effects. A whole bottle full for 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. Even after a man has lost all conn- dence in himself he may refuse to give the undertaker a show. Cold. Cougtw. WcakLunn. Weak Throats. Ay Cheny Pectoral crs Sold for 70 yean One kind of a nuisance is alwayp telling you that "you ought to take i - something for that before late." it is too 'Here We Have It! TheBest Medicine Made lot Kdney and BtadderTroubles" PJIXS for Backache, H ivneumausm. Kidneys and T)laM nnn StomachRemedy III Y(i roLcv iIfSZT7? Methodist Minister &ecommndf ) Chamberlain's Cough Berne"?. Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, Minn., writes:! "Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has been a needed and welcome guest in our home for a number of years, j I highly recommend it to my fellows : as being a medicine worthy of trial In cases of colds, coughs and croup." Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and we are confident you will find it very effectual and con tinue to use it as occasion requires for- years to come, as many others have done. For sale by all dealers. Every girl has her ideal, but the difficulty is in getting him to propose. 1VOXDERFUL COUGH REMEDY. Dr. King's New Discovery Is known everywhere as the remedy which will surely stop a cough or cold. D. P. Lawson of Eidson, Tenn. writes: "Dr. King's ! New Discovery is the most wonderful cough, cold and throat and lung medicine I ever sold in my store. It can't be beat. It sells without any trouble at all. It needs no guaran tee." This is true, because Dr. Klngs New Discovery will relieve the most obstinate of coughs and colds. Lung troubles quickly helped by its use. You should keep a bottle In the house at all times for all the members of the family. 50c. and $1.00. All drug gists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. After you have accomplished a real. ly good thing get busy again. Safe For Babies, Effective for GrowB- ! Hps. That's Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. It has the confidence of your diuggist, who knows it will give you satisfaction. W. W. Nessmith, States boro, Ga., says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in my fam ily and have sold it in my store and it never fails to cure." Refuse a sub stitute. For sale by all druggists. The reserve banks are still reserved about their locations. For Frost Bites and Chapped Skin For ! frost bitten ears, "fingers and toes; chapped hands and lips, chil blains, cold sores, red and jrough skins, there is nothing to equal Buck- len's Arnica Salve. Stops the pain at once and heals quickly. In every home there should be a box handy all the time. Best remedy for all skin dis eases,! itching eczema, tetter, piles, etc. 25c. All druggists or by mail H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Knowledge isn't always power, but it knows when to press the button. LaGrippe Leaves Its Yictims Prostrate Some victims of lagripre never fully recover the health of the lungs, and persistent coughing is weakening. The quick j action of Foley's Honey and Tar makes it valuable In severe la grippe coughs. F. G. Prevo, Bedford, Ind., writes: "Lagrippe left me with a severe cough that Foley's Honey and Tar cured, and I am back to my nor mal weight. For sale by all druggists. it's something easier to discharge an obligation than a cook. SUCCESSFUL EVERYWHERE People everywhere aro talking of the quick and fine results Foley Kid ney Pills give In backache, rheuma tism, kidney and bladder troubles. You can not take them into your sys tem without goodj-esults. That is be cause Foley Kidney Pills give to the kidneys and bladder just what nature calls for to heal these weakened and inactive organs. For sale by all drug gists. ' Those who pay as thy go usually find the going good. An Ideal Woman's Laxative. Who wants to take satis, or castor oil, when there is nothing better than Dr. King's New Life Pills for all bow el troubles. They act gently and nat urally on the stomach and liver, stim ulate and regulate your bowels and tone UP entire system. Price, 25c At al1 druggla. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St Louis. Only a foolish woman tries to reform a man by roasting him. How Is Your Boiler I It has been stated that a man's stoach is his boiler, his body is his engine and his mouth the fire box. Is you boiler (stomach) in good working order or is it so weak that it will not stand a full load and not able to sup ply the needed energy to your engine (body)? If you have any trouble with your stomach Chamberlain s Tablets will do you good. They strengthen and Invigorate the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. Many very remarkable cures of stomach trouble have been effected by them For sale by all dealers. I There is so little radium in this country that being president of a ra dium trust is a sinecure. Backache Rheumatism Vanish AwaT Men and women having bachache, rh.-umatism, stiff and swollen Joints are honestly glad to know that Foley Kidney Pills are successful every where in driving out these Ills. That is because Foley Kidney Pills are a true medicine and quickly effective in all diseases that result from weak in active ! kidneys and urinary irregu-1 JTORFOLK SOCTHERJT RAILROAD Bonis of the "SIGHT EXPRESS Schedule In effect Jan. 11, 1911. N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as Information only, and are not guaranteed. Trains Leave Goldsboro. 10:25 p. m. Daily "Night Express," pullman sleeping car, for Nor folk. Arrive Norfolk. 8 a. m. 6:50 a. m. Daily For Beaufort, Washington and llorfolk. Ar rive Norfolk 3:55 p. m. Parlor car service between New Bern and Norfolk. 3:15 p. m. Eaily For Beaufort and intermediate points. Connects at New Bern for Oriental. Trains Leave Wilson. 8:02 a. m. Daily For Washington and Norfolk. 5:03 p. m. Daily Except Sunday for Washington. 11:35 p. m. Daily "Night Express,-' for Norfolk. Pullman sleeping cars. Traits Arrive Ooldsboro. Daily 6:40 a. m., 11.25 a. m., 8:35 p. m. For further information and reser vation of sleeping car space, apply to F. W. Tatem. G. A., or J. L. Roy- all, U. T. A., Goldsboro. North Caro lina. W. A. WITT, H. S. LEARD, Gen. Supt;. G. P. A. NORFOLK, VA. PRCFE1S0I1L CARDS. F.1 CONTRACTOR Estimates on all Classes of Work. Interior Finish and Hardwood Floors a Specialty. Phone 304 J. L. N. Boney Architect Office National Bank Building. GOLDSBORO, N. C., TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt, Repaired. Cleaned and. Adjusted. All makes for Sale. Adding Machines and Ribbons, and Office Supplies. C.A.HUMPHREY. Goldsboro. N. C. Joe A. Parker INSURANCE MO REAL ESTATE 118 E.Centre Street SOTICE. Taxes For 1913- Due. At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held Feb. 2, the City Tax Collector was ordered to advertise on March 1, 1914, all delinquents tax pay ers. He was further ordered to ad vertise the property of all persons who had failed to pay their street pav ing assessments that were now past due. Those who wait and are adver tised will have no one to blame but themselves, so please come along and settle and save being advertised and cost. Respectfully, J. S. WARRICK, City Tax Collector. If you want things quick order from Williams' Drug Store. Manly For Sale -New Real Estate Mi-. Geo. "Waters' elegant 12-room dwelling on John St., located on the west side of street; has very large lot fine neighborhood, one of the best buildings in the city, recently put in fine condition; all modern improve ments. Can be bought for a short while for only $6,500 on liberal terms Mr. D. A. Sasser's valuable 200-acre farm, with one of the best 2-stofy buildings lr the county; large barns and stables, two tenant houses, two tobacco barns: land in fine state of cultivation; fine neighborhood, locat ed near Rose station, where there is a good school and church. This farm can be cut up into several small farms but at present is only offered as a whole; located ,in Fork township, where property is increasing in value all the time; seven-horse crop clear ed; good timber and fine pastures. Prices and terms may be known on application. One house and lot on West Centre St. for $1,000. ; The William Overman vacant lot on Elm St. for $1,500. Mr. P. R. King's - beautiful cottage on Beech street, for only $2,100. Two valuable house- and lots, be longing to Mr. J. W. Sasser, in Fre mont, for $2,500. Mr. Hlnes farm near Walters sta tion, E. L. Severn 296 Penhurst 2 in. COLLARS THEY MEET CLOSE IN FRONT 15 Cents, 2 for 25 Cents CLUETT, PEABODY COMPANY, MAKERS '-rl 1 The quality of your coal is of vital interest to you why not have all doubts dispelled from your mind re garding it by purchasing it from us? Our fuel is carefully cleaned, se lected coal that will give you the greatest heat per pound your money will buy and we are prepared to back this statement up with recommenda tions from people who are our cus tomers. One trial will enable us to secure your business. J. A. VINSON, The Coal and Wood Dealer. Phone 158. John G. Derr Groceries & Livery Single and Double Teams OLD EDGERTON STABLES James Street. Store Phone 178. Stables 125 Wood's Maine-grown Seed Potatoes are specially grown for seed purposes. We offer superior stocks of all the best and most productive varieties: Wood's Earliest, Irish Cobbler, Improved Early Ohio, Extra Early Sunlight, Bliss Triumph, and all other standard kinds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog for 1914, gives full descriptions and information, and also tells about all the best Farm and Garden Seeds. Catalog mailed free. Write for it. T.W. WOOD O SON3, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Don't ask us to give you the $8.00 worth of ware with a Majestic Range after our Demonstration Week, as that special offer applied to that week only the week of Monday, Feb. 9th, Smith Hardware Co. Mr. Wm. Jones valuable 2-story house and lot, on Ash Street, and also 40 acres of land, which can be cut into small tracts, just beyond the Orphan Home. Nice 2-story house and lot on Daisy street, $2,500. Nice 2-story house and lot on Daisy street $2,200. . .. 100 vacant lots on the Goldsboro Heights, cheap. Mr. B. G. Thompson's exceedingly valuable farm, near the city limits at Waynesboro, can be cut into 1,000 val uable lots, and 20 small farms; this property is the most desirable for fac tory sites, brick yard, and surburban property, having a frontage of nearly 1-2 mile o- the R. R., perfectly level, and I especially commend this to peo ple as an-investment that in my opin ion will double in value in a short while; the soil is of such a fine clay character that it can be made to jgrow over a bale of cotton to the acre; reasonable terms can be secured bv the right party; prices made knowa on application, there are 362 acres in the tract. Wire, phone or write me at any time, or call to Bee me at my new Quarters on Walnut St, 2 doors East of Nation.! Bank. Edmundsonr Goldsboro's Real Estate Hustler Plumbin Elect JOHN SLAUGHTER & CO. tut' i CO M E H ERE FOR YOUR MILL WOR K ! We are Headquarters for Everything in That Line We Sel I at Right Prices Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, "Roofing, Moulding, Frames, S torm Doors, Screen Doors, Window Screens, nil kinds Turned Work. A. T. Griffin Goldsboro, Merrily We say unto you. That if there is a it not. We know it not Every drop of SUNBEAM OLIVE Dates, New Layer Figs, New Nuts, Boneless Smoked Herring, a real nice we have the best to be had. Flour. you want the finest French Sardines BILLET BRAND. Bandor Pimentos. A fresh Importation. Bandor Macaroni. Bandor Spaghetti. Baador Conchiglie, ; W- give you prompt service at prices as LO I '. ) consistent with HIGH QUALITY. . ? , s .p Your order will be appreciated. Let ns he ' from you. " Yours truly, 1 M Of course when handliog our coal there will be more or less soiling of hands as with all other coal, but the kno wlege that you are handling the best coal will compensate for it. The coal and wood dealer. Phones 47 and 48 Advertise in the Argmis TOUR GROCERIES WILL AERITI. When we promise them. There's" no disappointment in our delivery service. They'll be exactly what you ordered, too. No palming something else on which there is a -greater profit. A trial order will prove ours a most satisfactory and satisfying grocery service. E. M. DAVIS GROCERY CO. and rical Work I 1VE CAP THE CLI3IAX in the art of fashioning frozen dainties to tickle your palate . All the finest flavors in a variety of designs or fan ciful diagrams to ornament your ban quet table. Good old-fashioned Sher bets and creams served in the good old way. Take your choice, but get the best; d net it here. ; Phone 160. ROYALL'S GROCERIES AD FACTORY West Mulberry Street TAKE YOUR WHEAT Your Corn Your Buck Wheat To The Grist Mill, rsi Co. N. C. better Coffee than ROMEO, we know OIL is a drop of QUALITY. Sunbeam New Raisins, Citron, Currants, etc. relish. Butter, 35c. to 45c. per lb Our ROYAL is sure to please. If that ever crossed the pond, try the WARNINGS! REMINDERS! ON A BURNING SUBJECT! Iff g pation. For sale by all dealers. laxities. For sale by all druggists. 1M

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