ratal fane' and spiced :e or bigot* A story typical of the mafiyV lt°Unempio^Mec^penMtion runs roughly like this: A tobacco warehouse- group needed i? la borer fe^a tefr^hours one after* A3fei^wj^sa”twd the ^labor foreman of me warehouse re portedly rebeived a fprm to sign testifying that fhisparticular in dividual had been fired, thereby making him eligible-for Unem ployment Compensation. The story conchides; dramatically,- but -not factually, -with the assertion that this fellow who worked a dialf day was eligible to draw several hundrdfctiollars in the form of UnTiWKiment Com pensation. ' . Unemployment Compensation benefits are avaHabfe. to “cov ered workers” pft Affixed basis ment Security Commission of North Carolina. Each employer “eetog tewe conditions mutt tenths of one per cent Of his payroll into this account. This payment is split between state ami -federal governments with the federal government get i or ek-employees draw kes such as the tobacco perhaps the State’s big 1‘8 of Unemployment ition, naturally have to pay tne maximum threeper cent, but businesses with a fixed pay roll year in and year out earn the privilege of paying down to me lowest possible rate'of four tenths of one per cent. For an unemployed person to be eligible to draw this compen sation; he; nnut: 1. Be totally or partially unem ployed. 2. Be able to work. (Benefits are, not available to sick or dis abled workers). 3. Be available for work. 4. Be willing to accept suitable work. (If suitable work is of fered and turned dojvn the ap plicant is immediately dropped from the lists.) 5. Register for work with the is not paid on more than $3,000 per year income and there is a fixed scale of payments based on the . earnings of the individual during the previous year. A person can draw this com pensation for 20 weeks or if partially employed he may draw for a longer period, since during partial employment he may not draw the maximum benefits to his credit. The maximum amount of mon ey any individual can draw in any one year is $500, and to get this he must have earned above uvy«uuuig vi* uic com ings of the individual. The tax CAULEY HATCHERY Galvanized l&jNuUffll Tin ftj All Lengths ' .It m\:' ovs Hog Fencing (T.«y Sheet Rock r 1. If he leaves work voluntari ly without good cause. ;' 2. If discharged for miscon duct. 3. If he refuses to apply for work nr to accept work. 4. If unemployed due to a strike. 5. If guilty of any misrepre sentation in. applying for. com pensation. 6. If discharged; for theft and found guilty. Every employer has ample protection against the “profes sional” ^compensation drawer knd if any individual is guilty Of abusing the system he must have had the cooperation of the company he has worked with. Payment can only be made with their full knowledge. CHRISTMAS BONUS The good things under the Christmas tree and on the holi day dinner table will delight the grown folks as well as the children as usual this year, but the youngsters vwill get their extra bonus as well. School is out for Christmas. The doors will be closed on Thursday be fore Santa's arrival and stay that way until Monday after New Year's Day—no more school this year, says County Schools Superintendent W. G. Moore. VISITING VETERANS FROM PAMLICO SEE TWO JONES FARMS Last Friday eight Veteran?‘and two Instructors from Pamlico County visited two Jones Coun ty farms with a special eye to studying livestock production methods. Jones County Agent Virgil Thomas accompanied the Tidewater group. The group saw Randolph Foy’s hatchery and his swine lot. Foy now has 3,000 laying hens and 30 hogs at feed. He has sold • REMEMBER • Rulane Gas Service Is Economical! DUIANF 109 N. Queen St KINSTON. N. C. Reputation | Ron. with 14 patients referred to their private physician for farther treatment.** Among the volunteer workers assisting during the day were Mrs. Rob ert Pipkin, chairman of recep tionists, assisted by Mrs. Tom Suddreth. Assisting in the ex $4,000 worth of hogs this year and with the high price of eggs is also doing well with his poul Chapel Hill. Ai 111* last din ie of lb* year palbnii from Griffon, Ayden, Goldsboro, La Grange, Mount OHt#, Beaufort Farnrrille, Pink Hill, Deep Run. and Klnaton were exam ined. Persons Uring mam than 25 miles from the clinic who wish to be examined when the clinic reopens January 5th should write in for appoint J. A. Whitfield ■f.6n: •••!' ' •■■[W&Wl **• • ■ «■ Jewelry of Quality and Service Elgin and Hamilton Watches EXPERT WJ JEWELRY ' -OCK AND IRING 403 N. Quean St KINSTON. NI C. Phone 2977 For AMBULANCE SERVICE DIAL 2124 “A Garner Ambulance Is White” The only straight ambulance in Kinston -0 • 5 -fc* ! ; GMHIER FUnERBL HOIHE 512 N.'Queen St. Kinston, N. C. — ' **_ SEVEN STAR Blended whiskey. "The straight whiskies are 4 years or more eld. 3716% straight whiskey. 62 neutral spirits distilled from grain. 15% straight whiskey 4 years old. 15% straight whiskey 5 years old. 7Yi% straight whiskey 6 years old." $040 O 4/5 QT. SO1® Jbrt. 90 PROOF I OOOPERHAM & WORTS UMITEP, PEORIA, ILLINOIS | WINTER PROTECT YOUR TRACTOR --- Wrong types of oik and greases... or a neglected cooling system may "freeze” your tractor on an impor tant job tii^t winter. Yda’ll fae safe if you bring it in for | a complete checkup now, and let us do everything nec essary for full winter protection. NEW BERN, N. C.