1 NATIONAL BANK OP; GOLD SB OB O Wants your business and will be glad to correspond with you Geo. A Norwood, President Geo. C. Kornegay, Cashier NATIONAL BANK OP GOLDBOSO Goldsboro, N. C. Geo. A Norwood, President Geo. C. Kornegay, Cashier GOLBSBORO WE X-7 FT. 7 A ITT) 'fl TT T CUUttbrar This Argua o'er the .tple' rights soothing 'strains of Maia's son, Can lull its hundred eyes to ulep J Doth an eternal Tigil kep; GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ;-21? 1915 NO! 10 VOL. LXIt TO INVESTIGATE THE CHARLESTON KILLING Coroner Will Hold an In quest Over Murdered Re porter Today MOONLIGHT SCHOOLS THEY WILL BE HELD THROUGH OUT THE STATE DU1UAU KOVEMBEK. MILITIA STILL ON DUTY Oct. 17. Formal Moonlight schools has a euphonious None reported. sound. It gives a toucn or me of romance in educational interests. They are to be tried in North Carolina. I townships and districts as reported on census: ;; .'r -:- "., Brogden Township. . District No. 1 Pine Crest school 4. District No. 2 Brogden School 4. District No. 3 Woodland None re ported. . !';.... District No. & Dudley school . rkiatrirt No. 6 Kornegay "school IKE HOUSE LEAGUE S s 1 work, thereby giving .a neiping nana to their co-workers; to the editors ot the papers who have so kindly publish ed their items; to the following mei chants who have f hown their interest in the upbuilding of their town, their county and the- education of the girls by purchasing the 4-H brand tomatoes, and last but not icasl to ever;, Jndivid- District school 7. District No. 7 Thunder Swamp No. . 8 Mt. Olive Graded Great Are The ! Women Goldsboro They ought to be successful, and no schoolL12. doubt will be. Many a man living in District No. gSalem school None the State now got his educational start reported j : District No. 10 Roberts school i. f - by a torchlight. We do not see wuj those grown-ups, who have no learn in sr. should not be able to gain some hv the mnonlieht. North Carolina moonlight nights are the finest in the country. We can safely say, in the world. '. : - I The calendar month of November has been chosen by the state commit Charleston, S. investigation o the shooting in( the rooms of the city Democratic execu- mmittPP : here last Friday in .:v, ...... t fnhPti. renorter for a tee on social service as the period dur ing newsnaiier. was killed and four ing which the moonlight schools shall other men wounded, will begin here be held throughout the state. J j. tnmorrow before Coroner John ; G. It tag been decided to have meet- Mansfield, it was - announced today. ings of county committees on social The police today formally charged service with the teachers of the coun- HenTy J. Brown, one of the men ar- ties at each county seat a week or rested after the shooting, With murder m0re before the time for the moon and with" .- conspiracy to cause1 the !ignt schools to begin and then to have Rhnntine Edward It. McDonald, ar- meetings of the local committees and rested with Crown, was charged j with the local teachers right on the eve of with! the opening of the moonlight schools, these to round out the arrangements the National ani stir enthusiasm to the utmost. guard and three divisions of naval mi- Governor Craig has issued a procla- litia were held in their armories to- mation calling on the people of North day and special deputies remained on Carolina to get behind the movement, Fork Township. No. 1 Oakland school 10. No. 2 Ebenezer school 21. No. JT Rosewood school 6. No. 4 Antioch school 29. j Goldsboro Township. No. 1 Goldsboro Graded school 102 j Grantham T.ownship. No. .1 Falling Creek school 23. No. 3 Park Hill school 9. No. 4 Beaverdam school 11, SO, TOO, ARE THE ; CANNING CLUB GIRLS ual who has given to us a .void oi 0t encouragement and cheer: E. M. Df- vis Grocery Co., J. I). Daniels. F. . Darnes, W.. R. -Thompson, F. 1. rd mundson, Jno. "Derf. fipence fe Vinsoi', E. Edwards & Son, S.-R. Odom, Henry Williams, C. Crooiu." ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA (REAT EIGHT PART FEATURE TO APPEAR AT SEW CRYSTAL TOMORROW. WHAT IS "A MODEL HUM No. No. reported 5 Manley school 7. AH the County As Well jas the City Are Enthusiastic F.or Common County Fair Next Tear, Grow in? Oat of This Exposition. The Housewives League Fair of Goldsboro, under whose auspices the Wayne County Girls Canning Club, tutored so efficiently by Mrs. Herman C. Smith, also gave a nexhibition of 6 Bizzell's Grove school None their year's canning achievements, came to a close amidst the universal school None encomiums of city and country peo- assault With intent, to kill and conspiracy. Four companies of duty at the. courthouse. The day pass- and gtate superintendent Joyner has port(jd No. 7 Dobbersville reported, .j" ; No.! 8 Smith's Chapel school 7. No.! 9 Union Academy scl jol 1 Nol0 Corbett Hill school-13. Great Swamp T.ownship. NoJ 1 Pinkney school 9. No.! 2 Sasser school 9. No.' 3 Aycock school 10. No! 4 Hooks school 3. No. 5 rMemorial school rsone re- ed quietly. It was anonunced the mi- sent a letter to the teachers from litiamen "would' be on guard at the in- which the following is an excerpt: quest and that no persons with j arms, "November has-been designated as or without proper credentials will be Moonlight School Month in North Car- allowed to attend. The Coroner said olina because that seemed to be the he had summoned many witnesses, j I most convenient month. for the major- Both Brown and McDonald have se- ity of the counties of the StateJ If, cured habeas corpus writs requiring j nowever some other : month is more the chief of poiee to show cause in con.venient for your county, and the circuit court tomorrow morning why j roads are in- good condition, select that they should not be released. It was j month ue sure, however, to select a' said that a military guard would be I montn when the weather is likely to present at the hearing on the writs. be pieasant and the roads In good con- Indian Springs Township. No. 1 (-Seven Springs school 4. No. 2 Indian Springs school 2. No. 3 Zion school 1. No.4 Walker school 3. No. 5-!-Smith school None report ed. -1 : N0. 6 Holmes school None report ed. I ;;- r " , -". -: No. 7 Glendale schoo None report ed Mayor in the Six men were arrested alter me shooting, but all except Brown and McDonald were released later. The latter two ..first were charged t.with carrying concealed weapons. It was indicated today that John P. Grace would contest courts the committee Which yesterday declared Tristam T. Hyde the Democratic nom inee for mayor. :- i-" A number of persons prominent r. the business and social life of Charles nn tnqv f.;5i;pd an anneal for "calm- ness and order. dition.- During November or such oth er month as may be selected, concen trate public interest and effort upon this rone -work oi teaching r4he-aiuU3 j of your county to read and write. Rally to the work your newspapers, ail organizations that have pledged decision or tne esetuuro ft . id and all other agencies tna. THE SAVIOUR CALLED. ran he enlisted for service. Have the naners full of it every week. See that reported.. they are furnished with the facts and the news about the schools. Publish before the schools open the number, but not the names, of adult illiterates by school districts. Publish each week the number, but not the names, oi those enrolled in each school. As soon as nossible. for the encouragement of otherspublish from week to week the reported Jfahunta Township. No. 1 Fremont Graded school None Reported. ; ,.; No. Yelverton school None re ported. No. 3 Daniels Quarter None reported. No. 4 Davis school 2. No. 5 Water Branch school None No. 6 Faro school 24. No. 7 Eureka school 5. j New Hope Township. No. 1 Daniels' Chapel 3. No. 2 Grant school 20. No. 3 Glenwood school 21 pie alike, and the common' purposO cf wTinin ennntv now is ta "have a great Industrial County Fair next year, and for this spirit of co-operation and th Housewives League of 1xt3wu Goldsboro is due the entire honor. The following is a lisk of the Can ning Club prize winners a" full" list of other winners, including the prize babies, will follow: 1st tirize $5 in gold Mr. E. B. Bor den. President Wayne National Bank, Juanita Mitchell (age 10 Pikeville, N C, R. 3 922 cans 2nd prize $5 in gold Goldsboro wnmnTis Club. Mary Dewey Hooks, (age 16) Goldsboro N. C; R. 15 cans. - "- . r ' r 3rd prize Angle XampRoyall & Borden. Lin a Fleming" (age 11), Pike ville, R. 3504 cans. (Also $5 in gold by II. Weil & Bros., forr largest num ber of canned fruits and vegetables at Housewives League Fair.) - - Best record book 1 oil stove C. V,". Bender, Norfolk; Louise holmes, Or phan Home. 1 -4-r -2nd 'prize 1 pair scales-Gr aves f J school Smith; Ruth Hooks, Fremont, ss. v . For jar of best , packed tomatoes "Good Housekeeping" 1 year House wives League; Juanita Mitchell. 2nd prize 1 pair scissors W. T. Yelverton ; Lina Fleming. For jar best packed fruit "Pro gressive Farmer" 1 year Dr. Clarence Poe ; Mary Dewey Hooks. 2nd prize "The Headlight" 1 year A. Roscower; Lina Fleming. For glass best scuppernong jelly E. Robin- Thc winner of the ldiic. ribbon at a j 'husband show" reoonlly conducteii n. Dallas. Tex., was ablo to.. tell tlie anni- ( versary .of his wedding, the date of h"u ! wife's birthday, give a recipe for cake tell the price of butter and eggs and sew a button on in two niinues. The old saying. "It's all a luuttci" "ol" opinion, applies as weu u me cuoico of a model husband as to any of the other p'roblems with vhi h life has do. The winner of the prie in this case showed himself 'possessed .- of knowledge not usually to be met with among husbands, whether good or bad. The average niarried man knows . the pr'ce of butter and eggs, as well a a host of other things for which he lias to pay. Sometimes he renienibers the date of his wedding and.it is not un usual lor him to recall his -wife's birth day. Having learned by one or two painful experiences-w hat he' must, en-j dure when he forgets it, he jots it down on his calendar or in smue other place for convenient .reference . .1 loweveiv being able to. give a recipe foi cuiie'aud to go .v-on a button in two miuutos are the :v; c implishmcnta of a mudel wife. The husband .who; learns how to du .cither oi- both is a spineless mollycoddle aud deserves the henpeck ing he inevitably receives. The aver- flsrt; ':ohce-itiun of a model husband does not do these things and he may occasionally forget important dates in his- married life, hut if he is a good provider, .-UeJayeshinjis jy. it,r eason; When Mr. George Kleine first pro duced the Cines "Quo Vadis", it was a revelation in rhoto drama and the whole world marvelled at its imposing beauty aud spectacular grandeur. It marked aii epoch in the new art and o-stablished "a standard. Mr. Kleinc promised more and newer iu sd uct.ions that would surpass "Quo Vaiiis.'.V- and public and rress imme- di viieb said "Impossible 'Quo Vadis is a freak an.' accident it cannot be done again." But since then Mr Kicinc brought out the Ambrosio ver sion of "The Last Days of Pompeii,' whieh again excited the admiration and "-wonderment of the public and COMMERCIAL POTASH IIOW FOUND III UTAH Secretary Lane Regards I! as One of the Most Impor tant Discoveries ot Year ASSURES THE POTASH SUPPLY Washington, Oct, 17. Secretary Lane today announced nhe production of the first commercial mineral potash in the United States. This came to him in the form of a report from a special . i i , I ........ t il. 1 (V ; n . 1 1 enrrav 1 Tl Pi 1 T t f made tiieni .realize tnat pernaps ne ageui ui mc bcuwb'"' - would be able to fulfill his promises, county, Utah, nearly in the central Now he launches the Cines photo part of the state. The potash is found drama Anthony and Cleopatra", 'pro- in a vein or a mineral known as nouiu ed by all who have seen it the alunue, wnicn is me suiyuaw oi ium--most wonderful achievement yet in iuuin and potassium. The vein found photo drama, far excelling all its pre- is some 10 feet wide and; has been I nrr 14-,. 1 Y decessors an amazing unity of dra- tracea ior some o.uu leeu n a tic interest more human and closer not yet known. The alunite when i to nature's heart than any of the oth- moved is subjected to a very simple ers: The love story of "Quo Vadis" process of heating, disolving in water, was Platonic; in "The Last Days of tilteriug and evaporating, and the po Pompeii" idyllic; but in "Anthony n.nd tassiurf sulphate resulting is almost Cleopatra" it is the earthly, masterly- pure. Some. 200 tons of alunite has and o'erpowering passion that finds a been put through the mill and two understandable re- tons of 99 per cent pure poiasu. ua. of us ordinary been produced, . and there is still in compassionate spun sa in the minds mortals o todaj yr. '"Kleine s production of the Cines " . . . -i i oto dra ii i a Amiiony ana uieopaira will 'be 'seen; .at. the New Crystal 'thea tre ivi'mor.row. 1 uesaay, uvt. l'Jtn. TAG DAY The Executive Board of TheGolds bo'ro Hospital have designated Satur day, Ovtober 3t", as the annual Tag Day for the Hospital. -; The ti.oldsboro Hospital is the most creditable public institution the city and county, p solution nearly 100,000 gallons con taining large amounts of potasla salts w'.ich has not yet been evaporated. The discovery that this mineral yields potash in commercial quanti ties. Secretary Lane regards as one of the most important discoveries made recently with reference to our natural resources, as it assures of a domestic supply of potash for our national needs in the manufacture of explosives. CARD OF THASKS. alio extent and make,: sacrihces ot varsonal comfort to mri itain the en tente cordiaTc" with 'D'riud ..Wife, his claim to the title cannot : e questioned. .To the many friends "of burs, who sent flowers and fruit, and were inter- - nasess. it is the crowning! ested in othe,- ways in the welfare o. J r ... 1 -..jx,-. i aM HI rra in her ofyrwhriiyaniloaiity .anaineiQur-"" --r recent critical illness, we are useyu grateful and indebted. MR. AND MRS. A. E. GRASS1E. t eceipts of. Tag Day should emphasize how it is appreciated. by our people. WMA", TICUM OF TIL3I UrFICx: FIR'S-:,' IUF.S. No, In Memory of Little Henry Pelt t.!hid HoTii-v Pelt, who died Sept; number, and. by their permission, the oath was five years old, son of Mr. names of those that have learned to portea Charlie Pelt and Mrs. Sallie TNJrt A Pinov rjrovp 4 Ns, -Casey Chapel school None "Weekly Argus ooi. jos, son; Jma menune. 7 Newsome school None re- Pelt. He was a member of son's Chapel Sunday School Boyette read and write and cipher. Most ot Thomp- this news can be supplied jweekly and the through the news ; letter from each onlv flower of the home, a bright and school, and should also be reported beautiful child. f to the County Superintendent j by the Ao "watPhwi tbfi little srrav hearse teacher. The Superintendent and the nass it reminded us of bygone days, teachers should keep in close touch! ported No. S Adams school 5. Buck Swamp Township. No. 1 Pleasant Hill school 11 No. No. ;No. 2 Nahunta school 3. . 3 Gurley school 1. 4 Edgeworth school None re when we had an experience like this, with the papers and see that the and we said, "O, God, help them, we weekly material is promptly nuuw. - pray Thee; bind up the broken hearts "The program for Community ber- nf his narents. and be witn mem in v ce uay ana i-Morm "u"uo loving comfort." T I year, now in the press, centers around Even now we can picture little the Moonlight School and the elimina- Henry, as he led in "Children's Day" tion of illiteracy in every school dis- celebration, marching with litte Han- trict as the one most Important com- nah Cobb Best and holding a U. S. munity service to be concentrated ,ofnv ar,H with keen interest upon this year. It is suggested that in the services. But the blessed Sav- this day be observed in each county ported. lour had aeed for, the child in His on the Friday before the opening oi No. 5 Pleasant Grove school None Him who doeth all things well. MR. AND MRS. A. P. HOWELL. No. Vinp-dnm above. ! ine.moonugni bwiuo,-uu ui u w. rr- : We ' commend his dear parents to day at each scnooinouse aii me ueum for opening and successfully conduct ing the school he completed. ) ' "Because of their onerous duties in the day schools and their inadequate salaries. I did not feel that I ought tr, nv that the community ought I ported. s ti.-,. n:i nr.ver- fo Tt of the miblic school teachers No. 5 Novel Hill scnooi o W UU eui dim ""6- I " - I 1 r .nnfv. t,oTi nna mnnth's extra service I AOtai iiiub iai ''"H UIVIO fclUfcll ! Total number cans of tomatoes 11,- 076; value $865.07. : Sold fresh $61.90. Total number other products in tia peas, peaches, beans, corn, potatoes 365."" ,.-:.';-....:. ;'. ji'-'.-'-.-Total number in glass (reported) 1,614. ' v f : . While these girls have stored away, for winter comfort, products to this amount it is the concensus of opinion among them that for each dollar made,! $10 worth of more valuable attainment of self development and steady pur pose has been given. The community spirit, the spirit of co-operation, has been beautiful to see. These girls have been organized 7 . months and their report must compete with clubs that have been organized qtth swn'mn' Rchool None one, two, three and four years, Had it not Deen ior iu w""- Atlanta, : da., Oct.- -1 7. Tviiss Lucille Dt-vis, IS, one ot the tb.o.e-teriousij oui'ned here yesterday in tv lire in the died today, bringlua the death l'fct.-lo three. -Ouc yoiing v. ouian was i-mu'-.j to '.'death in the building and. aiiothor died shortly- after .teing taken to h .-.osrital. . , . '- -.'. .. Eight "persons; w;ere-seri-oitsl.v burn ed, or -injured..-hut all are expecteu to recover. A fireman -who v-as .painfully burned was the only one of the vietiins not an -employe of the film ccmpany. 41 tk rf MEW YSTAL HAVE DAEK HAIR AM) LOOK TOUXt-S "Nobody Tan Tell When u Darken Gray, Faded Uair tith Sage Tea. '.kildol'oro's Modern Movie" TUOtiKAM TODAY: TJIi; KIFFITU SENETT ALL-STAR BIOl'RAFH FK0GRA3I SO. 1. Pikeville Township. No. 1 Pikeville scaool None ported.:: NoJ 2 Mt, Carmel school 23. No. 3 Person school 6. Noj '4 Taylor school 1. j . Saulston Township. No. 1 Nahunta school None. No. re- re- Dear Lord help me to understand That we shall know each other In- that beautiful far away fland Surely I shall know little" Henry, In that bright celestial home, Where there's no death, sorrow nor pain, - , - .. j . -. - And no sad farewells are known. While the days are slowly, passing, Each one bring me nearer thee, For I'm striving for that blessing That I know awaited thee. t-! a ' tun iWa '-OTuirtAA rains in the spring which damaged ai. Droducts the prom woum uo greater the wUt attacked the Orphan Home garden, lessening the produc tion, also two other gardens. The 4-H Brand tomatoes are now on sale and the housewives are requested to ask for-them and thus help the girls of Wayne county in their effort tr. better themselves, their county 5 Butts school 12. Stony Creek Township. No. 1 Salem school 8. No. 3 Best school 14. ' No. - 4 Patetown school None re- at night, without compensation. s ; . , . . . time give r,i otori however, that It is tnougnt mat a iuu rtpwuium --- . . .. . .. nctH.t not rATMirte and a re- value receivea before tne close oi me moni tjum-icixi. i vxxj v.. - - - interest will be aroused and sufficient canvass by the teacners ana commit These girls realize this work is in I tfa infannv Tifi thev have a vision . . a a-i 1 -nA-mA-n rT all t nD niamPTR T. n R Tl II III UKf I VO luiiwiv,, - success attained in many oi pie r - -. - - - a erocers carrying Wayne lieht Schools to warrant extending the or illiterate aauns m u. I "LT " ..:r rPA for ALUMINUM DEttOXSTKATIOS. The women of" St." Paul M. E, 'church will Lave a demonstration of much in- cst cn the merits of ..aluminum ware aad on the . jnodern.- electric stoe, Tuesday afternoon at -3: 30 o'clock in he ' building next to ths Opera House, here the Housewives Fair as held. Twenty-five cents admission entitles, , L . .... 1 .. til you to reiresumems au-i nn 'iu;nm'"" T-m, fr,r timsn in whom a van. has not been given. "A BEAST ;AT BAY" One part, featuring Mary Pickf ord i"-m August. Alfred Paget, Charles? ' Miles. ''"THE r.IOTHLHLNG HEAET" Grandmother kept her hair beaut'- fully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever her hair fell out or took Ion that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance, this simple mixture was ap plied with wonderful effect. By asK ing at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, will get a large bottle of this old-time receipe, ! ready to use, for about 50 cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist Two part, featuring Blanche Sweet, gays everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Robert Harron. Carre nicuoweu, Wilfred Lucai. Charles West. HYVJIFN THE F1KL llLLJj itAJh' One part, featuring Fred Mace. TUESDAY: George Klcme presents SUNDAY YIOLATIO.XS DOUBLE IX Sulphur, because it narKens so nat urally and evenly" that nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it througn your hair, taking one strand at a time. the world's By morning tbe gray nair uisa, after another application or twu, . restored to its natural color and looks (HIC V(;O.U" c;ht massive AT THE ACME TODAY. "How long, dear Saviour, oh how long, Shall that bright hour j delay ? Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time, And bring the welcome day." HIS TEACHER. DISTRICT MEETING. term, and that citizens and interested be greatly increased organizations and orders in, the com munity will arrange for such exten sion and for payment of the teacher or J i 1 I 4-1. r some otner person to continue school, and also to provide, where feasible, instruction for other adults, besides illiterates, desiring additional instruction.' county products they are ready for kindly criticism or a pat upon th-3 shoulder "in that friendly sort of way." Quality, not quantity, has been im n m-Aoecii nr must be. uDon them. To Will Ut KCU Wovi. v ' another episode cf that highly interest- make the best better" their motto-let vr2 ferial; "The Black Bex' Aicn r,n ftk r;av will be seen- a spec-1 Every member of the Canning Clubs, nrQfiiDi wtth the County Agent, wi3h - 1 .1 i it... t Voofon In I tUantr mnat TlAJl.rt.llV fiVenOIlB I" All the schools in Wayne county Witn a cast luau wuu I lu ' - ; - ... . i v xt v,. ir; this nir.ture. "The Wolf of Debt", is Wayne county, who has helped. 1 .v- ,,t. .nni h featured Billie Garwood and Violet make this work a success especially ".rrr::: 7,ZZ v. nd Brmslev Shaw. The would they thank the County Superm- m wayne wuutj ia u.u ; - i t, There will be a meeting of the Sixth weeks beginning on November the , . p . " J onea nitri''.Tr.: o. tt A Mr with Seven Un A lnsine December 10. ! ;: ; i tut, vin icat u . :ru.-T rr.T: w.---I- o -n Nnrth in2 a driTins rain storm. , The gowns who so eladly offered tne prizes, springs council jno.- oa, veuiieuttjr, vjommumiy. o iv.o a - - - . , . Vw v,0 AfTortx .-.-!.".--. -1 m . itilwoTn bv Mlss'Mersereau were design-IWomans Club, who hy, their enono All Juniors are extended a" most Lchoolhouse in Wayne County on Fri- ed and madefy Harry ColUns, the ... I v. ii .;-.' .-!.--- I mous theatrical costumer of -New-York. Housewives League, Womans Club "" """""' , , - r?,. T ' ; . if tt. nm- Tis .3 a , WUng a.of W orgaation, wko U bo cheer fhir, Dei. 17. Fifty-two -viola- tiaons of the Sunday saioon- niui law were reported to police headuuar ters tonight. Last Sunday when May or Thompson's order enforcing the law went into efteci. violations .eM nnriwi There are i.loA-.sa- loons in the city. - In the towns and villages outside of Chicago liquor was sold as usual with one exception. Phoenix, with a popu lation of 1,200, and IS saloons,- was 'dry." ;.'-.; Seven arrests were made in the city, whereas no arrest was made last Sun day. - . .-. A South Side saloon keeper closed his piace at midnight last night with six patrons inside. A dozen policemen surrounded the place for three hours Finally the" patrons and proprietor at tempted to get out through a window. Each was arrested. Chief of Police Healey said the list of all violators, with the witnesses and evidence,' would be submitted to Mayor Acme Features ti. District deputy, ber of adult illiterates in the county hyl ciety and the business world. fully used their influence to push this leatest photo-spectacle vnutw ivn rivfiPlTRl"" j tint r.arts ElOSSY, SULl uu - wj:jm:.shay: Gem-go Kleine presents THE Ji FAKED TRUTH". Tn'tivp. rarts. featuring the celebratea actress Lyda Borelli, from the fa mous French novel by Henry Bataille :..;'-. THURSDAY: "BARTERED LIVES" Kleine feature in four parts featuring Marie Hesperia in the dual role of herself and twin sister. Pathe's Great Serial "XKAL OF THE JfAYY" t,. '''-n, -toT,rm't -"fail to see this first of the fourteen episodes which will two pan uom oBdi l" TODAY'S FROGRAM. "THEIR PREY" side Thompson. I 1V0TICE Some one has borrowea our Jevel and tripod, and we would veiy much appreciate the return of same, rtrt Tl' Cx Tt them baaly. John CVO - T vjw - . Slaughter & Co., Inc. , -i-nnr interest from -start to finish. ' -. FRIDAY: GOLDEN BEETLE" Another Kleine feature in four parts. "TR0UBLES031E BEAUTY" One part comedy. ,' . SATURDAY: George Kleine presents Irene Feuwick in thaf rollicking comedy "THE COMMUTERS" Founded on the star play by James Forbes. riUCES o MSB 10 CE3TS, Herbert Rawlmson. "BILLY'S COLLEGE DAYS" - imp Comedy Drama. "Lady . Daisies and DetectiTe Duck" Max Asher, and Gail Henry. TOMORROW'S PROGRAM. A four part masterpiece, featuring Violet Mersereau and Wm. r:y: Garwood. "THE BLACK" BOX" In Two Parts. - A Broadway feature every Thursday at less than Broadway prices.