' II LOCAL Thanksgiving is Just one week off. Mrs. J. D. Brooks! is visiting rela tives in Washington,) D. C. ' 1 : Miss Katherine Kitchin. of Scotland Neck. Is the guest of 'Miss Mary Cleves Daniels. Mrs. Sue M. Gregg, of Wilmington, is in the cityr the guest of Mrs. Chas. Lutes, on Park Avenue, j Capt. R. P. Howelll who has been on a visit to the homejof his son Capt. George Howell, in Washington, D. C. has returned to the city. There will be an important meeting of Thos. Ruffin Chapter U. D. C. Fri day afternoon at 4 o'clock in their as sembly room in the; Court House Every member of Goldsboro Council No. 39 Jr. O. U. A. M. is urged to be present at the regular meeting Thurs day night. Business of importance. Initiation, etc. The cantata by the choir of the First Presbyterian church' that was to have been rendered on Friday evening of this week, has been postponed until Tuesday eventng of next week. Elder W. M. Monsees will hold ser vice and preach in the Primitive Bap tist church, on Spruce street, this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The public will be welcome. I Rt. Rev. Leo Haid, D. D., Catholic bishop of North Carolina, spent last night In this city, and officiated at 6 o'clock mass in St. Mary's church this morning,' going south on the early train. . I . , The Crystal theatre is installing to day one of the latest and most popu lar electrical player pianos, with over 60 popular airs adapted to the moving picture films and jwill! prove an ad ditional pleasure to patrons of this popular house. The Senior Philatheas of the Second Baptist church will give a social in a vacant house on South Slocumb street, near the Electric Reel company's reel house this evening for the benefit of the Christmas entertainment of the Sunday school. Oysters, chicken salad, ice cream and cake will be served at moderate prices. The public is Invited. The Argus is glad to welcome to the city as a permanent acquisition, Dr. 13. R. Warren, recently of Raleigh, a dentist of ability and experience, who lias purchased the office equipment and good will of Dr. K C. Vitou, and lias located in the former's offices in the Grant Building, on John street, where he will conduct a general den tal practice. The Argus wishes him a full measure of success. ! Rnn4Irt4 Naa-Sktf Braf Cisa Ca TuH Ta J!0x32 JBJMir $10:55. $2,20 $2J0 30x3H 11.90 1335 2.60 2.90 32x3 13-Z5. 15:40 2.70 3.05 34x4 19.90 22.30 3.90 4.40 34x4H 27.30. 30.55 40 5.40 36x4:3 23.70, 32.15 5.00 5.65 37x5 35.55 39.80 5.951 6.70 38x51 46.no I 51.50 1 6.751 7.55 w TO j Firestone Buflt-up-in-Center Tread. Firestone superior quality' in every ounce of materials Firestone scientific construction by the greatest organiza tion of tire specialists these and a score of other reasons score victory for the Firestone user in the long toui daily service and pocketbook economy test. Automobile and motorcycle tires, tubes and accessories. Firestone Tire! and Rubber Company i 'Amarioa'a Largt Exclusive Tirm and Rim Maker" Akron, Ohio Branches and Dealers Everywhere! ii I! JOHN J EPH The Man Who "Sells It Cheaper" Everything For Men and Boys ! GENTS' FURNISHINGS "We have just received a se ond the best hats in the world, shipment of STETSON HATS, "We have everything in GEMS' FUm'ISIILXGS for men and Boys at prices that will appeal to you and make your purchases go further for the money than any store in Goldsboro. We have an , excellent line of NIGHT SHIRTS which we are offering at Bar gain prices. We want your patronage and will treal you right. When you need anything in Clothing-, - Hats, Shoes, and General Men's Furnishings, be sure to call on John Joseph Walnut Street, East. Goldsboro, If. 0. 23 B. G. TH0MP SO N & SO N, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING; SHOES BIG REDUCTIONS IN Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes We will sell the following goods at attractively low prices for Cash m TERRIFIC SALE Dlaim AT The public reception and silver of fering at the Goldsboro Public Library last night, which' was open to all Goldsboro, was both socially and fi nancially a most enjoyable and en couraging event. The Board of Trus tees, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Norwood, Hon. and Mrs. D. H. Bland, Mrs. M. C. Gariessen, Miss Sally Kirby, Col. Jos. E. Robinson, and J the Librarian, Miss Mary P. DeVane, formed the receiving line. The hall was artistically deco rated, and refrehing punch and cake were served by the young ladies of the Library Auxiliary. It will long be remembered as a very delightful even Int. WOMAIIS GL I) j 109 Walnut Street, East IS NOV GOING ON And Lasts Until November 25th We are making this one of the Greatest Bar gain Events of the year in Goldshoro and we want you to call at ous store and let us con vince you that when Kannon Bros, advertises a Special Cut Price Sale, they sell goods just 1 as they advertise. I i . i KANNON BROS. During this Month, or un till our present stock is ex austed we will . a good ceiling 5-8 inches thick for $15.00 per thousand feet. ! Yours tuly, A. T. Griffin Many Advertis e i factoringCo. the Argus CROSSETT SHOES We have 100 pairs of the well-known Crosse tt Shoes, worth $4.00 to $5.00, that we offer at $3.50 per pair to close out. None better. STAR BRAND , We also have a large lot of this celedrated brand of Shoes that we will sell very low. Every pair guaranteed to be strictly SOLID LEATHER. H. C. GOODMAN SHOES In Women's and Children's. These are all fine Shoes and the price ranges from 75c to $2.00. "STRONGER THAN THE LAW" We make a specialty of the "STRONGER THAN THE LAW" Heavy Work Shoe. S&We also have many other good makes of Shoes that we will sell at greatly reduced prices for Cash. Dry Goods, ' Dry Goods. We have a large stock of dry goods which we will sell at prices that will be interesting to you. Below we quote a few prices : Yard wide White Homespun. Checked Homespun. Standard Apron Ginghams.. Good grade Outing Best Grade Outing.... Flannelettes -.. Calico . -. Percales '; .. Daisy Cloth Best Grade Dress Ginghams.. Good Feather Tick 5c yard 5c 7c 7c 8c 8c 5c 8c 7Jc 8c 15c Auto Bargains One five passenger Maxwell. One five passenger Ford. J One five passenger Overland. One 1 ton 1-H. C. Truck. All in good running condition. Will sell any of the above at special bar gain.: j ;. j ' ' j BUICK G AH AGE CO j i L.I R. Powers, Mgr. Joe A. Parker IIISURAIIGE AtlD REAL ESTATE 118 East Centre Street The November: meeting of the Wo mans Club will be held Thursday af ternoon in the Club room at 4 o'clock. Executive meeting at 3 : 30. A full at tendance i3 urged as there is much business of importance. Jenkins Grocery A full line of canned vegetables are now on hand. Order what you want by the can or case. Jackson Square, Caraja and other good brands of Coffee. I have installed a gasoline station at my store and will sell gasoline at tank wagon prices. Just drive your car to my store and have it filled at wholesale prices. H. H. JENKINS GROCER Phone 169. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Acme Features TODAY'S PROGRAM. "THE SUPEBIOB CLAEtt" Three reel western drama, featuring Sherman Bainbridge, Edythe Sterl ing, and RexJ DeRosellL DAY AT ailDL'AND BEACH Joker Comedy. Always bears the Signature of Dr., A. H. Zealy! OSTEOPATH 112 Chestnut St., East Phone 171 sz$ ? Dr. HACK SERTICeI ::- : - - - COMING THURSDAY NAT a G00DWDT -. - (-IN -BUSINESS IS BUSDfESS SIX -REELS SIX The Latest j Broadway Feature. Hear the' Acme Orchestra every -Ion day, Wednesday and Friday Right, I desire to thank the Goldsboro pub lic for the generous patronage with which they have; always favored me, and by prompt service I hope for their continued favors- 1 Phone calls in the day for me will receive prompt attention at the Clly Barber Shop. Phone No. 567. My resi dence phone is 317-JT I make by appointment engagements for early or night trains.: E Respectfully,' J. N. Johnson DENTIST. das rtmoTed U Bomi tU and 205, -ad Fleer ef Berden Buildl. PHONE 44. PHONE 97 U. M. Gilllkio FOR OYSTERS j FRESH DAILY Steak Mackerel, Channel Bass, and all other first class fish dressed and delivered promptly. WANT ADS FOR SALE One Cole Hot Blast large V size stove. Address Box 300, City. It FEMALE HELP WANTED Women, young or middle aged, wanted as special representatives in home town; $12 weekly salary and com mission. Also State and Traveling managers wanted; $1200 yearly sal ary and expenses, or cash and com mission. Goodwear Hosiery Mill, Dept. 15, Trenton, N. J. lwl 3ts W. H. WATERS. ' v - 1 ; : HQUSEWIYES : We Invite you to our itora to see our complete stock of HEATING STOVES AND OIL HEATERS This Is the season of tr" " ear ' hen you should make the nec essary arrangement for your needs. ; ' We have a style and price to suit every purchaser. ; EasyTerms if desired JOHN SLAUGHTER & CO., Inc CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS. Tells How to Get Quick Relief From Head-Colds. If s Splendid! In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache; dryness. No strug gling for breath at night: your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every -air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. POSITION WANTED By young man - - ri . as salesman, j&aaress m , vmu Argus . . MALE HELP WANTED Managers- capable, ambitious young men want ed as traveling and state manager ; $1200 yearly salary and expenses, or cash and commission. Also local representatives wanted; $12 weekly salary and commission. Goodwear Hosiery Mills, Dept. 15, Trenton, New Jersey. lwlD ROOMS FOB RENT Furnished or un furnished, bath and gas connections. Apply to Robt. Stevens, Phone 266-I 3t .New Offering For Quick Buyers Right 'Prices. A few acres of the Mrs. Sallie Davis place on the ! A. C. Ii. railroad near Greenleaf,. also a few vacant lots be longing to Mrs. Davis. One nice vacant corner lot suitable for store, on the corner James and Holly Streets. One new two-story house on West Fine street; good colored settlement; a big Largaiu. ' W. S. Daughtry's new house on S. Slocumb street, near Creech's store. R. N. Hood's 23-acre farm near J. J. rfolloweli's store, containing one five loom cottfl.s3 rnd all necessary outbuildings. W. R. Hightower's 30 acre tract nice level land, one and a half miles from city on Pikeville road; nice cottage and all necessary outbuildings. Four vacant lots in Par& Height3 x big: .bargain One seven room cottage on James street..' ' One vacant lot in Little Washington (colored settlement.) Prol. Collie'- Cobb's 156 acre farm live miles southeast of the city. Lorenza Jordan's 6 room cottage on Cast Chestnut Street in rear of Court House. Jas. B. Forehand's 30 acre tract of land at Whitley. 47 acres fine farm land at Whit ley, N. C, in high state of cultivation R. H. Howell's 177 2-3 acre farm, ( miles south of Pine Level, in Johnston county. "Adjoining the lands of T. H. E aught y, F. P. Whitley, R. L. Ray and Ransom Creed. R. E. Lee's 50 acre farm 5 miles west ol Goldsboro, known as the Hogs Falls Pi ce. A big b rgain. I havo for sale various other prop e"ties nut mentioned here that are good u rgairs. . F'or t rthei' information, see or ad dress - N. E. PRADFORD, Nation Bank Bide. Goidsboro. N. C. Clothing, Clothing, Clothing ! We have a large line of Clothing which we will sell at greatly reduced prices worthy of your consideration. Wealso offer the very lowest prices on Overalls, Work and Dress Shirts. We invite you to call and inspect our stock and get our prices before making your purchases. We are sure we can save you money. Let us show The prices quoted above are strictly vjaoii. luuio iiuiy, B. G. THOMPSON & SON, DRY GOOD, CLOTHING, SHOES. FOR SALE. note, of J. .D Farr'or VALUABLE COCA COLA CROWNS ttLf. 'TAT.irnV-i TlTArWTlVP' whicb. plays records of any make willjbe given' away ABSOLUTELY FKEE With 24, Pieces of Music, to the Person Who p JUa 'VJ- M. -M .-kr v Will mw-SM. "V Coca-Cola Crowns on Dec. 22, 1915 SEE THiS GKAIND PK1ZE ;1XN KU x ALL fit V BORDEN'S window- who sell these machines. Will be presented to the Winner Dec. 24th- Barnes-Harrel Grocery Company TThnlAsnlA firoftpr and Bottlera. Ool d shorn. IT. fLy All oar bottled goods are of Filtered water Absolutely Pore. . V Parke WE ARE AGENCY FOR & Tilf Temptingly Delicious Chocolattc Candies Any kiid Any size package, always kept" N. E. Bradford - HEAL ESTATE, BESTAL ASD - USljn'E AGENT. roiLUJ friH v" -"isakBuildiiiA ?Z8T3 W, ; A note, of J. .D. Eamor for ttrc? abel annually from Jan. 4, 1915, en X)r A. F. Winkcllliail dorsed by A. u. ward 01 iew cem, and Annie V. Farrior and secured by 35 shares of Pepsi-Cola Company stock, due Jan. 1, 1918. ; . The above is the collateral to a note of A D. Ward endorsed by I G. Dan iels, both of New Bern, due September 1. 1916.;:;:v-',;;-.';;.v-r-:;';".. : Any or all these notes and security will be offered for saeat the Court House door Nov. 15, 1915. V ' G. A. NORWOOOD, Pt. . Goldsboro, N. C and Dr.Lila B. Winkelinan Rooms 305-306-309 BORDEN BUILDING Phone 346 HOUSE. FOR RENT Two story 8 rooms, all modern conveniences. Ap ply to E. H. Bain. j Palace Drug Store to supply your home market durine De- 3 cember' and January WHEN PRICES ARE HIGH. We have growing in the mountains of North Carolina the finest lot of CABBAGE PLANTS that has ever been grown for shipment during' September and October, and being1 grown in that climate, they are tonga and hardy and can stand the effects of the hot snn better than any other plants you can fret. We have only me variety. vizTHE FLORIDA HEADER. The only cabbage that has given us satisfaction, set during September and October. Prices, by express, f. o. b. Horse Shoe. N. C, 1000 to 4000 $1.50 per 1000; 6000 to 8000 tl-25 per 1000; 10000 and over, $1 per 1000. Buyer pays express charges. Prices by Parcel Poet, Soc per 100. Address orders to MEGGETT PRODUCE CO- (TheTOO Acre Truck Farm) VONGES ISLAND, . C We alae tmw Cattbmtje PhnM for shipment from Nave nbwt. April aad will mm kM tm SHpoly rk Writs for prteM.

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