recorded in Mn the office Register of Deeds of and under and of the authority vest ed In the undersigned as Sub stituted Trustee by an instru ment of writing dated the 18th day of March, 1093, and re corded In Book 116, page 330, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Jones County, default having been made on the pay nient of the indebtedness there by secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms there of subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the Indebtedness thereby secured having de manded dr foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said Indebtedness, the undersigned substituted trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door In Trenton, North Carolina, at 12:00 o’clock noonon the 21st day of April, 1899, THE ONE-FOURTH UNDI VIDED INTEREST in the lands as conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being In Pollocksville Township, Jones County, North Carolina, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: On the North by Trent River, on the East by Reedy Branch, and on the South by Lot No. 1, of the division of the Trent wood Farm, and more particu larly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at ah iron stake on Reedy Branch, the Northeast comer of Lot No. 1, and running the reversed line of Lot No. 1, South 83-00 West, 27.72 chains to an Iron stake standing 13 feet West from the center ot1 the public road, said 2 feet Nor1 from an Oak tree pointer; thence with, another line of lot No. 1 reversed. North 88-45 West 38-30 run of Reedy Branch to the be ginning, containing 79^0 acres, more or less, And being the tract of land designated as Lot No. 2 allotted to Leo H. Harvey and wife, Laura H. Harvey, and to Charles F Graves, in that certain divi sion proceeding In Jones Coun ty entitled, “In the Matter of Leo H. H*rvey and wife, Laura H. Harvey and C. F. Graves; and Ruth Bond Blzsell”, reference to the Report of Commissioners in said division, and the} Decree of Confirmation being hereby made; and this deed is made subject to the rights of all parties Interested In the road designat ed on map- of said division as a “Public Road.” .This 18th day of March, 1953. WILLIAM A. ALLEN, Jr. Substituted Trustee LaROQUE, ALLEN A PARROTT, Attorneys Mar 26 Ap* 2-9-16 U. S. farmers and ranchers oper ate more than 10,000 planes. About half are equipped to do spraying and dusting. Grade A milk production In North Carolina Jumped 374 mil lion pounds in 1952 over the pre vious year. tions. in North Carolina serv ing 81 of the state’s 100 coun ties. • 1. What is the lowest point in the United States reached by a regular railroad? (a) Death Valley; (b) Imperial Valley; (c) Scott Valley. 3. Great Britain is the ? largest island in the world? (a) second; (b) fourth; (e) seventh. 3. Hew long has it been since congress admitted a new state to the Union? (a) 31 years; (b) >1 years; (o) 41 years. ANSWEB8 »-a •W»A>g ■* ■lipA iqnioi > MR. TOBACCO FARMER _ _ What Was Your Fart In the Estimated $25,000,000.00 Loss in 1962 Caused by NEMATODBS? Scientists Mate Developed ETHYLENE DIBHOMIDK For Yi Protection—BUY IT IN Niagara’s SOILFUME85 41-2 GALS. TO ACRE BROADCAST ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE 57' 9 GALLONS TO ACRB BROADCAST 9 Gallons Easier to Apply Uniformly Than 41-9 Gals. (4V4 Gallons Soilfume 85 mixed with 4% Gala Naptha Solvent) , Buy Hither st These Materials NOW While AvaOaMe EQUIPMENT—Bono drawn or Tractor obtainable aaytta row finmtru mi “WfiBiitndfi w jWMn^f^rrdl TiAbshb1* W 1 Howard R. Garrim. < . ™ WAIT—Buy Now So You Co. Bo Sura to Furnish mology. < The nupiber one step to take In combating termites is to make sure no wooden parts of bulld This means that no wooden scraps should be used to fid in ai^as around the foundation. Stumps and wood scraps should not be left under the building. Wooden supoprts and founda tion walls should rest upon a concrete footing and not be permitted to extend through the concrete to the gravel below. Openings in the foundation wall will. help remove the moisture under the building, without which the termites will move on To apply chemicals, row trench next to the i under the building. ; one gallon of 5 per cfcnt DDT and oil, a & per cent pentachlorophenol-oil mixture or a creosote-oil product to saturate each three or five linear feet of the trench. Office Supplies Let One Step Do for i Kinston Office Supply Co. Ill K. Caswell Dial 41 Motnua t worts it*. notu. imaois -it PLEASANT WORK WE HAVE JOBS FOR YOUNG WOMEN (minimum age 18 years) as Operators to manufacture DACRON* in our new plant seven miles North of Kinston on State High way 11. Those who qualify will enjoy the above advant ages and liberal Employee Benefit plans, including wages when side, vacation with pay, free fife insurance and Blue Cross Hospitalization.