T5)t 3atl? ZVrsus' A Democratic Newspaper. Published Every Afternooa Exeept Sunday BY THE ARGUS PUBLISHING CO. JOS. E. BOBIJTSON,. ......Editor. Subscription Price, In Advance DAILY ARGUS One Year ....55.00 Six Months .!...... 2.50 Three Months ..'......1.25 One Month .......J.... 50 One Week .........J...... ..10 WEEKLY One Year.............. Six Msnths... ......... Three Months .'.91.00 .....50 .....25 . ... Entered at the Po.tnfficej In Golds 1 oro as second class mail matter. A BITTER LESSOR. That ignorance is not always bliss is clearly brought out by the ridicu lous plot that has been hatchd by un learned Mexicans, in which it was obviously intended to attack and sub due Americans In the border counties of Texas, and to annex that: section to Mexico. Such a proposition is too( absurd to be believable, were there not substan tiating evidence. And no better ex emplification, of the depths of ignor ance in which the Mexican peons live could well be imagined. j All the vast region to the north, east and west of the Rio Grande being utterly unknown to them, they would put their puny strength against one which they might succeed J in getting Into motion, but could no more stop than a child could stop the Niagara. Such a plot would be simply laugh- FAMILY AVOIDS i SERIOUS SICKNESS Dj Being Constant! Supplied With Hedford's Bkck-DrmngLt. McDuff, Va. "I suffered' for seven! years," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, oi this place, "with sick headache, and tomacn uouoie. . , Ten years ago a friend fold me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, which I did, and 1 found it to be the best family medi cine tor young ana oia. i : I keep Black-Draught on hand all fh time now, and when my children feel s little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicint ey ever inea. r We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using ttiack-Lraugnt." Thedford's Black-Draught is t purely vegeuoie, ana nas oeen louna to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea. headache, sick stomach, and-siixmaj . symptoms. I L It has been in constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited more than a million people. Your druggist sells and recommends Black-Draught. Price only j 25c. Get a tackage to-cay. I N. c ui Rone Equal to Chamberlain's. "I have tried most all of the cough cures and find that there is none that equal Chamberlain's Cough: Remedy. It has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes W. V. Harner, Mont pelier, Ind. When you have a cold give this remedy a trial and see for yourself what a splendid medicine it is. Obtainable everywhere. i One expert predicts thai there will be an alliance In the future between Germany and England. But first the 'Song of Hate" will have to be forgot ten. I : HOW'S THIS I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured- by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' : : P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by "his firm. : I NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. It's a short alley that has no ash barrel. - ; . ' ADMIAISTBATOE'i NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of F. J. Jeffrees, deceased, late of Wayne County, N. O, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Klnaton, N. , on or before the fifth day of July, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This June 28. 1915. I C. A. JEFFRESS, Administrator of F J, JeSreaa, deceased. able, were it not for the fact that hu &n life Is involved and nothlne lacks seriousness that means the shedding of blood. ; . Already a few Americans and number of Mexicans have lost their lives In the raids of the Mexican out laws, victims to the monumental ig norance of the peons. ; J A little knowledge may be) a dan gerous thing, but i in this instance ' it would save our neighbors a bitter les son. Though a backward nation, the Chi nese show remarkable aptitude for graft. General Villa appears to be as en thusiastlcally in favor of peace as he ever was for war. There is a Russian fleet after all it we are to believe the Petrograd re ports of the Gulf of Riga battle. The Wall Street Journal rises up to remark that even a West Indian hur ricane does not strike without warn ing. Diplomatic relations sometimes are even more troublesome than jthe poor ones we hear berated so much. Women in Paris are affecting sol dier caps. Some ; women, it I seems would wear tail feathers of the dove of peace in an Easter bonnet. If that Texas hurricane had only struck a little further southward it might have been a big asset for the watchful waiting policy. France promises to start something in the west "before the leaves . are red." When she does the leaves will be red all right, but not with tints of autumn. ' ' - i- -: I ; , . Minnesota has decided ' that James J. Hill is her greatest living citizen, It seems up to Mr. Hill to reciprocate with a.donation or something, j The ancient sybarite who spent $35 000 for roses at one of his banquets. could not have afforded it If he had been backing a ! musical comedy at that time. Osteopaths Dr. A. F. Winkelman ' and : Dr.Lila B. Winkelman : ' I " Rooms 305-306-309 .1 i ' 1 -I.' BORDEN BUILDING Phone 346 e c e Phone Robinson's ; Ice House 377 for prompt deeliver7 and full weight. I ROBINSON'S ICE HOUSE Phone 377. I ! Joe A. Parker INSORANGEAi HEAL ESTATE 118 East Centre Street Dr. J. N. Johnson BEJiTIST. Has removed U Booms 10 J and 203, 2nd Floor f Berien Building. PnONE 44. N. E. Bradford EEAL ESTATE, RENTAL AlfD rascaAjrcE agent. Ground Floor National Bank Building, Barber Shop De Luxe Grant Building George W. Watkins, Prop. Late of Norfolk, Va. Are You a Woman? Tha Woman's Tonic FC3 SALE AT All ERltSISTS F4 WOOD YARD FOB BEST A very desirable location with side track for wood and coal yard for rent. See H. B. Parker or Q. A. Norwood. .. , To the Public "I feel that I owe the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a word of grati tude,1, writes Mrs.' T. N. Witherall, Cowan'", N. Y. "When I began tak ing this medicine I was in great pain and feeling terribly sick, due to an attack of summer complaint. After taking a dose if it I had not long to wait for relief as it benefited me al most! immediately." Obtainable every where. At 'any rate Russia has not yet fall en back on Vodka. Biliousness and Constipation. It is certainly surprising that any woman will endure the miserable feel ings caused by biliousness" and consti pation, when relief is so easily had and at so little expense. Mrs. Chas. Peck, Gates, N. Y writes : "About a year; ago I used two bottles of Cham berlain's Tablets and they cured me of biliousness and constipation." Ob tainable everywhere. A policeman ought to be able to catch a useless noise. Worth Their Weight In Gold. "I ! have used Chamberlain's Tablets and found them to be just as repre sented, a quick relief for headaches, dizzy spells and other symptoms de noting a torpid liver and a disordered condition of the digestive organs. They are worth their weight in gold," writes Miss Clara A. Driggs, Elba, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. It's an easy matter to find fault where it isn't. ! i ; - NOTICE. Haying qualified as administra tor of the estate of Dr. W. E. Pow ell, 'deceased, late of "Wayne coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the j estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Goldsboro, N. C, on or before the 23d day of July, 1916, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said esta e will please make im mediate payment.. - This 22d day of July, 1915. I MRS. W. E. POWELL, IL M. POWELL, Adm's of W. E Powell, dec M. The Next Best Thing to the Pine For- est For Colds Is Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey which goes Dr. to the very root of cold troubles. It clears the throat and gives relief from that clogged and stuffed feeling. The pines have ever been the friend o man In driving away colds. Moreover, the ; pine-honey qualities are peculiar ly effective In fighting children's colds. Remember that a cold broken at the start greatly removes the pos sibility of complications. 25c. South Carolina is going to suffer anotner campaign oi coie uiease. I-' - HEALTH A1VD HAPPINESS DEPEND 1 j 1 UPON YOUB LIVER. That sluggish liver with its slug gish flow of bile is what makes the world look so dark at times. Dr. King's New Life Pills go straight to the' root of the difficulty by waking up the action of the liver and increasing the bile. Dr. King's New Life Pills cause the bowels to act more freely and drive away those "moody das 25. a bottle. ; Colonel Roosevelt is finding out how many people are not with him. A WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC. Germs and infection aggravate ail ments and retard healing. Stop that infection at once. Kill the germs and get rid of the poisons. For this pur pose a single application of Sloan's Liniment not only kills the pain but destroys the germs. This neutralizes infection and gives nature assistance by j overcoming congestion and gives a chance for the free and noraml flow of the blood.' Sloan's Liniment is an emergency doctor and should be kept constantly on hand. 25c, 50c. The $1.00 size contains six times as much as the 25c. ; Probably the best housekeeping plan is not to mortgage the house. Every Home Needs a Faithful Cough I i and Cold Remedy. When seasons change and colds ap pear when you first detect a cold af ter sitting next to one who has sneez ed,! then lt la that a tried and tested remedy should "be faithfully used. "I never wrote a testimonial before, bat I know positively that for myself and family. Dr. King's New Discovery Is the best cough remedy we ever used and we have tried them all." 50c. and $1.00. . -Arrow Soft COLLARS Of -White Pique or Eepp, or plain MulL " " 2 for 25c CItTRTT. PEABOOT fc CO., INC. MAKERS M'isT -. C ' j r.lomcnfc"Fuiffe In Item's ind The expectant' mother revolves In1 her mind all we un derstand by destiny. And It Is of the utmost Importance that her physical comfort be our first ttiought. There is a most splendid rem edy for this purpose, known as "Mother's B-riend." It Is applied over the muscles of tha stomach, gently nibbed In, and at once penetrates to relievo all strain on nerves, cords, ligaments and all parts involved. It makes tno muscles so pliant that they expand naturally. And at the same time they are Invigorated by the absence of harassing1 pains so apt to distress the mind. Whatever will add to the comfort of the expectant mother Is a great and help ful influence since a calm and peaceful period must have a wonderfully beneficial impress upon the coming child. Get a bottle of "Mother's Friend' of any druggist and you will realize why so many women declare it to be the most helpful remedy they know of. Write today to uraaneia aeguiauu- -- i Lamar Bldg, Atlanta, Ga, for a splendid hook of exeat Interest and value to every ex pectant mother, i Among the letters of interest In this Boo one says. In part, "Seven years ago I suffered from Wednesday to Saturday and had to have instruments. This time I wtis sick only three hours. I want to tell all that I can not praise 'Mother's Friend high enough for the good it did me, as I had an easy time and the baby was perfect. I will always speak a good word for iU" STANDISHrz COLLAR 2for25 Clutt Pe.bodV ffCoJne. Maker 2T0JLF0L iUT 11 K ALLKtUtt Bemte ef ike NIGHT EXPBESS" Schedule in Effect April 11, 1915. N. B. The following, schedule - ores published a information mly, and ara not guaranteed. Trains Leave Goldsboro. 10:S5 p. m. Dally "Night ExpreBS," for Norfolk. Sleeping Car ser vice New Bern to Norfolk. 6:SS a. m. Daily For Beaufort, Washington and Norfolk. Ar rive Norfolk 4:05 p. m. Parlor car service between New Bern and Norfolk. 3:40 m. Daily For Eeaufort and intermediate points. Connects at New Bern for Oriental. Trains Leave Wiliom. 8:05 a. m. Daily For Washington and Norfolk. 4:55 p. m. Daily Except Sunday for Washington, 11:40 p. m. DaUy "Night Express," for Norfolk. Poll am sleaplnt cars. -Trails Arriv Goldstar. Daily 6:45 a. m., 11 : 05 a. m., 9 : 15 P. BU For further information aad ressr ration of sleeping ear space, apply to F. W. Tateao. O. A., or J. L. Roy alL U. T. Ju, Qeldsboro. North Caro- J. D. STACK, EC S. LEARD, Gtm. ?upt. 6. F. . itoro, . Told That There Was Ifo Cnre For Him. . . "After buffering for over twenty years with indigestion and ' having some of the best doctors here tell me there was no cure for me, think it only right to tell you for the sake of other sufferers as well as your own satis faction that a 25 cent bottle of Cham berlain's Tablets not only relieved me but cured me within two months al though I am a man of 65 years," writes JuL -Cfrobien, ' Houston, Texas. Ob tainable everywhere. IF YOU WISH TO READ THE NEW MAGAZINES GO TO THE t. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY CITY HALL, V Open from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. YOU WILL BE WELCOME. Arrow Soft COLLARS Of plain or fine White Striped Madras. 2 for 25c Cl.UF.TTv Ir!ATrr7 ft CO., INT?. MAKERS YOU r.TAY BE SORRY IF YOU ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE FOR This Reliable Cough Medicine That cough Is nature's cry for help. It's lagrippe, even of pneumonia. It most b checked at once. Horry to the drug store for Foley's Honey end Tar Ccmposnd AND BB BURS IT 18 THB QENCINa Don't taba tk hnn wlf.K m MlwtifaiU. TTnMk - lieTed coughs quickly get worse, especially at mg-niiau. roLKii Honit Am Tab Com. pound will sooth and heal ths irritated throat, take away the tickle end relieve tha tight feeling in tha chest. It has no equal . for any kind of eongh. For orer forty years FOLBX'S HONBT AND Tab Compound has been the standby with RflTnflmTwr t.hm n.mwVm vt'h TTnirn Alan TAB Comotnrn l lnnlr for Ih. khi he yellow wrapper. fit ,H 9M - u s bX3 Arrow 'III -11 IM''" X EVtY USt 13 A f-. J. G. 'err LITERT AND FEED STABLES NICE RIGS FOB HIRE FIRST CLASS HORSE SHOEING Done at my Stables Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 653. Chestnut Street Dr. A. H. Zealy OSTEOPATH 112 Chestnut St., East Phone 171 EXPERT MILLWRIGHT Sew mill, boiler, steam or gasoline engines, cotton gin machinery install ed or overhauled. First class work at reasonable price. II. L. FAISON 404 N. Gocige st. Goldsboro, N. C. PIANOS B. F. Smith ha3 reduced the price on Starr Pianos 20 per cent. 7 B. F. SMITH, ' Under Arlington Hotel, East Cen tre Street, South. E. II. S If E A D TAILOP, Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing jTeatlj and Promptly done Mulberry Street. PHOSE 431 L Delicatessen Store A GENUINE BOON TO HOUSE KEEPERS IS THE ABILITY TO OB- TAIN READY COOKED MEATS AND GROCERIES FROM GOIDSBOEO'S DELICATESSEN STORE. JOHN ST, NEXT TO PYTHIAN BUILDING. PROMPT AND QUICK DELIVERY. PHONE 191. FRESH FISH Butter Perch, Trout, Flounders, Mullets Spots. All fish in season, dressed and delivered. Quick ser . vice. Phone R. W. TAYLOR 191. T. R. YICK, Successor. S. FIENSTEIN, Praclcal Boot and Shoe Maker. Prices reduced on all Shoe Repairing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Walnut Street, next to Palace Market. Looking around us we see many per sons in middle life struggling along with poor vision, who might be en Joying normal sight today If they had consulted a competent Optometrist and worn glasses when there was yet time to preserve the sight. A defect in the sight is not as a rule a disease of the eye, bo often it is a condition which the proper glasses will not only relieve, but many times entirely cure, sight Is restored, eyes are made strong, headaches disappear, the ner vous strain Is relieved and the eyes are slaved perhaps from blindness Visit my office and learn more about correcting Imperfect sight. EDWARD BEBKE, (Eyesight specialist) Registered Optometrist. Office next doo rto HIII'b drug store. ICE Farrier's ice house will weigh ice at your door at the same old price and thank you for patron age. Phone 107. D. O. FARRIOR, U Phone 107. E. C. Vitou DENTIST. . Offices In new Grant Building, Second Floor Rooms 114-115 PHOTOS ESf-J. V Plant Wood's Seed Potatoes In June and July For Kail Crop. Potatoes planted now mature in the cool weather of the Fall when they can be harvested to best advantage for use or sale during the winter. Wood's Seed Potatoes are choice selected seed, put in cold storage earljr in the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition for late planting. Write for "Wood's Croc T S3 l(VVO ttllU roation about Potatoos for late planting Cow Peas, Soja Beans, Eflillet, Crimson Clover, etc. . T.W.WOOD & SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. n ; ' 1 1 - - - - n It- - n, ' - , " ' - -a m mm III-' 'V 1 V Jit I lfsjm5isT3issftt sl fa' T V v5 bl lit firir ' flT-fP r m f m mmm BETTER COOKING NO MORE DRUDGERY NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstoyes have made cook -ing easie r and k i t c hens cleaner tor 2,000,000 housewives. No more drudgery no more wood-boxes, coal-scuttles, and ash pans. The NEW PERFECTION lights instantly like gas, and regulates high or low by merely raising or lowering the wick. You can do all your cooking on the NEW PERFECTION just as cheaply and twice as conveniently as on your coal range. Ask your dealer to show you the NEW PERFECTI O N No. 7 with the new oven that becomes a fire less cooker merely by pulling a damper. Also the PERFECTION WATER HEATER. It makes you independent of your coal range gives you plenty of hot running water. . Use Ala or Diamond White Oil to obtain the best results in oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps. STANDARD OIL. COMPANY Washington, D. C Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (New Jersey) (BALTIMORE) A Real During this Month, or un- till our present stock is ex austed we will sell a good ceiling 5-8 inches thick for 15.00 per thousand feet. Yours truly, A. L Griffin ManufacturingCo. Everything To SATISFACTION 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5.5 SWINSON'S CAFE W. SWIASOJf, Manager. GOLDSBORO, If. C. Not Good Unless Signed by the Manager. Manager H H w w H H 15 15 15 15 -If your family la out of town, take your meal3 here Every home dish served. Buy a Ticket like this ?6.C0 worth for $5.C0. No order too small for service, and you can eat a3 you desire cheaper than at home. Mb. s . I Charlotte, N. C Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C . argain Eat In Season GUARANTEED g 10 10 10 10 10 I 20 20 20 20 20 an a ss m i a i TnW-':::;;:-. ri-iiflP

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