BXS2CT95X wai Tiurdy night tm the ftfks Horn, 106 Chestnut Street, which Is open daily from S:t0 to 1 a. m. Visiting brother entitled t regirt-r are cordially welcome at all tun to Lodge or Home. Magnolia Camp, No. 100, Woodmen ol the Wort, meets every Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock, In Odd Fellows' Building, second floor. Visiting brethren In good standing welcome. Bmfita Lodge, No. ft, Knights ef Phjth iaa meets every Friday night in Castle Hall, second floor,. Odd Fel lows' building, John Street, at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting .Knightly cordially welcome. el'sboro CoancC, No. 19, Jr. 0. U. A. 1L, meet? every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Junior Order Hall, second floor. Odd Fellows Building, John treet Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. Wayne Lodge 112, A. F. aai A. MA meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock in Epstein. Hall corner Wal nut and Centre Sts. Visiting broth' era welcome. j Hesse Lodge, So. f, L O. O. F meets every Tuesday evening at 8:00 In their own new hall. Cordial wel come to visitors. LOCAL BRIEFS. Mrs. W.-H. Cobb, Jr., is at home again from visiting in Jacksonville Fla. : - His friends were glad to see Mr J. W. Sadler out today, after a short illness. Mr. Matt H.. Allen left last night for Washington City on professional business. Miss Zilphia Massey, of Clayton. spent the week-end with Miss Verna Griffin. Mrs. John H. Whitford, of New Bern, is In the city, a guest at the home of Mrs. Z. M. L. Jeffreys.; Mrs. Arnold Borden and daughters Misses Rachel and Eunice, are at home again from Richmond. Mrs. Arthur Malone, of Portsmouth Va., Is visiting here mother Mrs. W P. Wrenn on Park Avenue. Miss Katherine Kltchin, of Scotf land Neck, Is in the city, the guest of Miss Mary Cleaves Daniels. Mr. Chas. Edwards continues to 1m prove at The Goldsboro Hospital where he is an opeartive patient. ! Mr. Logan D. Howell, of New York spent yesterday and today in the city visiting his father Capt R. P. Howell If tea Dora Miller, of Klnston, whq has been spending some months in Florida, is in the city visiting her eister Miss Lou Miller. Miss Magdaline Hummell, of the faculty of Ruffin school, is at home for vacation, to the pleasure of all hej friends here. Mrs. Hattie S. Gay came, down from Raleigh Saturday, on a week-end visit to her home here, where she is al ways gladly greeted. Mr. Julius Cohen is on a business trip to New York, accompanying his mother that far to see her safe aboard ship on her visit to the old home in Germany. . Mr. Louis Cohen, of Columbus, Ga. So universally popular here, is in the city, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs Asher Edwards, parents of Mrs Cohen, who has been here for some weeks. Are you talking up the coming grea4 Chautauqua May 7-13? It is going to be Goldsboro's and Eastern North Carolina's greatest entertainment and educational event. Season tickets ma be purchased at this office: $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for children. Mrs. Jacob Cohen left last night for New York and will sail on Thursday for Bremen to spend the summer in Germany, visiting relatives; and friends. Her army of friends here will wish for her a safe voyage and pleasant visit to the home of her childhood and young womanhood. Dr Humphrey W. Butler, of Brazil and his bride, nee Miss Mildred Baker of Fredericksburg, Va., are in the city for a few days, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Brown, aO "where they are receiving the congratulationt and good wishes of many calling friends. They will sail in a few days for the groom's home in Brazil. I His many friends in this city will be sorry to learn that Mr. Louis Mur ray, has resigned his position with the Goldsboro Fire Department, and leaves tomorrow morning for Wilson, where he has accepted a similar position with the Wilson Fire Department. In los ing the services of Mr. Murray" the fire department also loses one of the best men in the service of the de partment, - who, as a whole, j regret exceedingly to see Mr. Murray leave but are pleased to learn of his well ' deserved promotion. - TOMATO PLANTS We have large supply, of healthy tomato plants best -varieties.. Now ready for setting. M: K Robin son & Bro. i BOOMS Two furnished rooms to party without children near Union Btation -water and elec tric lights. Address Box 421. 3t Connections Free! This is the latest make of Gas Range nnH ispqIIpH tKp Flpvated Cabinet Gas Range. Cooking becomes a pleasure when you use this style of Stove. All of the new ones have white enamel fronts. Call at the Go dsboi"o Your Last Summer : Straw Hat Can be made to look Like New if you'll use YANKEE STRAW HAT CLEANER. 10c. at Goldsboro I Drug Co. -ic- ' -a.-i "Straight from the Shoulder'1 :-. I ' , , I ' Coolness, Comfort, Quality Read why Chalmers "Porosknit" Guaranteed is so comfortable so mnch for the money. Call and examine any Chalmers " Poros knit " garment and see for yourself. ; Take a Union Suit, for instance. Turn it inside out. Notice how strongly the seam are reinforced. Observe the trian gular piece in the back, and see how the - stretch" is opposite to the rest. This means fall elasticity to the seat. It gives at every bend or turn. There can be no cutting in the crotch, Chalmers "Porosknit" is made in all styles for man. for boy. j No-Limit Guarantee ; Chalmers Porosknit" is guaranteed un conditionally (a bond with every garment). A. A. JOSEPH "MY OUTFITTER'' THE Lace Front Corset has now come to its own its special features make for exceptional comfort in any posi tion, at the same time affording the figure a natural and ! needed support because it is constructed on correct hygienic principles. The best material, regardless of cost, has always been used in these corsets workmanship is exquisite you will find the Calma Lace Front Corset the leader in shops that make a specialty of pleasing their customers. Prices $2.00 and $3.00 On Sale at Weil Try Ad-k tlie S3 1? : i 1 office and see them. TRADE HAftft S r-, This Label on every Garment . FOKHBN i Any Style FOS BOYS tnircs ana .Drawers OUC per srarment OC FOR MEN 1.00 Union Suits Any Style FOR BOTS 50c ros. mm Gas Co ll : 11 A m R2AL r 3 TATE FOB. SALS!!! Houses ani Lots, Vacant lot and Farms for Sale or Exchange. Will Sell Either Commission, Option or Sob-Divide at Option. Mr. Walter Waters' beautiful 14 room home .on John St., one of the nicest in the city, for a short while only S6.T50. -. ") r Mrp. Hattif .Taylor's j beautiful 6. room house, corner John and Pine Sts all modern' Improvements, $3,750. One elegant 8-room house on Park Ave. $7,500. 1 Mr. H. H. Hobbs' desirable home on Park Ave., only $5,000. ' Mrs. Wm. Wooten's palatial' resi dence on James St., $9,000. One store and livery stable, front ing Walnut and Carolina Sts., $12, 600. .; - x A large 2-story bouse and lot, ad joining the Hill property son East Centre St., $2,250. Mr. J. F. Southerland's 5 cottages and large vacant property, suitable for dwellings or factories, reduced to $5,500. T. I. Sutton's 10-room dwelling large lot, in the center of town, near the postofflce, $6,800. ; Mr. Frank Grantham's beautiful home and large vacant property at Bellevue $4,200. Also several of his vacant lots, opposite Mr. , I. F, Or- mond's. Mr. Geo. C Southerland's modern hom-, corner of James and Mulberry Sts., advanced to $12,000. The A. T. Grady property on John and Holly Sts., a bargain at $2,000. Mr. A. W. Scott's new, beautiful home on Daisy St., only $2,500. Mr. P. R. King's pretty 5-room cot tage on Beech St., wide frontage, only $2,100. : One fine 2-story house and lot on Ashe St. and 2 vacant lots all for $10,- 500. l: - . Mr. L. K. Tew's very desfrable 2- story house with lot large enough for 2 building lots on Ashe St., only $3,- Mr. Fred Howell's vacant property opposite Buggy Factory, suitable for factories at a bargain. ; E. L. EDMUNDSOlf, Real Estate Hustler. HATE YOU PAID TOUB TAXES FOB 1913. IF NOT DO IT ITOW. W. A. DENMARK, Tax Collector. CITY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE! Mrs. Annie Belle Eason's cottage on Beech Street, East. j One large vacant lot on East Elm street, adjoining W; A. Stilly and others. Several beautiful building lots in Park Heights. j One two story house on Virginia Street, north; all modern conveni ences. ; ' '- Mr. D. D. Montague's 25 acre tract of land on the Pikeville clay road, one mile north of Goldsboro. Mrs. Mary D. Edgerton's 15 acre tract of land on Pikeville Highway. Mr. S. H. Peele's two vacant lots on the car track near Holly street. J. W. Raynor's 22-acre tract one mile south of the city, adjoining the lands of W. P. Rose, Dr. M. E. Robin son and others. Ten tenant dwellings, paying good percentage on investment, for a shori time only. Mr. J. A. Cotton's beautiful cottage and vacant lot at Bellevue. One elegant two-story dwelling on North James street,-for a short while only. : -: For further Information apply to N. E. BRADFORD, Real Estate and Insurance. "I Get Results." Notice to the Creditors of the Black- burn Garage and Motor Supply Company. ; Whereas, on the 7th day of April, 1914, the undersigned was duly ap pointed by his Honor, R. B. Peebles, Judge holding the courts of the sixth Judicial district of North Carolina, permanent receiver of the Blackburn Garage and Motor Supply Company: Now, therefore, in accordance with said order appointing the undersign ed permanent receiver, notice is here by given to all creditors of said Black burn Garage and Motor Supply Com pany to file their claims,' duly verified, with the undersigned at his "office in Goldsboro, N. C, on or before the 8th day of July, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. And notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted , to said Blackburn Garage and Motor Supply - Company to make immediate payment to the un dersigned receiver. . This 9th day of April, 1914. D. H. BLAND, Permanent receiver of the Blackburn Garage and Motor Supply Company. Magazines sold and delivered by Hicks & Hawley the place where you will eventually trade. Phone 166. FOB COUNTY TREASURER. -To the Democratic Voters of Wayne County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomina tion of Treasurer for Wayne county. and I will be grateful to my friends for their support. Respectfully, JOHN W. EDWARDS. FOR SUPERIOR COURT CLERK. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for Clerk of Superior Court before the Democratic County nominating convention. If honored with the nomination I Bhall give to the duties of the office my exclusive time - and best service, and I will be grateful for the prefer ment. - - " i . Very truly, . . JOHN B. HOOKS. Fremont, N. C . DEMOCRATIC CALL F0Q FSDURT. The Wayne County Exeoutlve Com mittee met Saturday, April 11. at 12 o'c'ock in the Court House and fixed the time for holding the Democratic Primaries in the County Precincts, for Saturday, May 16, at 3 p. m.; in Golds boro township, Friday, May 15, at 8 P m. ' v. - .'. These precincts will name delegates to attend the Counyt Convenion, which will be held in the Opera House in Goldsboro, Saturday, May 23, at 12 m. The County convention will, elect dele gates to the Stae, Judicial and Con gressional Conventions. The State Convention will be held in Raleigh on June 4th. The time of the Judicial Convention has not yet been named. The different precincts were requested to fill any vacancy which might exist from any cause in the'r r-Tecinct. Executive Committee men at these primaries and furnish the County Secretary with name and address of the same. Each v precinct should have five committeemen from which they should elect a Chairman which Chairman is the member of the County Executive Committee. G. C. KORNEGAY, .Chairman. H. B. PARKER, Secretary. - td PAY YOUR POLL TAX BY MAY FIRST, IF YOU WISH TO VOTE THIS YEAR, H. B. PARKER, JR. . Secretary Dem. Ex. Com. PAY YOUR POLL TAX BY MAY FIRST, IF YOU WISH TO YOTE THIS YEAR. H. B. PARKER, JR. Secretary Dem. Ex. Com. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South, N. B. The following schedule fig ures are published only as Information and are not guaranteed: Train No. 21 Leaves Goldsboro 6:45 a. m. for Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Asheville and Waynes vule. Through train to Asheville, handles chair car to Waynesville. Makes connections at Greensboro for all points North and East, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago and all Western points. Train No. 19 Leaves Goldsboro at 2:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles through Pull man sleeping car from Raleigh to At lanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a. m., mak ing connection for New Orleans, Tex as, California and all Western points, also connects at Greensboro with through trains for all Northern and Eastern points. Train No. 131 Leaves Goldsboro at 5:05 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham aad Greensboro. Makes direct connection at Greensboro with solid Pullman sleeping car, train for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all Eastern and Northern points. Connects also at Greensboro "ith through Tourist Sleeping Car for Los Angeles and San Francisco. Train No. Ill Leaves Goldsboro at 10:45 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles Pullman Sleep ing Car from Raleigh to Winston Salem. Makes connection at Greens boro with through train for Atlanta and New Orleans, also makes connec tion for Asheville, Chattanooga, St Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and al' Western points. For detailed information, also for trip rates account various occasions, Pullman Sleeping Car reservations ask any iouthern Railway Ageut or information concerning special round communicate with the undersigned: H. F. - Gary, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. J. O. Jones, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. 8. H. Hardwick, Passenger Traffic Manager or E. H. Coapman, Vice Pres ident & General Manager. Washing ton. D. Cv FOB-COUNTY TREASURER. Subject to the will of the Democrat ic County Convention I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and if hon ored with the nomination I will con duct the office with courtesy and in tegrity. Very truly, AYCOCK. SALESMAN WANTED A travelling salesman of experience to represent us on the road in dur Wholesale Dry Goods and Shoe Departments. Send references to H. Weil &, Bros. Wholesale Department, Goldsboro, N. C. ; ' lw POSITION WANTED By young mar :17 years of age who is not afraid of work and willing to learn. Ad dress P. O. Box 23. Initial correspondence cards sold by Hicks & Hawley's Drug Store the place wl.ere you will eventually trade. MULES FOR SALE Two sound mules for sale cheap." J. A. Vinson, Phone 150. al4-tf HOME FOR SALE For quick sale an 8-room two story house on South William street water, electric lights and gas. For terms etc., appy to C W. & W. L. Peacock, Real Estate, 113 W. Centre Street north. Beaufont Ginger Ale In bottles, de livered from Hicks & Hawley's Drug Store the place where you will event ually trade. The Mothers' Favorite. A cough medicine for children should be harmless. It should be pleasant to take. It should be effectual. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is all of this and is the mothers' favorite every where. For sale by all dealers. fob , mi. Haywood Ham plaea at Greenlaaf. 11 acres, 8 acrtg in aaparagus, one tenant houce, barn and stables, at a bargain. One house and lot atk Greenleaf. One house and lot on Vine street, five rooms. , 48 acres farm 4 miles of city, new 4 room house, barn and stables. 105 acre farm in Saulston township, part of Dr. Walker place, about 80 acres cleared, 3 tenant houses, 1 to bacco barn. Charlie Bouie place near BizzellMil 100 acres, one-half cleared. Brogden farm, 9 miles southwest of city, 150 acres, 110 cleared, one 7-room house and' one tenant house. One vacant lot on Carolina street. one block of union station, north. One vacant lot on Virginia street. north. Best farm in the county, six miles out, 10 horse crop cleared and 8 ten ant houses and one-half million feet timber. Eight room house on South William street, water, lights and gas for a quick sale. 100 vacant lots near Orphan Home. For prices see, C. W. & W. L. PEACOCK... $11.10 TO JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Via Atlantic Coast Line to Confederate Veterans Reunion. Tickets on sale M y .rd, 4th, 4th. 6th and 7th, good returning to reach destination prior to midnight May 15 1914. Extension may be obtained by de posit of ticket with Special Agent, 21 East Forythe St, Jacksonville, Fla. not later than May 15tb, 1914, upon payment of fee of 50c. Stopovers allowed in both direc tions. Side trips from Jacksonville at very low rates to all Florida, Georgia and Alabama points, by applying Atlantic Coast Line ticket office, 18 West Bay St, Jacksonville, Fla. Tickets on sale May 6th to 10th, inclusive, limited to June 2nd, 1914. A splendid chance to isit Florida at unusually low rates. For any information address J. I Royall, Agent, Goldsboro, N. C, or W, J. Craig, P. T. M., or T. C. White, G. P. A., Wilmington, N. C. FAT CATTLE WANTED. I have made arrangements with an Eastern firm to buy fat cattle for them In this section and am in a posi tion to pay the highest market price for all grades of cattle that is fat and ready to butcher. See me before you sell, at the Kentucky Horse & Mule Co's stables, opposite court house. CHAS. LUTES. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina, Department of State. To all Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Souther land Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situ ated on West Centre street, in the City of Goldsboro, County of Wayne, State of North Carolina, (John F. Southerland being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served,) has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21 Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 10th day of December, 1910, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raellgh, this 10th day of De cember, A. D. 1910. J. BRYAN GRIMES, 4t-3-31 Secretary of State. For quality and price get Pompeian Olive Oil in light protected contain ers. Sold by Hicks & Hawley, the place you will eventually trade. FOB COUNTY TREASURER. i desire to announce to the Demo cratic voters of Wayne County that I will be a candidate for County Treas urer. Any support from my friends wll. be highly appreciated. 3-12 4w C.D. TAYLOR. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Th undersizned hereby announces himself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Clerk of Superior Court for Wayne county. If honored with the nomination I shall endeavor to meet the requirements of the office to the satisfaction of all. Respectfully, JOHN R. HIGGINS. MOTH BAGS The season for moth bags is at hand. We have large moth bags self -sealing that will hold a complete garment Price 10 cents. M. E. Robinson & Bro., drug- REAL ESTATE Rental and Insurance c. w. &. w. l. PEACOCK 113 West Centre St., N. CONFEDERATE VETERANS RE. UNION AT JACKSONVILLE, FLA. A special train over the Southern Railway, from Durham, May 6-8, 1914, for Jacksonville, Fla. Monday, May 4. 1914. Schedule of special train and rounds trip fares as ioiiows: . , Leave Durham...... 4: 30 p. m. $10.0 Leave Hillsboro. .. . . .5:03 p. m. 10.60 Leave Mebane.... ..5:20 p. m. Leave Graham...... $5: 40 p. m. Leave Burlington.... 5: 47 p. m. Leave Greensboro. .. .6:25 n. m . 10.69 10.60 10.60 10.60 Arrive Jackson vitle Tuesdav morn ing, May 5th. Paroo on1 etsil t . portion from intermediate stations. Round trip tickets for this occasion will be good on all regular trains, and will be on sale May 3 to 7. Final re turn limit May 15, 1914, or by deposit ing ticket in Jacksonville and paying fee of 50 cents final limit can be ex tended until June 4, 1914. Special train will consist of nice day coaches, standadr pullman sleeping cars, also tourist pullman sleeping cars. Have your reservations made in advance. For complete details, reservations, etc., communicate with, J. O. JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Clears- Complexion Removes Skin Blemishes. and disfigured with pimples, eruptions, blackheads, red rough skin, or suffer, ing the tortures of Eczema, itch, tet ter, salt rheum. Just ask your drug gist for Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint ment Follow the simple suggestions and your skin worries are over. Mild, soothing, 'effective. Excellent for ba bies and delicate, tender skin. Stops chapping. Always helps. Relief or money back. 50c, at your druggist Lavendine and Cedar Moth Chips 15c. the pound at Hicks & Hawley's drug store. The place where you will eventually trade. - FOB BENT 8.room Flat, modern conveniences. Fine location. One 6-room cottage one block from post office. Apply to I. B. Fonvielle. BASE BALLS SPORTING GOODS We hand 'e the biggest line of high grade Base Ball and Sporting Goods in Eastern North Carolina. $1.25 D. & M. Official League Balls to base ball teams for $1.00. For Base Balls, Bats, Gloves, Mitts, Masks, Uniforms, Ten nis Rackets, Nets, etc., get our prices before you buy elsewhere. Base Ball Catalog, Score Cards, and Rule Books, free. GOLDSBORO LOAN CO. Under Kennon HoteL "LONG LEAF HEART" We can furn ish, for prompt shipment, at attrac tive rrices, long leaf heart, in any sizes and lengths up to 18 Inch, for framing houses. We would also be ; glad to furnish any other lumber needed' in your house. Write our Mt Olive office. Enterprise Lumber Co., Mount Olive, N. C. " Cheese Just Arrived MacLaren's Deviled CheeSe Philadelphia Cream Cheese Switzer Cheese Roquefort Cheese W. H. Barnes Bakery ROUSE & LAND N. J. Bouse Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C. Attorneys at Law, Offices Kinston, N. C; Edgerton Building, Goldsboro, N. C. S. F. TEAGUE. W. A. DEES. Teague & Dees ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Goldsboro, N. C Office 2nd Floor Headlight Building. Glaucus A. Bryant (Licensed Under North Car.' Statute) CIYIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Experience 1906-1914. WILSON, N. C Consultation, Court Work and Surveys Given Special Attention All surveys made through this of fice, either by assistants, or myself, are guaranteed to be accurate. We invite and extend to you and your friends the courtesy of this office for information, or we will be glad to call upon you at your, convenience. - Goldsboro Savings and Trust Co. Opposite Hotel Kennon. . Let us. handle your savings, compounued every, three months. We extend 'all" V accomodations that Safe Bank- ing will permit Absolute safety. ' .'J Call for booklet of needles free. 3 G. A. NORWOOD, President. D. H. DIXON, Cashlerrs. V