Kinston Electric Rates Not Highest or Lowest Used in East Carolna . Discussion Is frequently heard on the subject of electric pow er rates In the Kinston vicinity. Generally speaking not too much is known by too many people on this subject and discussions usually consist of assertions that are seldom backed by facts and" figures. Some people on sone side of the question assert that rates charged for electricity in Kin gton are much higher than In other towns In the state and particularly In this Immediate area.' Others Insist that the rates are lower in Kinston. Here are the rates and as usual neither side Is correct. Some rates In this area are lower and Some are higher. These figures are from the annual report on communi ties of more than 2,500 popula tion by the Federal Power com mission. % On one point, and this favors the small consumer, Kinston does rate on the low side of the* argument. The minimum charge In Kinston is77 cents per month. Minimum rates In other sur rounding'communities are: New Bern $1, Morehead City $1, Rocky Mount $1.25, Wilson $1.20, Washington $1.25. „ For the first 25 kilowatt hours Kinston electric consumers pay 5.5 cents per KWH, Goldsboro 4, New Bern 7.8, Rocky Mount 4.8, Morehead City 4.9, Greenville 6 and Washington 6 cents. For up to 500 KWH the Kin ston rate Is 1.7 cents, Goldsboro .9, New Bern 2, Wilson, 1.9, Rocky Mount 14 and Washington 2. These are residential rates for each of these communities. Goldsboro Is served by the Carolina Light and Power Com pany which has the cheapest rates in North Carolina. More head City Is served by Tidewater Power Company. The other com munities listed own their electric power plant facility. Industrial rates begin higher and taper off for large consum ers to a much lower rate than that of residential consumption. The cheapest electric rate in North Carolina Is enjoyed by the people of Kannapolis where power is supplied from a plant owned by the Cannon Mills,, which also owns the town. SEEING STARS By LYN CONNELLY PjONNA REED, who has played *r the girl-next-door sort of role during her entire film career, will , get a chance to show herself off In the brighter plumage ot the girl-who-geips the-boy in ‘“The Hero” in .which she play* op posite Jofcn Der ek . . . Donna wears one eve ning gown, two cocktail dresses. two pairs oi Donna Reed lounging pajam 'fflhivi jfr- a*, one fur coat anil* one White mink during the coulee of the movie — all of which pleases her no end ... Inciden tally. more than 290 college and professional football players par ticipated in the college football games in "The Hero." OOdersleeve found himself ‘‘stuck with” 200 pounds of cara mels at Hollywood’s recent Sapta Claus . Lane parade . . . When police ruling forbade tossing the candy to youngsters lining the sidewalks, Gildy hauled the load of gpodies to the Los Angeles orphans’ home and personally presented it to the kids there . . . Washington brass is reported to be disappoint ed at the lack of talent volunteer ing to entertain troops in Korea and Europe . . . An official “bon fire” may be started: to get co operation from top studios . . . Jack Benny obviously thrives on top competition . . . His latest rating went up three points-plus - hi spite of TaUalah Bankhead’s star-studded rivalry. Shirts Now On Sale Made From Fiber V Announcements at the year end from.' John Wanamaker In Philadelphia and The Marshall Field Co. ol Chicago reveal that men’s 'dress shirts made from the du Pont company’s newest synthetic, Fiber V, were on sale during the Christmas shopping period with a handsome $10.95 price tag. The shirts are being made by Raab Meyerhoff Inc. from small quantities of the new miracle fiber that are being produced In a small pilot plant now In op eration at the du Pont com pany’s first nylon plant In Sea ford, Delaware. The plant to be built in Lenoir County’s Contentnea Neck Township is to be the first mass producer of this new material, which Is expected to cut as wide a; swath in the textile Industry |$s nylon. Special Master Is Holding Hearings In Property Prices On Tuesday of this week Spec ial Master hearings were begun in the offices of the Clerk of the Lenoir County Clerk of Superior Court in order to set prices that will be paid property owners whose holdings in the two-block area between McLewean and East and between Bright and Shine streets have been acquired by a condemnation proceeding by the Kinston Housing Authpri" ty. Attorney E. W. Price has been named Special Master in the proceedings and after he has heard from both sides in the proposition his will be the1 task of deciding how much the sev eral property owners will receive for their houses and lots. First of these Special Masters hearings was at 9:30 Tuesday morning and It concerned prop erty owned by Ely Perry, Tues day afternoon hearings were be gun into the property owned by Sybil and Delia Hyatt. Work has already started on the 178 unit low rental housing group that Is to occupy the site. -• - — ■ —THE MOST FAMOUS MAKES— , (New and Used) — PIANOS — * Lester (Betsy Ross) * Gulbransen * Story and Clark ' * Winter * Ivers & Pond JOHNSON PIANO CO. 133 West North Street Kinston, N. C. J. A. WHITFIELD Jewelry of Quality and Service Elgin and Hamilton Watches EXPERT WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING 403 N. Queen Street Phone 2977 Patronize Our Advertisers—It Pays! REGULAR 32.00 VALUES SUEDES — PLASTICS .. FALL COLORS NYLONS SAVE! — SAVE! —SAVE! 51 GUAGE — 15 DENIER ALL NEW COLORS TRIMMED BLOUSES SIZES 32 TO 38 RAYON — LACE TRIMMED WHITE — COLORS DRESSES LADIES’ SIZES 9 TO 20 WOOLS — CREPES TAFFETAS . Underwear GIRLS’ ONE PIECE COTTON A GIVE-AWAY AT THIS PRICE.