i X f4 - : i - ' if f " - rCv fliliftlf? Quick, P I ' J X ;::5SItii r. r. Dktv .. it. GoMsborc Drug Col ALL AMERICA HAS ESPECIAL CAUSE FOR THANKSGIYIXG THIS YEAR. HOT liNKS . it THE BEST EVER f I I t Chocolate 1 onalo Bullion U Bullion 5 cents 5 cents 10 cents t. :h isa.le fioW our NEW HOT URN just installed of , We call fecial attention to our HOT CHOCOLATE t., Sn ass anythLig served in our city for even more ; . Uil-.'TS. ' I j :.-c tue hot drinks at an even temperature, and the Hot . . uic consistency throughout G .ooro di ll K I v . ! ! 1VKUV. DruglGp. TELEPHONE NO. .S. S. S. Greatest Blood Remedy Gives Results When Others Fail '--( Nature's Remedy For Blood Troubles. i The purify irs and curative proper ties of Nature's great remedy have made "S. S. S. for the Blood" a household saying. Thousands ( to day enjoying perfect health owe their recovery froni blood or skin dis eases to this universally used blood purifier. S. S. S. is made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, which possess cleansing and healing ingre dients. You cannot be-well when your "blood Is impure; you lack strength .and energy natural with health; your complexion becomes pale and -sallow; ;your vitality is weakened. When tr&ste or refuse matter, which Na ture Intends shall be thrown off, lis left in the system, it is absorbed into the blood and bolls, pimples, rasnes. blotches and other eruptions of the skin appear. S. S. S. goes into the circulation and removes every particle of blood taint or poison , of every , character. All skin diseases and eruptions pass away, and the smooth cleai skin, glowing with health, shows that the body Is being nourished by rich, pure blood. Rheumatism, Ca tarrh. Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, all are deep-seated blood dis orders, and for their treatment noth lng equals S. S. S. Get S. S. S. at any drug store. If yours Is a peculiar case write S. S. S. Co., Atlanta, Ga. A WARM BATH IN A WARM BATHROOM WHY bathe in discomfort and run the risk of catching cold when a PERFECTION SMOKELESS OIL HEATER in five minutes time will make the: bathroom warm as toast? ." , 1 Take it wherever it is needed touch -a match and its genial warmth soon1 changes chills to comfort It helps you dress, it helps you work, it makes food taste better. Convenient, clean, no smoke or smell. Ten hours of solid comfort on a gallon of kerosene. I; j ' . - Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and heaters. i OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) v BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C Charleston. W. Va. STANDARD I II 'A'ashintton. D. C 111 Norfolk. V. 1 II Richmond. Va. - I CharlaMoa. S. C ' ':!...;..." ) Look for the 1- "" Triangle Trade- i sS7 In many styles I I and sizes at all i I I hardware and f "V general stores. !.... St5k )!ih-:t mt'ard Panawm j tijkV't l i fel Tfif ! fi ij GXCi' I PR-PUR-PBR II All r Jk fl !'?; pisfsctiomIJ I a "J JJ jjij Jj ijr' JjW. ' 1. ROWAII LlJill IS 6IVEII President Wilson ' has designated Thursday, Noyember 25 as the annual Thanksgiving , Day of America, and Governor Craig of our own State, fol lowing the custom of the years,, has nade his proclamation in 'accordance therewith a courtesy that has come to be a custom, although there is em bodied therein one of the earliest as it has been one of the most continuous recognitions 1 of the doctrine and principle f State's Rights. ' Thanksgiving Day is peculiarly an American institution, and was insti tuted with a two fold purpose the rendering of thanks to God as a com mon people of a common country for the vear's harvests, and the offering of public grateful acknowledgment for all His mercies to God, "in whom we trust.". ;-- j . 1 ; , ; j The forthcoming Thanksgiving Day is one that should strike an exception ally happy chord throughout the coun try. The nation is at peace with all the world, at a time when the world's most stupendous and terrific war is in progress. Xili And 1 as for the fruits of the earth, there has been nothing like this year's abundance The value of the crops, according to government officials, will reach five and a half billion dollars a half billion i more than the highest previous record. A month from now, when a revision of values is made the total will probably be found higher than resulted from November's com pilation. j The Value of the 1915 cotton crop Is estimated at $609,000,000. It will go more than that probably $100,000,000 more, j j' . The : corn crop, not quite up to the record yield, exceeds in value by $190,- 000,000 that of the biggest crop ever known. I The wheat crop, the largest ever grown in this or any other country, is valued at nearly a billion dollars. LOIIG ROAi SENTENCE Not crops crops only have the more important been bumpers, but the minor too, ; have been wonderfully abundant. fThe diversification of crops in the south has been a marvelous success and has been of far-reaching benefit. - j In this " year of plenty in America Thanksgiving Day should be celebrat ed with unusual jubilation, both in physical feasting and in spiritual works' of philanthrophy and prayer ful thanksgiving. XOOAL BXISFS Help the Goldsboro Public Library, Mr. E. B Borden, Jr., left last night on a business trip to Savannah. Mrs. M. E. Robinson and sister, Mrs E. B. Borden, Jr., left last night for New York, to visit relatives. Mrs. R. I. Thornton who recently underwent .an operation at the Golds boro Hospital has returned home. The ladie3 of St- Stephen's Guild are preparing for their annual Christmas bazaar which they will open on De cember 9th. ' Senator F. M. Simmons spent the day in our city, the guest of Mrs. L. V. , Humphrey, at her home on Elm atreet, East, i Don't forget the reception and sil ver offering at the Public Library to night from 8 to 11 o'clock. You ara invited and expected, The W'omans Missionary Society or St. John M. E. church are observing a week of prayer this week. All mem fcers are urged to attend. The Acme orchestra will assist In presenting the first episode of "The Broken Coin", "The Black' Box" and other features at this popular-play house tonight. : , Mr. and Mrs. L. A Raney have gone to housekeeping in the house former ly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards on North Virginia Street. Their telephone number of 592-L. COUNTY COTTON REPORT." Editor Argus: I am directed by the Department of Census to inform you that Wayne County ginned 15,201 bales cotton prior to Nov. 1, 1915, as com pared to 16,542 bales to Nov. 1, 1914. Respectfully, FLOYD H. UZZELL, : Special Agent. CALL THE iPure Food !RjIarEcett For your wants, as we handle the best of everything in the ! MEAT LINE and handle it in a most sanitary way Salisbury. Nov. 15. Fletcher F. Smith, prominent business man, has been in a serious condition all today.' Early this morning he suffered a stroke of paralysis which affected his whole right side and there was also a rupture of a blood vessel. on. the brain. . Rev. C. H. Artis, a well-known negro preacher, died suddenly Sunday while attending a funeral service of one of the teachers of Livingston colleg3. The funeral was held in the college chapel and just as the corpse was brought in Artis toppled over. He was carried out but was dead when his bearers reached the front porch. D. L Brown, who led the officers such a chase Saturday night was be fore Judge Carlton in county, court to day and faced several charges. For the possession of the 65 gallons of whisky found in his automobile he was found guilty and sentenced to nine months on the roads. For reck less driving through the . county he was found guilty and judgment, was suspended. For resisting officers he was found guilty and given six months. For exceeding the speed limit- in Salis bury he was found guilty and Judg ment was suspended. In the two cases where' sentences were passed notices of appeal and bonds totaling $1,003 were given. It was stated this after noon by Mr. Brown's lawyer that the appeals would hardly be perfected and that Mr. Brown would serve such time as was required. It is hoped by the attorney to have the sentences re duced. The Spencer authorities have stated that Mr. Brown is to be charged with violating the speed laws of that town and it was stated at the court house that Granite Quarry would like ly take the same action. By a strange coincidence Brown's father, H. M. Brown was tried in the same court today for selling whisky and beer and was found guilty in both cases, fines amounting to $300 being Imposed. An appeal was taken. The elder Brown was to have been tried 60 days ago but the case Was post poned till today to enable him to take treatment at a hospital. OBITUARY. (Providence Journal.) An Illinois hunter the other day crawled through a barbed wire fence, pulling his gun after him. No' surer method has ever been discovered. The funeral was well attended. Specia to Cash Buyers Mo THE STORES OF Jo Best $l Sons Now full stocked with the various lines of goods needed by the G eneral Trade, and we respectfully invite the trading public to see us before making purchases in our lines. Our Grocery Department Stocked with several FLOURS, the best we can buy," and which have proven very satisfactory to the trade. MEAT, LARD, SUGAR, COFFEE. Fecdstuffs OF ALL KINDS. BAGGING and TIES, Etc. Our Dry Goods Department STAPLE DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, UNDER WEAR, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, ETC. W. L. DOUGLAS Men's and Women's FINE SHOES. A full stock of the best Men's, Women's and Children's EVERY DAY SHOES. .. A full stock of BUGGY and WAGON HARNESS, HORSE COLLARS, &c. A full stock of OPEN and TOP BUGGIES, which we offer at Reduced Prices for the next Sixty Days. A full stock of ONE and TWO-HORSE WAGONS and CART WHEELS. , . :'v A car load of PITTSBURGH and BUCKEYE farm and POULTRY FENCE. Also a stock of BARB WIRE. Everything at the Lowest Prices for Cash. M. J. Best & Sons. AT ONCE ! A boy of good habits, about 1 6 to 18 years old for office and store work. Good opening for right boy. USA ACS Furniture, Carpet and Piano Store: 3 JOHN JOSEPH The Man Who "Sells It Cheaper" Everything For Men and Boys .iVu.. :-IN-: GENTS' FURNISHINGS We have just received a se pnd shipment of STETSON HATS, the best hats in the world, ' -.1 We have everything In GEMS FUimSIlDfGS for men and Boys at prices that will appeal to you and make your purchases go further for the money than any store in Goldsboro. We have an excellent line of NIGHT SHIRTS which we are offering at Bar gain prices. We want your patronage and will treat you right. When you need anything In Clothing, Hats, Shoes, and General Men's Furnishings, be sure to call on John-Jose irli Walnut Street, East. Goldsboro, N. C. I 3C ill! iiiniiiiiiiiiiiK PHONES 93 AND 91 Be i Sure And Come In Tomorrow To see the many new things we are showing" in ladies suits and coats. 11 WEIL & BUO niiMiiifiiiiiiis lilt UlUiiiiiititiuiiuia .I 1 - -';: I . . - " I i - Ijs