CASE AGAINST TAG G ART DISMISSED BY JUDGE .'AIIIIUAL OUTING AT 'EGYPT', Indiananolis, Ind., Oct. 19. The cas against Thomas Taggart, Democr.iti National Committeeman for Indiana, charged with election conspiracy, jwas dismissed by Special Judge Eicnnorn in criminal court today, on the motion of prosecutor A. J. Rucker. The cases of more than 100 other men who were indicted, with Taggart, and Mayor J03, E. Bell were put over to December Mayor Bell was acquitted by a Jury last Wednesday. LIRA BARBER SHOP George Degeorge, 203 East Walnut St, Has invited the public to come 'and try his treatment for stopping the har from coming out and also for curing dandruff. I guarantee to stop the hair from falling out and to cure the worst case of dandruff. No money paid J un less you are satisfied with my treat ment. You pay me when you are sat isfied with my work. This is the time of year when your hair will fail nd by taking it in time you can save ft, Look at the man that is bald-headed and the man that has his hair and you will see a great difference in thejone "with hair and the one that is bald- headed, so don't be one of those when you can save your hair. Come at once to my shop and be convinced, bot'i ladies and gentlemen. Special atten tion given to ladies. Also guarantee to restore your hair to its natural col or In two weeks, no matter bow white. OVEti 2,000 PEOPLE BEAD THE AKGCS WAT AltS DAILY. Calendars, Fans, Signs, Advertising Specialties, Leather Goods, Pencils, Etc. We furnish full sales co-operation, assign exclusive territory. Want men of real selling ability, over thirty. Give exrerience land reference in first letter. Terre Haute Advertising Co., Terre Haute, Ind. good wife came along talking about how ennd th 'nnasnm was. and I crave I my piece to her, (not the piece I was : I I chewing, however, but the rest I had Pine Forest Sunday School Celebrates and after-that '-1 was more interested Custom Established by Superin- tcndent John M. Mitchell. HOUSE FOH JJEM' Desirable resi dence on James street, south of my own home. For terms apply to Leoa ard Edwards. LE STRAYED strayed troni my home Oct. athj one black mare mule weighing 950 pounds, gray face, shod on front feet. Finder will receive reward. j STEPHEN KEARNEY, R. No. 4. Snow Hill, N.jc. LISTEN. The excellence of our goods and the promptness of our service is well at tested by the growing trade with whicb "We are favored. JUST A I KITED Rolled Oats Puffed Wheat Puffed Rice and other cereals, j ; Nice Bright North Carolina Hams. H. II. JENKINS GROCER Dr. A. H. Zealy OSTEOPATH 112 Chestnut St., East Phone 171 Dr. J. N. Johnson DESTIST. v ( I. .j Has removed (v Hcoms 203 and 205, 2nd Floor f J?rden Building, j PHOA'E 44. QUICK SALE CHEAP, COMPLETE SET Mission Dining Room Furniture, in good condition. Address Mrs. H. M Humphrey, 105 North George jst. : - Joe A. Parker INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE 118 East Centre Street i Osteopaths Dr. A. F. Winkelman and : '1; . Dr.LilaB. Winkelman Rooms 305-306-309 1 BORDEN BUILDING j Phone 346 I N. E. Bradford SEAL ESTATE, BESTAI, AlfD IKSUSCE AGE3TT. i Ground Floor National Bank Building, FOLEY KIDNEY PHIS Several years ago, Mr. Jno. M. Mitch. ell, the efficient Superintendent of Pine Forest Sunday School conceived the idea of giving the school, the parents, and friends of both, a day's "outing" in the full sense of the term, and chose the day in the beautiful month of Oc tober, when the great hand of Nature is just beginning to dip the brush in the vast dve Dots, giving to the foli age the numerous, and variegated tints which clothe the ; woods in all their autumnal beauty, j The location selected, was at the Ferry Bridge, on Neuse River, and the spot was designated as "-Egypt , anu ever since, the trip to "Egypt" has been the occasion of solid enjoyment to all who are so fortunate as to go. Dor nine years now, in succession it"ha-i been looked forward to, with joyous anticipation, especially t by the chil dren, and in fact, by all who have eve partaken of its unusual pleasures, but last Saturday surpassed all previous gatherings there, both in numbers, in attendance, and the variety of the ele gant dinner, a goodly portion of which was prepared on the ground. There were present, one hundred and twenty five, and such a dinner as is seldom seen, not only in the abundance 'of good things to tempt the most fastid ious appetite, but also the way it was prepared. - I Should you be so fortunate as to jte guest on one of these occasions, you would note the evening previous, prep arations being made for an early start next morning, and then you would not see the nrst who started, unless you were an early riser, for, before Aurora J pushes back the curtains of night, and the gray dawn is seen creeping up in the eastern sky, some few have already made the start, on their way to the "Islands" to secure game for the de licious "Brunswick Stew" which is to help fill the waiting hungry crowd at noon." ;: On last Saturday morn, long befpr? the dense fog had disappeared, the road leading to the chosen location, echoed, and re-echoed with the merry songs, and laughter of happy joyous childhood; jolly, fun loving lads, and lassies; beautiful young womanhood: gallant young manhood; and those in the sear and yellow leaf of maturer years, in wagons, buggies, and auto mobiles, each one seeming determined to make the day surpass all others, on previous occasions, as one of un alloyed happiness, and pleasure, j Arriving on the ground, the first thing which attracts your attention U the huge camp fire on the banks of the Neuse, from which arise not only the smoke which curls above you among the cedar boughs, overhead. , but the appetizing aroma of "Brunswick Stew", frying fish, chicken, ham and the kettles of coffee, all sharpening your appetite, until by the time ? j stand there a few minutes, and watch the noted Chef, Mr. Jim Mitchell, ma nipulate that stew, and the dozen or more good women turning fish, ham. chicken, etc., you feel such a peculiar longing for something to satisfy ;the inner man, that, well,: you get so all- fired hungry, that you could eat thi padding out of a cart saddle, and then taper off on about a dozen auger holes for desert. . --p- ' I . While dinner is being prepared,' th-3 children, and young people, are roam ing the woods, gathering haws, winter huckleberries, and having a good time in general; while some amuse them selves running foot races on the bridge, which spans the Neuse, and of ten you will notice an anxious mother run hastily toward the river, when a( little tot gets uncomfortably near; th-j sloping banks, or falls from one of the numerous cypress logs lying near, waiting for the raftsman to launch it for some mill far down stream. The table is improvised on the ground, consisting of three wagon bodies, which are inverted, and upon which the table cloths are spread; uad as on Saturday, when there was no room for anything else, every available space being filled. Rev. Roscoe John son invoked Divine blessing, and the hungry crowd began to get busy. Pardon my digression, but right here, 1 must tell a good one on! my self, if you will excuse the personal alluison. I do not like 'possum; and never could overcome a distaste for it gotten long years ago, when a boy; and in fact that distaste has developed Into disgust at the very thought of it be ing good, and in later years I .have tried to cultivate a taste for his pos sumship by tempting my appetite with the proverbial 'Possum and 'Taters, but still It was no go, so I have given up, for If I cannot eat it with potatoes, I cannot with anything, as I am very fond of them. j - - Well, friend Jim Mitchell fished around in one of his three pots of stew, and handed me a good sized peice of what I thought was squirrel, remarking "Just try that." The thought never occurred to me that it was 'possum, even after I had tasted it, and probably I never would have been wiser, had not a friend asked how I liked the 'possum. Immediately the peice I was chewing begun getting bigger, and the more I chewed, the big ger it got, and I could see the' thing grinning, and In a few minutes; I im agined I could taste him grinning, and things were getting serious until my 6? in the dish that had no 'possum in it, and all was "calm and serene" again and no one detected my misfortune, if it may be called such, until I told it, which I thought too good to keep. There was nothing to mar the pleas ures of the day, except that Mrs. For rest Smith and little daughter, and Master Tommie Kelly missed the road thaH mnrnirm1 anrt finrtinp' thpmsplvpq near Stevens Mill, were directed by f rtm Ana a naai Txr o xr f r ftia T?orrV ! Bridge, and in trying to find it, they got lost in the Islands, till fortunately, they came across a hunter, who kindly directed them to the public road, but when they i arrived at "Egypt," dinner was over, and the good edibles Mrs. Smith had prepared, and two dressed fowls, which were to contribute to Jim Mitchell's stew, were among the nuni- eous baskets of fragments which were taken up, after all had been filled. After dinner was over, the young folks gathered moss, to decorate them selves and the vehicles, and take home with them, while the older ones, grouped around in the shade of the cedars,' on Jthe bridge, or the cypress logs, and discussed the various topics of interest, or simply indulged in pleasant social Intercourse. The distance from home, renders it necessary to break camp by the middle of the afternoon any: way, and as the crowd,! invigorated by the days pleas ures, and (relaxation from the busy duties of every day life, wended their way homeward, every heart thanked Mr. John Mitchell for inaugurating the unique outing, and the annual pleasure which now: has become one of the com munity's most enjoyable occasions, and wish for him lengthened years of hap piness' and usefulness in his noble work. -1 " j WILL. CRAWFORD. (By request, Record and Republican please copy.) ROOMS Four furnished rooms with electric lights, hot and cold bath- near Kennon Hotel. For terms ad dress P. lE. H., P. O. Box 530, City. LOST-j Bunch of keys with owner's name, Frazier Williams, on them. Finder will please return to Wil liams' Drug Store and receive re ward. HOUSE FOB BENT Two story S rooms, all modern conveniences. Ap ply to E. H. Bain. ; ii Mis The Man Who Takes PrMc ii No Clothes Will Ap peal to Him More than the ) Styles We Are Showing We have assembled the choicest, neatest and best. They instant ly appeal to good taste. $15 to $25 stein s IT. E. cor. Centre and Walnut Sts. Goldsboro, N. C Our "Styles" 24 Hours From Broadway Sell Your . Totacc With AND Ep n Advertise in the Argus liVlMJ mM iiVIfliUllllL ii 114 nut Street 114 The undersigned has opened a Meat Market on Walnut Street, in the building formerly occupied as a Restaurant, where I will keep at all times Fresh Meats of all Kinds. My purpose is to give satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. I realize that only by giv ing satisfaction can I hope to build up and hold the patron age of the Public. m AT e Brick Warcliioese you will get the highest Market Prices The reason we can get you the most money for your tobacco is that we have all the compan ies represented on our market. We have the Liggett and Myers Tobacco Co., The American Tobacco Co., The Imperial Tobacco Co., The Export Tobacco Co., The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., and a large independent bnusiness. You wont find all the companies on many of the markets and you can't afford to sell your Tobacco where you can't get all the competition. Bring your tobacco to The Brick Warehouse where you will find strong bidding on every pile. '0BBITT & FORBES BIGGER Till EAER FOWI'LL, THE FISH DEALER, 3IAKyS ASXOUXCEMENT. I desire to announce to my friends aid the public in general that I am still in the fish business, at the City Fish Market, and prepared to fill all orders for fish and oysters to their guaranteed satisfaction, as the quality of the fish and oysters I shall sell can not be excelled Cordially, E. W. POWELL., Phone 65, City Fish Market. 38 1 VALUABLE COCA COLA CROWNS $60 TALKING MACHINE whict plays records of any make willbe given a way ABSOLUTELY FREE With 21 Pieces of Music, to the Person Who Brings Us the Greatest Number of Our Coca-Cola Crowns on Dec. 22 1915 " SEE THIS GRAND PRIZE IN ROYALL & BORDEN'S window, who sell these machines. Will be presented to the Winner Dec; 24th- Barnes-Harrel Grocery Company V, Jiolcsalc Grocers and Bottlers. Goldsboro, H. C. All our bottled goods are of Filtered water Absolutely Pure. H. KEEP i BOOHS SELL FOR GASH illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllilllllUlllllllllllllllllllIllllllH I make PROMPT and FREE delivery and solicit your patronage. Yours to please, Phone 215. SILAS A. WORLEY. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR HOBBS Goldsboro, N. C. Clinton, N. C. Main Office: Goldsboro Call 202. Branch Ofllce: Clinton, N. G. Estimates on your Plumbing Cheerfully solicited Standard Guaranteed Goods Installed Bath Tubs, Closets, Lavatories, Sinks and Plumbing Supplies. Call 202 for your orders promptly attended to. H. HOBBS, Goldsboro, N. C. WE ARE AGENCY FOR Farke; & Tilforfs Temptingly Delicious - Chocolate Candies Any kin d Any size package, always kept Cool and Fresh Palace Drag Store

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