A BETTER COUNT Y THROUGH IMPROVED FARM PRACTICES American Legion Will Aid In Finding Vets -For Insurance Checks : ' The American Legion will as sist all local veterans in apply ing for their National Service Life Insurance Dividends. This wa? announced this week by H. Bruce Johnson, commander of Clen.Newton Smith Post No. 154 of The American Legion of Trenton. “Our post will have the nec essary applications which vet will have to make to the fit their NSLI dividends,” lifer Johnson said. “Ev •; who held his NSLI 0 days or more will Refund coming to him. :ts to pay out ap nj, $2,800,000,000 in refunds. Payments per i expected to average according to the VA. s should be filed as as possible because it i weeks and months for rati to get his refund Commander John American Le will put on the biggest man in history in trying to lo cate veterans who are eligible for the NSLI refunds. “The VA estimates that some 16,000,000 veterans are entitled NSLI refunds,” Commander scm said. “Actually today the VA has the home address of only six millions of eligible vet erans. The American Legion will help to locate 10,000,006 others.” -