Your United States BY FLOYD CRAMER President of the National Association for the * Preservation of Free Enterprise, Inc. sometimes the American peo ple act Hke spoiled children in a mewly-rich family, where ev ery child has a car of Its own and yet, Instead of enjoying their wealth, the whole family squabbles about who Is going to park directly In front of the doer. When we see a situation like that, you and I blame the fath er of the family. Well, ’ here " in the United States, like the spoiled children, we also are engaged in constant quarrels. And like the rich man’s fam ily, all the domestic problems we -do have are largely the re —AUCTION MEANS ACTION— If You Have Land to Sell Write, Wire Phone Walter & Gurley Auction Co. Kinston, N. c. Chas Nielson W. K. Taylor DBLUff — REMEMBER — Rulane Gas Service Is Economical! DISTILLED LONDON **•*«. »W*I» »«> vyj'ja j— | suit of bad management at "the top. But' because we are a dem ocratic nation, the blame for bad management at the top rests on our shoulders. We cVmnot put the whole re sponsibility onto a particular administrator or administration, because we, the people, put them in charge of our affairs. Furthemlore, let’s never for get that our whole concept of government Is based on the good of the majority, not on one spe cial group getting ahead of the other groups. * * • The framers of our constitu tion were careful not to give any econotnlc group any superior i rights to power. Yet, as our his tory unfolded, particularly In the last 75 years, special Inter 'ests not only began to vie for power, but actually to claim that they had a “right to it.” By the end of the 19th cen tury, corporations, for instance, had the r^ins of government se curely In their hands. The nat ural reaction to this behavior toy corporations was for the people to Tebel against the top dog. In1 the past 20 years, this pub lic reaction, has swung so far that new groups have arisen to claim the power of governing. Labor makes Its claim' to po litical power. j Farm groups say they should have special powers because they produce the food. Consum ers advance claims because they do the buying and thus main tain , the markets. Investors BUND OARSMAN. . . Oral MUlpr roved on tbe Princeton troab crew recently In the 50th annual Intercollegiate regatta on Onondaga lake. He Is the first blind atheiete to represent Princeton in in tercel? oglat* competition. He in an boose student. Sugar from last year’s sugar 'cane and sugar beet crops in the continental United States totaled 1,970,000 tons, raw Val ine. This compares with 2,576,000 tons front the 1**0 crop. ” OUR LABEL. YO UR GUARANTEE*" OlAL 4151 claim rights because they supply the capital that kfeeps business arid industry in production. * * * In all sanity, the time has ar rived "when we must put an end to the concept of governing by pitting group against group. We want neither a ruling class nor special-interest groups. A bove all, we do not want our nation divided by playing fav orites. CADILLAC STRAIGHT AMBULANCE ODE EXPERIENCE AND FACILITIES ARE TOUR SAFEGUARDS Edwards Funeral Home Dial 4150 TAX N. Queen St. Kinston. N. C Play P»«° .Play ORGftH Pfoy BOTH/ TOGClHtt „ ,te ONE M/ It’s just the size of a conventional spinet piano, yet t* fills the larglst living room (or small church or thea* tre) with vibrant organ music. It’s a miradt instrument Come hi it, and be prepared for fove at first si^M Johnson Piano Co. 133 W. NORTH STREET Be7Mr««J«the day of th***"oMron •r «ad-lren? Whea on the hottest (unmet day. yeuhad to «Urt a fire to keey your iron S'... Satiw Wt *».««• 2? mould have the right temperature ter emt fahrita. N*w the nktmre ta WHkMt