national! bane of gold bob o Goldsboro, N. C. Geo. A NorwoodJ President Geo. C. Kornegay, Cashier NATIONAL BANK OF GOLDSBORO Wants your business and will be glad to correspond with you Geo. A Norwood, President Geo. C. Kornegay, Cashier No boo tiling strains of Mala's son. Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep. G OJLDS BORO, N. C, THTJJR3 fcAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25, 1915 NO. 41 v ( L. " ! Doth an eternal -J i T-i:-. I .": I:-I-;. FOUR HUNDRED METHODISTS ICOMING ACKNOWLEDGMENT MEETING OF AGENTS HERE STATE TEACHERS ASSEMBLY Arvunm meets Have Been 31atle For tiilrrtainuss; i?iti jig Delegates Uut jinxes Yvr IMitr-Elght Are Si J I (tiled. With Dili 110 Siar.) Mrs. Sue E. Bain, as chairman of the room committee wishes jta express-her sincere thanks and appreciation aiii c Taos. Ruffin Chapter Uj D. C, t f.vnwine ladie3 ani Eentieraer. 3 kindly and liberally sntribuiscj. ic: lis furnishing of the Thomas Rjiiii: Chapter rocm in the court house:J Nathan C'Eerry, W. H. Wir Cel. V. B. cri, J. -H. ura;-?.-i:. r t-eicre the 79:a; Dewey, Dr. j M. vL; Rs'oinscn-,' G .NJrth Carolina Elzzell, Mrs. Jos. Eiaj-i?, The Ifoted National life Insurance Company ef aiontpeller, Vermont, Keeps In Touch -With Its Workers. In the offices of Mr. H. M. Hum phrey, State Manager for North Caro lina of the National Life Insurance Company of Montpelier, Vt., which are on the fifth floor of the Borden Build- GREATESTT MEETING IN ITS HIS TORY IS SCHEDULED FOE THIS WEEK IN RALEIGH. (Special to Argus.) Raleigh, Nov. 22. The North Caro na Teachers Assembly 13 Raleigh's st this week beginning with Tues ALLIED BLOCKADE OF GREECE IS DECLARED Announcement Says Action Is Taken Beta axe oi Q uetsims Touching Liberty j' I. n: ente Troops Landed In Greece. that houj'-: noedc-d. T;K W-hA will ba san. Frank Eimandson, John ocihar- ttited" last' night .and, Ed. u. i-am-na3on, Jati iu.ii. d.fesates were stui neroen, oaien, ouuu. oiau6Jw.i"T are members of the liam Morrison, Tom De'wey, R. A, 4? s inistfirs. and ' Creech. W. D. Creech. Col. A. C. IJavis, Paris, Not. 21. HaTas' Athens cor ing, in this city, was held yesterday a j d,y flen the State Association of res-caae, in a dispatch filed yester meeting of field agents of this com" County Superintendents have their j day, : coaSrsia-' lis report that the En pany, under the supervision of Mr.3rst session and ending Friday even-; tte Potvus tairs declared a coin Humphrey, and a more presentable ,..g witn the reception at the 'Gover-me-;a:ai bioaie o Gref i-e. The an gathering of representative Northii;Si-s Mansion. v jnonceiiisnt in ths ;oun o? a note Carolinians could hardly be brought- Governor and Mrs. Craig came to , -sued ay tiie firiiisii leg-, together, coming as these did from all,t3l8 rescue Cf the entertainment com-j is given as follows: OUR CITY'S BANKS the bist barometer of the '-'prowess. Acme Features a t. Athens j The best barometer of any com munity's financial standing, which is always the mud sill of industrial pro gress and the bulwark of permanent 1 prosperity, is the showing of its banks. The already - published official statements of Goldsboro's three com cercial banking institutions the Wayne National Bank, the National Bank of Goldsboro, and the Peoples TODi -AM. i 1: ital of O" i:v fru:n ( ' foIio'.vius'Mor It has teor. odist Con: but this ' i:- i: nv.'.jiber in :'(' .e has nu:. vals of a'oo-'t V?.s ori;!ii-:c Quent and fcrce.ul in fee c:'jr'v tl:s t: ; r." ;A.lho::?:i " '' ; ' ' -h-e hn;; i in l.r i Le-ei:r:t!'d :j "i.-vl: licrtii O.ri.lhi::.. 'J Vv':hr::nt')ii c.:i r.c lias in any fricnus Rev. R. H. Vvii: Mr. Crabtree. Mr : ;r all these. Ross Giddea? : : members c-; grave, Br. R. A. Saaiin, Xit'f.c. -.! ho a Tiiiw wards. Tcm l eivertsa. Ed. Ua7:s, Wi.r.-. or.i. making a Lutes, H. Weil & Bros.; for -red' an .1 v.-iirbs in the ; white bunting to uecolraie rconij. aall Dacemcer 1st, ' Mags; to Jaso's Coheq, . bins buntin; ;E:n5, until the : for flags; to Roy all. & Borden, m--izi. : I chair and desk and othef acts of kin vrF-k s'r'ce the Meth-.ness; to Mr. Rackiey for moving ar.p sections of the State, and being men of - mlttees When" all other places in the i : marked intelligence ano in ine wu -ity were decided inadequate to the ana ; Bank, and' each separately makes a ! showing that Is not only most credit- Uroken "h& .- r.-Ko iiit lt," Tlarry i.riiury. "Bfesanse nf the attirnda tai.fen bv the Hellenic governme-it tcrd to!able to tt administration and bus! 'in r Wilmington ' tuning room's gift piano; to t, j "d s an ur..ucjty The conier- 1 j5?son at inter ever since it Kress for use of china mare; to Itaa-s Furniture store for afcf-s. oi to Ryjert.St-e-'-cns !or hicfc is sr .beau'v'iully ; d;ne tcfe A. Robertson for bail S3 that..'a?3r?.ta. she j the most elo-: Logan D. Howsll izv athoaist minister ! and the gift of president's chair 4 . I:; I preside : ever ' ;i';r?zce.. f; outh Carolina, j Litsiso long as to 1 huca as from j ha3 spoken in The rortrait3 presented ths U. nower oi energy una receiving of such a body of men and j certain questions touchi-e cic c-ty tii3 no higher tribute could be paid to the; --.cai&n The R0tary Club, the Cham-j see uricy ani liberty of a:i;-a tu wnicai Kuga&uis leoiuisa ou. " c. ;sr oi commerce, tne Aiercnants as- tne aiuea-troops nave tne rigm unaer of the National life of Montpelier than ?ociatioilf the Womans Club and the the ccniitionscf their disemtarkment that it can enlist in its service such j teacner3 j in Dotn city an)i county' on Greek territory, the allied powers men as constitute its corps of workers ;;haols have organized to make the-! have deemed it necessary to take in this State men who would not lend : 4 eceftion at the Mansion the delightful; certain measures which will have the themselves to the promotion of other 3 -ent that a ciosing feature should be. 'eiieot of suspending the economic ani than the best: men who looking j ;t wtll be attended by perhaps a thou- commercial fr.cilltiss which Greece has an inviting field In which to engage; teachers. !re?eived from them heretofore. their energies and develop opponum- TIls chief executive and Mrs. Craisr i ":t is not the intention of the allied a pre rlsus engagement In New ! powers to constrain Greece to aban-.i-t Civ find will be unable to be-doi. her ns;.;-aii'.y. to maintain which, Lxsiht to stand in the receiving lini, .;t ..idly turned over the State's ii; the State's teachers. But tor the entertainment of would have been in the:- ej-to, tno i.t guaranty of her ir.terets. The vV.ted government? tain ' allusions -;to eventual measures which, if taken by the Hellenic gov- r. C Chstrter rccm are as fclicws thus :'a Sam Davis zy Mr. Aj Jelerscn Dan's by Smith. General R. E. Lee and hia 0. Clsmst. Mrs. John secretary CO A 11 : cm, Lily ht'A C : US' hit tit"i:nn r connect 'i'l w! Thore h a K i !; : ; l c r c ' ' passed away c!i:Ji:!? Rev. yenrs f.:c ait 3.fctilO(".'.' f (i. L. P. Ho';.t-i;-5 rr.prrl: ill " i--.i-- i . uri c , i : - 1"a i of Littleton, is ! Major Randolph Owen Smith, tie -A:e:-en I in lall, sue- uiuguier ansa tiess.uM om-tii. .3J Rev. V. L. S.'onewall Jackron ty 'the ,ir e-tihlished "Wiliiairis Chapter, D. A. R- h .c c:rc-:;ir. Xii ere a : e " eluded wlthn Louses of. worshi 633. TUere are n ivi::ch has a pre are 1T , . tl an ?i:-.'."0. 'J' ad lies iiavti suugui euiviujucui. ' j . company. ' This gathering of agents yesterday -in State Manager Humphrey's office-?, was aaaressea oy Mr. jw. the State's teachers. But for'; cave vfcA akat d curbed by cer-j oi iviontpeiier, iiiw vuuiiiau; " dujci . . & iinsion j tendent of agencies, who himself is a gafverjrtg' one of tne most conversant insurance zt 1-059. The Governor's i ernment, would appear to them to toe imen in the country, and clothes his ,., represent hlm and the re. contradictory to assurances they have ; ready marshalling of facts and his .?f;,g -ir.3 be made up 0f the I received. j presentation of arguments for life - Y organizations which give this "As soon as their doubts on that isurance with such literary finish of; 0IiCid trioute to the teachers. subject due no doubt to a misunder- i expression as to render his talks not .-u - ... . lir,t 0,1T,T, -onsin!,v,. v.con H'oito y,. fct---Ittl1-" nnlv interestlne for the time but also; . .. ,v, u, .4,J1, k v v ai 'd!lluus uui:'."r. ri: r."T i T ';of permanent educational Tame; bo: ,u.Uiarlv t0ucne3 the countrv that every one who heard him yester-1 , open the Assembly this week, rlav was not onlv enthused but bene- . ... .. . , , .,, . c. no -' ffod inri tnn tnT were mMB. li . possible, more patriotic North Caro-1 linians, for Mr. Field stated that while in volume all over the country. North! ' Carolina, under the management of j '. Mr. Humphrey, snakes a showing that rnone can excel. A PUBLISHED RliPOST.i The records In Mr. Humphrey's of- I Ifice show an increase in North Caro- ness growth, but also to the acumen of its officials and their ability to get i and hold business; whlje in the aggre gate the volume of their deposits and the scope of their activities will com pare with any community in the coun try and excel any. in the State, thus proving anew the already unquestion able and unchallenged claim of the Argus that we're sot The Best Town in the State. The aggregate showing of these three ' banks approaches nearly two and a half million dollar sr and yet within the career of the Argus time i was when Goldsboro had only a branch TOMORROW'S PROGRAM. 'THE METTLE OF JERRI' XcGUIBE' Featuring Miss Helen Holmes, assist ed by J. P. McGowan and L. D.-Ma-' lony, in a railroad drama. Also a Joker Comedy, featuring Wm. Franey and Gail Henry. THE PAESOX OF PIXE 3T0UTAiy Rex drama with Ben Yilson and Dor . othy Phillips. Hear tie Acme. Orrlif.tra every ron C: y. -'.:!. f;:j ;:; I I r'tiay N T-lit. hank of the Bank of New Hanover, atj Wilmington. ; j We go forward. T man i'lone B. G. THO M P S O N & S O N, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES .r t secretary is! Senator W". T. Dortch by Col. same man after Dortch. as he is actively i 3IB. KIICHIX conference. ke-eral prominent iirence.who have the '-past year, in- Cale, for many r:nterjdnt cf the ai Raleigh; Rev. of,' the. Duke Me- Her, J. II. Ashby. it Elm City, and asior of the Farm-i , ' 1 -i " storal charges in DEXIES D-.iil W ever Said That President Wilson Does Una of over $300,000 of new business "ot Believe in Army and y&ij Apjiropriatin jAdvpcatfil, r , p ! - (Special to Greensboro Xe.) i conterence this year ' over business written for ' the corresponding months of last year, j and Mr. Humphrey is confident oi pushing this increase up to, if not be- SfMiTi,! v.t Yni: '91 tt.- n,, ' vond the naif-million marK dt . me Kitchin was asked tinight ho. t -cut close of the year, the new business he telegram sent from Sc-jf.aal .xfok for the past ten months already being lated November 20, and published! in in excess of one million dollars in this M- III. TtU Greensboro Dailv -News Sunday. -State; ana nis company s iaitn wiwim obstacles now opposed to the arrival of merchandise in Greece, and to ac cord any facilities which result from normal relations." fsaturs of the entire week. The county ::&.irttinlents will be finishing' their xrK AVelneiday afternoon when the TEN THOUSAND BOYS WANTED, boys and girls from the rural (Wilmington Star.) 0.3. wia come nere to give tnetr w m n o-nm,0. it, m n irr-cr,stration. This takes place Wed- director of the Boys' Corn Club work -e-r-iayr afternoon, November 24th th, stnt. f ,rpa(lv h.einnin. th :u; :-..ay mozning and Thursday a: .t0rn growing campaign for 1916. He .srr oon following.. wants 10,000 North Carilina boys, and Country School Night will be ths to be hoped, he wlU head iuca .irst feature In which the whole As- corn growers' army in the great cause em'cly. will take part. This takes which he Is so zealously promoting. . ...-.V "A eiiis-clay tight at &:30 in ths The corn club boys have demon ::y Auditorium ani otcuties -the' '.trated the wonderful adaptability of BIG REDUCllOiNS IN Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes at attractively low prices for Ca Shoes. i the witaix-v. . ..-i, , Carolina's stability and future Is Indl vaiuea a.t i:,oi.i,- e districts, eacn o . 11 ..ucuiuci 111 nu.wii it a.3 mliiicu : ;;that he (Mr. Kitchin) said that Presi- i cated by the continued Investment by fdent."Wi!3on doe not fcei.e et in khe ltnis company In North Carolina State, yai ied ; at more to-tal : n timber of rea;e in tbe army ani n4".v a j- ro.-iriaifrn now advjot-a'.ei .by jhis jad members of churcliies is 83.C00 'According to the dist cii iic'a. ai laws of the Metho- tsiors are required to be changed after serving four year3. ! There are not as usual, the ju'mber ;who.::e - pastorates 'j there is not a word of truth --in; it, that he never said any such thing and (his atest statement proves it. The author of this story is unknown to Mr. Kitch county and municipal bonds The directors of the National Life have already, on the strength of the new business written, ordered an in crease in dividends. This is of inter est and cheer to its policy holders, and this makes the fifth additional increase many this year as ; ,a anfl imi;osed upoa tte Grensoor3 j in dividend In the past seven years. neing c:ily about 2 kiavc extended over Xews. 'I As is already familiar to regular The reporter also asked him how a period of four y tars. However, any ! UCQ truth ttere wag ia ths report ! Montpelier Is a purely mutual com pastor may be changed to another ap- publisnad in several Htate p!aperg K pany, and all profits belong to its pol- poiutmeut , and it is likely that there will be quite- a number of changes in addition. fx the years. Tho z made by tl; -t- ,. aid and as .-is: elders are alv t-re.-:i::: f. -.: :: There a - c t-Wnm-mri&n ?: four ycarV fis they are now t C. 51. Ranee; o sew ;tr la 5h few cays ago to the1 effect that he - was ! Icy holders hence these stated In preuaring to run against Senator Sim ! creases, or declarations of dividends mons, he laughed at the idea, saying out of its earnings, payable to policy that it la simnlv rfdlculous. fSerJatrir holders. g bishop with the zirnmons and his friends know es weli ' The fact that this State Agency hero e o. the , presiding; ag j and my -.frIe:,a9 an3 manJ av-iin Goldsboro and, by the way, the one cf the most in- t mutual friends, that the report Is ah- only State agency located here again, o ir,e conierence. tv.o pastors In the :t who have serve J ha have served four I 1 ! pofctments,. which ara an 0I3 even;ng... - and ti 2 J Clarion Dr. Liixon v-arrou :e tit .address oz wel-' ntencieni, L.C (i:iihr and- McDowell' sohoo.s .o.ia3. --iiiiss. jessie risia, Atur&i -iia Small Town specialist, represent .US the ' National Board Y. W. C. A. -.i'uisj the urst lecture on the Country sc'L-toJ and ths 'Conruiunity,'. aad . Pros. H. T.". Fo'iht cf the United States Bu reau of Edjuc'aiisa, gives an illustrated .i ;s on the part that the modern ruti.1 schools or Denmark took in its .'i,i.ultJ.ral ragoiiferation.-' The rural scho&ij will not, of course, g o str uct the popular schorl vision, but th&y vili be in its eye all the week. McKELLAR 2,700 AHEAD. surd and not a shadow of truth in as h-s been Its record before, leads all (The story referred to was !an As3' State agencies of the United States in tors on the charges! ciated Press dispatch put on the wlr 3 ' volume of new business, excepting P. Pate, o Wiiitek-jlle. in?,' these being Rev. liport, and Rev. J. PIA'0 A very $ne Mathushek Piano in almost rerfect condition, for sale by Mrs. Georgej L,. Kirby, 304 S. Wil liam Street, Goldsboro, N. C. lw fiddlers' contention-. pcared j in the Raleigh ; Times Satur day as a special from Scotland Neck.) Ed. Daily News, i An old time fiidlers convention will be held In Mount Olive Thankssrivins night at the Opera House. Some of the jbest fiddlers in the - South will be present. , The contest will begin at 8 o'clock and a good time ': is assured all who attend. j at Raleigh and sert to and uied 33 ! Boston, Cleveland and Atlanta and afternoon Associated Press papers i:i ' these agencies are composed of part- the State. The same story j also ap-' nershlps Instead of a single Individual manager gives additional emphasis not only to the ability and energy of our Mr. Humphrey as an insurance man, but also features the ability of the general public of North Carolina to analyze the relative merits of Life In surance companies and recognize where their best Interests lie. The value to the banking business of Goldsboro of having located here the State office of a company doing SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by virtue of a power; of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage made : by Annie Busby to James R. Hatch and re- SIR m&HOLAS BACON In opening Elizabeth's first parliament in 1539, said. "Doth hot the wise mer chant in e ery) adventure of danerer give part to hae the rest assured?' How much more important It Is to Insure a profitable life and so assure the home. uded In book 115 page 565, records of Wayne county,! and default having such a volume of business, is lnestim been made in the payment of the: notes jable; and while the Argus Is gratified secured thereby, I will sell; at public beyond expression that a Goldsboro -itictloii ivir : cash J to tte .1 i .1- j boy "to the manner born" who has uer at the Court House doorj h OoiiU-- elected to here abide, has by his In here. N. C, on Monday, the 6th da y'nate ability and his Indomitable en- of Dec, 1S13, at 12 o'clock m., tbe fol-' ersy been able to accomplish these lowing described: property: f jprideful results, a due measure of A lot or parcel of land in Goldsboro credit must be accorded to the manner township, Wayne J county, and being in of men who constitute the admlnlstra Liitle Washington, a surcurb of Golds-. ton of the National Life, Jos. A. De boro, and bounded on the west by -Boer, president. Dr. A. B. Bisbee, med- Feil Raiford, on the 0 1 by llui ical director, and Edw. D. Field, Su- Stieet. on tbe East by isim Draper, perintendent of Agencies, who are of NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF J VERMONT H. 3T. HU3D?HBEr, State Mffr. OScam 403-4-5. Borden .Build tag. Goldsboro, K, & the mettle of the pasture, and who never get away from the people, and who live In personal touch and Inter course with their policy holders in tensely Interested in all that makes Mrs. Villa isays that General Villa ) for their uplift and happiness, and may soon pay her a secret v'sit in Los whom the Argus. man has' met per- A V V - ! ' Angeies. nowever, 11 is naraiy proD-. sonaiiy ana therefore we sneak of and on the North by a ditch. . This the 2d day of Nov., 1913, i JAS. R. HATCH, ! ; - J . Mortgagee. able that the astute "Pancho" has ta ken his wife lnto'hls confidence. them as we know them, and of their company a. we esteem it. Nashville,- Ten., Nov. 21. Virtually eanipiete.- returns tonight indicated Liiat Congressman Kenneth D. McKel ,ar received a plurality of approxi oiateiy ' a , v j votes . in yesterday's Dem uoratic senatorial primary. Mr. Mc will be opposed in a "run off emuer .0 oy toimer uovernor -xa-coim R. ratterson, wno receiveu e oad largest vote. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE In pursuance of a judgment of the Superior Court, made at the October term, in an action entitled Hattie Hooks vs Ernest Hooks, the under signed commissioner, who was ap pointed therein, will offer for sale, at the Court House door in Goldsboro, N. C, at noon, on November 39, 1915, for cash, to the highest bidder, a cer tain lot or parcel of land lying and ucing in l oldstoro township. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Edna Wood and others and bounded as follows:' beginning at Edna Wood's south eastern coi ner on Elm street and runs northwardly with Edna Wood's line 112 j feet to Sol Jones' line; thence eastwprdly with Sol Jones' Une 35 1-2 feet to Speight's line; thence south wardly with Speight's line 112 feet to Elm street; thence westwardly with iiu ulrcet i6 1-2 Levi to lidna Wood's line and the beginning, being the house and lot now occupied by Hepsey Hol lowell and being a portion of the l"t conveyed to J. H. Lewis by E. E. Smith and wife, recorded In Book 89, page 401, and being the lot conveyed to Ernest Hooks by J. H. Lewis, record ed in Book 112, page 334, in the office of Register of Deeds of Wayne County. This the 28 day of Nov., 1915. S. F. TEAGUE, - Commissioner. North Carolina for corn growing and :h 3 purpose if it all is to make an asset of corn production instead of aa experiment The experimental stage has passed, for the demonstration has teen so astounding in its results that it Is vitally important for every farmer in North Carolina to do as welL or even one-fourth as well, as a sixteen-year-old farmer boy. The value of the demonstration will be nil if intensive corn growing does not result as rapidly as possible throughout the State. The boys culti vate only one acre, so 10,000 boys al together will be just that many suc cessful units in further emphasising the fact that 100 or more bushels of corn can be grown on an acre any where in Tarhelia. The fathers of the boys in the State or some neighbor can provide the boys with an acre of ground, and for that matter they should enter Into a generous rivalry with the youthful corn scientists. The corn club boys have made marvelous record during the past few years and now there is a disposition to encouraie them In every possible way. As demonstrants the boys' have made good and they are wanted to take the lead along other lines as well. The girls also are wanted be cause they are useful to the State, and the teachers ' everywhere are being asked to interest and enlist its boys and girls in the great work laid out for them. In a letter sent broadcast Director Browne says: " "In addition to conducting a corn growing contest, we are now organis ing the boys Into crop rotation clubs, which includes a crop of corn the first year and which is planned to extend over two, three or four years, accord ing to the rotation the boys follow. These proposed rotations will be fur nished after the application is receiv ed. There are also the pig, poultry, peanut and potato clubs for the boys and girls. The agents in direct charge of the pig club work and of the poul try club work will give attention to applications for membership In these clubs as they are received. We have 100 pairs of the worth $4.00 to $5.00, that we oiler out. None better. We aUo have a Iar ); t C that we '.will s-Mi vry iu.v. iVe; SOLID LEAilltiL benefit of expert direction, and the aim is to bring about- a revolution In the methods of the great agricultural State of North Carolina. Dr. E. R Warren DENTIST. " Grant Building. Second Floor. Offices formerly occupied by Dr. E. C. Vitou to whose practice and goodl will I have succeeded. Phone' 6S3-J. J We will sell the following goods 1 CROSSETT SHOES Town C r( ?p ? t .cres, &t' $i.50 per pair to' close we!! STAR BRAND hi a t j Le fcirictiy H. C GOODMAN SHOES In Women's and Children'. These are all fine Shoes and he price ranges from 75c to 12.00. "STRONGER THAN THE LAW" We make a specialty of the "STRONGER THAN THE LAW" Heavy Work Shoe. CSfWe also have many other good makes of Shoes that we will sell at greatly reduced prices for Cash. Dry Goods, Dry Goods. &We have a large stock of dry goods which we will sell at prices that will be interesting to you. Below we quote a few prices : Yard wide White Homespun. Checked Homespun.. .... Standard Apron Ginghams. Good grade Outing-.. . Best, Grade Outing. 5c yard 5c " 7c " 7c " 8ic " Flannelettes..--. 8c Calico Percales . ...... '.-. Daisy Cloth . Best Grade Dress Ginghams. Good Feather Tick ,- . . . 5c 8c 7ic 8ic 15c Clothing, Clothing, Clothing ! We have a large line of Clothing which we will sell at greatly reduced prices worthy of u r ron.idt r;.t iV n. Weaiso offer tne very lowest prices on OveiaiiV, wok and . Dress Shirts. , inspect hrfore We invite you to ca! I and our stock and get omV pHpp we can save you money. Let us show you. f:-- . The prices quoted a bove are strictly n rn TT Pi All D O M J O A M - DRY GOOD, CLOTHING, SHJES. - - -' - ; B.

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