Mrs. Mabel Myers Linda Creech1 of Grifton weekend guest' of Misses and Kathryne Worthington. John- H. Rouse Jr. spent ip Rocky Mount viait • parents. Sam Abbott Is a patient at a Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Harper, Mr. and Mrs. May and children, Mr. and Mrs. Butch Askew and of Charlotte, Mr. and . P. D. May and children of nrffle, S. C., spent the week > take Walkemore. Friends of Mrs. R. G. Creech atfe delighted that she is home •fftaft a Goldsboro hospital. MT. and. Mrs: Leslie Suggs of 8neads Ferry spent Sunday with relatives and friends. .Friends of Bettle Fergerson are sorry to learn that she is ill at her home.' Mrs.. George Mewbem and Mrs. J. p. Walters spent Tues day in Durham. Ronald Fields of Washington, D. C. is spending some time with his aunt, Mlss.Lela Fields. _ Mrs. Mary Richardson spent Sunday in Rock Ridge visiting her sister, Mi^| R. L. Barnes Sr. Mrs. Sid Myers and daughter, Mary Ava, have returned home after spending two weeks in Douglas, Ga., visiting her moth er. Mr. Myers and George Sut ton, nephew of Mr. Myers, met them in Charleston, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fields and son, Julian, spent Thursday in Raleigh. Roland Fields and Mrs. W. R. Crews an