CONSERVATION NEWS Bjr Dixon and lfeblo Soil Conservation Service since this column last ap peared the farmers of Lenoir County have really been busy applying soil conservation prae , ticea on their individual farms, led fey Jack Alexander, your Le noir County Soil Conservation Comihittee Chairman, Ely Perry John Burton a group of have purchased a tile Jg machine to be used for / w—in drain tile. As a re sult over 50,000 feet was in stalled this spring by formers who ye cooperating with thf 4 A- DAVENPORT '■ j Jarman Crossroads % 2 Mile* North of Trenton .Cities Service Gas and Oil Groceries and Meats hackleford and Ely Perry, i;Floyd Gray and Fred e, Wheat Swamp section; Smith and Leslie Smith, tun; Felix Loftin and A. er, South wood; and H. B. La Grange. Albert Thomas and Clarence Ferrell, tenants on .the farm of Mrs. R. S. Tull Just east of Kins* ton, and William Tripp, tenant on Ely Perry’s farm north of Kinston, spent considerable time this spring, in building terraces on sloping land. Both Mrs. Tull and Perry have realized the need for soil conserving practices and with the .cooperation of these men they are now able, to carry than out. Contour rows have been applied in some of these fields between the terraces by the “string method”. G. T- McArthur of Contentnea is proud of his new Ladino clov er, Kentucky No. 31 fescue grass pasture which he seeded last fall. He seeded this five acres last year after making two previous at tempts,' oh a very wet field which could not be cultivated profitab ' W. B. Smith Frank Hargett, Mgr. New Bern, N. C. , , ... X :A V If you're looking for Good Food juil like your Mom used to cook Cal With Us. Home-Baked Pie—A Specialty POLISH ’■■I REFINISH YOUR FLOORS YOURSELF • -4 ff mm*. RENT-A ra . mMtk mf ill and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn, dingy floors and stairs ... make them look like new again. r; *? We will rent-a-clarke to you and show you how to operate the machine. It’s easy, and rental costs are low./We will supply everything you need to refinish all types of floors ... y t ■ ■ r famous Clarke equipment, sandpaper, varnish,' sealer, stain, filler—plus foil instructions. ASKEWS, INC. - Hardware & Building Supply - ■ 11S1 Pollock St Now Born. N. C. Jy. Some other pastures observed. that are making excellent growth velong to: Graham Hodges, Adair Kennedy, John Mewborne, Clifton Bradshaw and Carl Jones Bruce Heath seeded about three acres of an eroded field to sericea lespdeza this spring for soil improvement and hay. He attempted to terrace this field but because of the erosion that had occurred he decided to re tire it from cultivation. Wood row Taylor seeded four acres to sericea for the same reason. Thus seven more acres of land in Le noir County have been treated according to tfieir capabilities. A group of about twenty farm ers near Hugo are cooperating on digging a three-mile drainage canal. Lyman Edwards has al ready written a soil conservation plan with th4 Southeastern Soil Cdnservation District. When ap plied to his farm it will help to control erosion in file watershed of the canal and keep it from fil ling up with top soil. Jr. PROJECT S? METHODIST Y On January 23rd this year ev ery child between the ages of six and 14 in the Methodist Sun day school was given 25 cents to see which child could make his quarter grow the most in-six weeks. Billy Hammond was the winner in the contest since he brought in $11. Jimmy and'Jean West were next With each bring ing in $6.75. After all contributions and collections were turned in from this project the Sunday School was found to be better off by $62.95. The group decided to in vest this money in books for tl*e church and Sunday School li brary. The . Methodist Publishing House in Richmond gave the group a 20 per cent "discount and Eighteen Pig Litter Horace King of Pleasant Hill has reported the finding of an 18 pig litter by one of his sows. This is pot a record production, As sistant County Agent G. T. Wig gins says,' but it is a long way above the average. Last .^veek-end Troop 109 of the Bqy Scouts of America in Trenton went camping with Dar ris Koonce and D. M. Griffin in charge. The scouts went to thife George Andrews farm for their outdoor camping. COOL COMFORT Complete Stock of ELECTRIC FANS To Beat the Heat Priced from $4.95 up. JAY DEE’S | 323-25 N. Ouwn St KINSTON mW: This Is Eva*Ann Allan.- daugh-, lar af Mr. and Mis. Claud# G. Allan of Pollockrrille who graduated with Ugh honors from WCUHC last month whoro she majored in music; Miss Allen intends to continue he* studies in music before starting a career in the profes sional field of music. She is well known to the music lov ers of this area, having been prominent in music ventures of every type throughout her public school days. Seven arid one-half million non-farm households in the United States raised vegetables ph pW ' WE WORK FOR Soil Conservation ing aid other land pro jects designed to in crease your farm’s effi ciency. EASTERN CAROLINA ENGINEERING CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Dial 3547 — P.O. Box 284 KINSTON. N. C. « I I HI American prunes and other dried fruits are in high favor in most European countries, and American raisins are popular ex cept in England ' -S v • • > . i Big Ones Fans Medium Sited Ones Fans Utile Ones • • ICE CREAM FRH&ERS WATER COOLERS lit |- h C"-. A COLD PACK CAMS ICE SHAVERS B. T. Pollock & Son HARDWARE In Front Of The Courthouse Kinston ESSO SERVICE Barker’s Esso Station — Washing & Greasing — Sidney Hill, Mgr. & Operator, Trenton, N. C. For AMBULANCE SERVICE DIAL 2124 “A Gamer Ambulance Is White'* The only straight ambulance in Kinston 512