AS WE WERE SAYING AS WE WE11E SAYING.. N j. mone. If singleness is bliss, it is folly to marry. '" The moro some iteonle tell less you believe. you the All -work and no nlagarism often makes a dull sermon. .'.-.. The smaller a man's mind is the longer it takes liim to make, it up. " . . Many a man would starve he had nothing to live on but his reputation. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC i Messrs. .George Bowen; and Ray mond Jones, formerly with the Metro politan Barber Shop, have accepted positions with the City Barber Shop, under the Kennon Hotel, where, as usual, they will be pleased to admin ister to the wants of their .iormer customers. I 8-1 w i WANT ADS Two heads are better thanj one es pecially if the other fellow is guessing tans. Proposals For Purchase of $90,000.0(1 Six Per Cent Drainage Bonds. Sealed bids will he received at Goldsboro, N. C, until 12 o'clock noon, September 1st, 1915, for the purchase of $90,000 bonds of the Wayne County I Drainage District Number Two (Na- ed May 1st, 1915, and hear interest at the rate of six per cent, payable semi annually. Nine bonds of $1,000 each are due and payable each year, begin ning May 1st, 1918, and extending to and including May 1st, 1927. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500 as evidence of I .1 Mn If all a man's weak spots were vis-,5""" Lilts Duaiu mil uub uusiuvi au; um ible you would imagine he had the measles. The individual who hates mankind is generally a close student of his own nature. It sometimes happens that after a man ' gets ''his price .the law steps in and makes hiui give it back. Actions usuallyspeak louder' than words. The wasp can't talk, but he has a forcible way of expressing him self that renders words superflous. Jfewsjaior Man I'econimends It. R. R. Wentworth of the jst. James (Mo.) News, writes : "A severe cold settled in my lungs. I feared pn$u monia. Foley's Honey jand Tar straightened me up immediately. I recommend this genuine cough and lung medicine." Right now thousands of hay fever and asthma sufferers are thankful for this wonderful healing and soothing remedy. Sold every- w' ere. Somebody ought to raise $500 and get Bryan to speak at Plattsburg. E. G. HUDSO.VS STATEMENT E. G. Hudson, merchant of Cham blee, Ga., says Foley Cathartic Tablets are the "best' cir earth" for ia thorough cleansing movement of the bowels without the slightest inconvenience or sickening and no bad effects. They certainly do relieve indigestion or con stipation quickly and liven up the liv er. They make you feel light, free and errergetie. Sold everywhere. ; that is less than par and the accrued interest to the date of delivery. The bonds will be approved as to legality by Messrs. Dillon, Thomson & Clay, of New York, N. YJ, whosvj opinion will te furnished to the suc cessful bidder. . The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. '. j -. " : For lull information ; address the undersigned attorney. ; It This 19th day of Aug., 1915J ALEX AYCOCK, Chm. Board of Drainage Com. WENTWORTH W. PEIRCE, Att'y for Board of Drainage Com. Goldsboro, N. C. i au.20-25-31. PILKINGTON 'S ,CLEAM2fG AND DYEING. Palm Beach Suits Cleaned and Press ed 40 Cents. Mourning Blacks Dyed on short notice 104 S. John St. Phone 38S. Work Called For and Delivered. Out of town orders promptly - Attended to. I T WANTED Two or three young ladleTto solicit subscriptions lor the Dajly Argus and Every Week Magazine. Liberal commission. Apply at the Argus office. PIANO LESSONS I will resume my Music Class Sept. 2. Apply for terms 'at the residence of Mrs. D. E. Smith, South John i street. Miss Daisy Brown. WANTED A good experienced cook, j Apply at c rner of George and Wal nut strets. Mrs. W. I Rawlings. LOST Three months old Collie pup, light brown color, with white feet, white collar and a little white on the face. Finder will please return to H. H. Allen and get reward. 116 John street. FOR SALE Cash or Time one op en buggy, one open surry. Parker Furniture Company. 21-1 v FOE SALE Any one desiring to pur chase a nice home among one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Goldsboro, or a desirable vacant lot uron which to build a home, both on easy terms, will do well to see H. B Parker at his office In the National Bank building. FOE BENT Store next to Goldsboro Book Store. Good location. R. A. Creech, Jeweler. O. HIS REST WAS BROKEN. FOR SALE A new house and lot at Park Heights is offered at a bargain. Apply to Joe A. Par ker, Phone 156. FOR RENT. Desirable 8-room house on E. Wal nut street All modern conveniences. 8-room .v.ouse cor. John and Pine Sts. All modern conveniences. I 7-room two Etory house on Carolina street, near Union StationJ all conven iences. Apply to Phone 155. National Bank Bldg. N. E. BRADFORD. Benefited by Chamberlain's Liniment "Last winter I rsed Chamberlain's Unlment for rheumatic jpains, stiff ness and soreness of the knees, and can conscientiously say that I never used anything that did me so much good." Edward Craft, Elba, N. Y. Ob tainable everywhere. j NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of a judg ment rendered in the : Superior Court of "Wayne count y J North Carolina, at April Term, 1915, of said Court, in the case entitled "The "Wayne National Bank and The Bank of Wayne vs. Maria rWooten," the undersigned, who was by 6aid judgment appointed commissioner for that purpose will, on Monday, the ) 4th f day of October, 1815 at 12 o'clock M., -at the Court House door in Golds boro, "Wayne County, North Caro lina, sell by public auction, for cash, the tract of land i in said judgment deeseribed as follows: "A certain lot of land lying in Goldsboro township, "Wayne coun ty, JNorth Carolina, and bounded as follows : I : ; "Beginning at a stake,1 the cor ner of the .School House lot in Frank Phelps' line at fa ditch with pointers, and runs S. 70 E. 36 poles to the railroad founds, then with the railroad to the intersec tion of the new - railroad ; theD with the new railroad 96 poles from Phelps' corner to tthe .Coun ty road; then with the County road N. 54 W. 7 poles to an iron etake, the corner of j: the schoo' house lot, then a straight line to the beginning, about N. 21 E. con taming, thirteen (13) acres, lone rood, and seven rods, moreor less' This 27th day of August,5 1915. M. T .DICKENSON, , Commissioner. Beauty More Than Skin Deep. A teautiful woman always has good digestion. If your digestion Is faulty (jnamDenaxn's Tablets will do joj good. Obtainable everywhere. EXCURSION RATES. Don't forget to ask your ticket agent for Summer Excursion rates to Beaufort, N. C. Splendid ho els, delightful climate, fine fish- ng. - ; V . j - Ideal spot for rest ; reached by Norfolk Southern Railroad Com pany. Take the wife and kiddies Beaufort will make them all well and happy. Patronize home resorts II. S. LEARD. G. P. A. AUGUST 17TII. Atlantic City, N. J.............. $12.00 Baltimore, Md. . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . 11 CO Norfolk, Va. .................. 6.00 Richmond, Va. ............ .... 6.00 Virginia Beach, .......... J... . 6.00 Washington, D. C. 9.00 Via the Atlantic Coast -Line, "The Standard Railroad of the South.". Re turning, tickets will be limited tc reach original start; dc point prior to midnight September 1st, 1915. ; Cor respondingly low rates from other points. For any information, reserva tions, etc., address J. I Royall, Agent., Goldsboro, N. C. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE FOR TEN DAYS. Mr. G eo. C. iroutkerlahd 's four vacant lots, 27 1-2 ft. each, on James street; his house with 75 ft. ot on Mulberry street. Five houses and lots of the E. W. Cox estate, north side of Oak street. ' ' ! i Two houses and lots of the E. W. Cox estate on south side of Oak street. " . i. . r i Th3 AVooten property, nice 10 room house, lot 110x210 ft., on west side of James street, a model lome in fine neighborhood! Mr. Itoland Crow 's 7-room house and lot on Carolina street. Mr. Frank Parker's 6-room louse and lot on Ash street. Mr. D. R. Johnson's 6-room louse and lot on Ash street. Mr Thos. Sutton's valuable home and large lot opposite post office. ; Mr. " G. "W. ."Waters'! beautiful home on John street. Mr John "W. Edwards' house with about 4 acres of land at Bel- evue, can be cut into about 20 lots $800.00. ! . ' ' Mr. "W. F. Patrick's valuable farm in Indian Springs township 138 acres, only $75 per acre. ( All of the above can be bought with small cash payment ; good terms on balance. I FOR RENT! Mr. Geo. E. Crabtree's desirable 10-roomN house corner Oak and George street. Mrs. E. G. Porter's desirable! 7 room house on Virginia street. The pool room and barber shop under St. James Hotel Mr. Kyle's 2 stores, adjoining St. James HoteL Mr. B. H.- Griffin's garage, one of the best locations in the city building also suitable for whole sale and, retail stores. . E. L. EDMUNDSON, Goldsboro 's Real Estate Hustler. ! Goldsboro, N. C. Phones 112 and 135. I j Hours 12 to 2 j and 4 to 6 Mr. B. H. Griffin's Kennon and Taylor farms, near I Mr. Cole store. . . - i D. AVright, Rosemont, Neb- writes: "I was bothered with pains in the region of my kidneys. My rest was I broken by frequent action of my kidneys. I was advised by my doctor to try Foley Kidney Pills and one 5U cent bottle made a well man of me. They relieve rheumatism and back ache. Sold everywhere. . ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA -'MUery Park ;: -'B - HOTEL The Nationally Famous Hotel of the Beautiful "Land of The Sky' Interior improvements just completed, amounting to $50,000, make The Battery Park a standard of com fort and elegance. Rooms either single or ensuite, with or without pri ' vate baths. ; The lovely new suites, consisting of sit ting room, one or more chambers and private baths, may be procured at our very reasonable Special Summer ";" Rates Situated In an exclusive park of fifteen acres, The Battery Park offers the quiet and the bracing air of ' the mountains, together with a life of continuous : pleasures and gaieties. Jhb cuisine is unsurpassed and the service distinctly metropolitan. Specially arranged out door terraces for dining. Exceptional music with meals. Desirable social advantages. Daily The Dansant, as well as dancing every evening. A general atmos phere of culture and refinement. Every form of sports, including golf, tennis, swim ming, autoing and riding. . . Private motor service to and from golf links on reg ular daily schedules. Gaited saddle horses. For illustrated booklet F, address Jesse N. Gotflch, V3gr. C. E. RAILING, Prop., Formerly Hotel Plaza, New York. .. .. . .-.-- . ..... -fjjf -mtaifirfi ifcihif -mm sr. i 0 m ;3Irs. A. B. Freeman will resume her music class Sept. 1st. Apply at residence, 218 E. Mulberry St. IfOETOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD I New Short Route. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO THE SEA Beaufort Morehead City. Extremely low round trip fares from Goldsboro, Kinston, New Bern and all intermediate points. Tickets good on any regular trains. Returning special train will leave Morehead City at 9:3C p. m. for ll.w Bern and stations west thereof, including Goldsboro. For other information and tickets apply to your ticket agent. ss LODUE DIRECTOR? Goldsboro Lodge No. 18, B. 1. O. . meets Thursday night in the Elks Home, 105 Chestnut street which is open daily from 8:30 to 1 a. m. Visiting brothers entitled to register are cordially welcome at all times to Lodge or Home. Magnolia Camp, No. 100, Woodmen of the norl", mc3t everj Tuesday night at 8:60 o'clock, in Odd Fellow s Building, ' second floor Visiting brethren In good Standing welcome. Baffin Lodge, No. 6, Knights of Fyth. las, meets every Friday eight in Castle Hall, Pythian building, corner John and Mulberry streets at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting Knights cordially welcome.' i. Goldsboro Council, No. 89, Jr. O. U. A. 5L, meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Jnior Order Hall, second floor, Odd Fellows Building, John street Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. Wayne Lodge 112, A. F. and A. M., meets every Monday evening at 7: 30 o'clock in K. of P. building, corner John and Mulberry Streets. Visiting brethren welcome. Keuge Lodge, No. 6. L 0. O. F meets every Tuesday evening at 7 : 30 o' clock in their own hall. Cordial wel- DOWN DOWN! N! t I I i 1 FLOUR, BUTTER, AND IVIANY BANNED GOODS WE ARE DOWN WITH T Talk Business to US, we Need YOU Yours Truly, l A1 Powell Grocery Co. "UNLUCKY CORNER" come to visitors. PHONE 169 WE ABE GLAD" WHEN YOU ABE PLEASED. It gives me much pleasure to enum erate the number of pleased custom ers as well as friends I have gained since last November, and if careful at tention to your orders, the very best and freshest of groceries and vege tables will add you to the list, why all I ask is a trial and you will be added to the list. H. H. JENKINS, Phone 169. Grocer. CAT LIN JlOGw ARROW COLLAR THIN. LIGHT YET STARCHED AND SIGHTLY tOTtSo CtPBTT, THODT CO., 1TC, KUCTI - Electric Signf are the most striking and dignified advertising media in use today. No other form of advertising actually compels attention like the electric sign." It is not that "he who runs may read", but he who runs must read. The merchant of today who ignores the Electric Sign is closing his shutters while the greatest crowd is passing. Their popularity and ef ficiency are attested by the remarkable increase in their number and the wide range in service to which they have been put. We will be glad to submit designs and estimates on any sign in accord ance with your own individual taste free of charge. Our monthly payment plan makes the sign pay for itself. Phone 51 today. asoliiia Power ! Li gnt PHO NE 51. WLLLIAJIS DBUG STOBE SELLS IT CHEAPER, ABry;peli-- IS WHEN YOU 2T0ST NEED lubber (Garden ose We can supply your need, as we have several grades which are sure to please you. t 1 . . 'j J Phone 161 and we will send" It to you. JOHN SLAUGHTER & CO., Inc. ChsSdren Cry for Fletcher's W III I 1 J I 1111 It 2 Tlie Iund ou Have Always Bonght, and wliich has been m 33 for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of . and lias been made nnder his per CJXJVTTr' s,nal supervision since its infaney. ffyy r 4ow no 0110 to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. JiVKat is CASTO R I A Castoria is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil Paw Boric, L Drops and SootninS Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotic euhstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. Tor more than thirty years it Las been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, F.atiiJciiey, V md Colic, aU Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural ikeep! Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. mm CASTO R I A always Bears the Sign iture of In Use For Oyer 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought I DAN Y. MRWVORK C. Y . usy A Soliloquy in Two Paragraphs That' the third time this morning. I can't wait a moment longer on that fellow. Let me see what b Smith's number? ; "If Jones won't provide sufficient telephone facQT ties for his customers, he can't blame me for dealing elsewhere. Operator, give me 437." How do you know this very occurrence doesn't happen with your single telephone. Have an auxiliary line; the cost is trifling. Call the. business Office to day. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY f IN TOWN 2 WHAT? Why the Palace Ice Cream of course. Everyhody says so and it must be so. Try it and be convinced. "YOUR NICKEL'S WORTH" Palace Drug Store mm For your protection, Mrs. House keeper, we have just installed The One Writing Method of handling accounts. With each purchase, our customer receives a sale slip showing the goods purchased, tfco price of each article and the balance previously owed all footed up. With the McCaskay System YOU ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOU OWE Your account cannot grow over night You al ways have the opportunity of checking eacK item from your sale slip to see that everything has been delivered and that the price of every item is correct. We furnish a slipholder to each customer. File the slip in this holder, the last slip. At m glance will tell you what you owe. By preserving these slips you will have the) une record f your account as we, - . ' AND IN THE SAME HAND WRITING - We shall be glad to explain The McCaskey Syktsin to you. y M, W. L, Siammerliini ' FAMILY GROCER Prompt Free Delivery. Phone 25 1

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