ive been twiuub organiza up to give the world iniiuwi<jnt peace. Various plans for peace have been here as long as the world has been created. It. may not have been plans as we know them today, but there have been many attempts to bring the peoples of the nations to live in peace and harmony. As yet, we have to see the one that has done Just what it creat ed to do—to have peace. If there has been one that accom plished its purpose, history has • never recorded it. •Since peace movements before our times are not familiar to us, we will dwell on those in our time. At the end of World War X, when America became involved to "save the world for Democ racy,” we have had our doubts that peace plan would .ever work. On second thought, we believe that it could be worked. But there is a big IF! And that IF will be the stumbling block for many years to come, we be lieve. Back in 1919 and the early twenties, this country tried to get into the foreign entangle ments of other nations. That was one of the first principles George Washington cautioned his countrymen not to do! We almost got ourselves into the-league of Nations in 1919 and early twenties, but we had men in the United States at that time, who believed in looking cut for Ameria first. These $9.80 Per Sq uare Supply Limited West the late Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of if rhuitfttn He was the father of the present Henry Cabot Lodge who Is American Representative at the United Nations. Many credit Lodge with being the power that prevented the U. S. from Joining the League. History has about proven he was the power, and the same history has proven without a shadow of a doubt that the reasons why Lodge wanted America out of the Lea gue were right. In- his many speeches, Lodge contended that once the United States became a member of the League of Nations, we would continually be embroiled In some European or world conflict. How right he was! For this stand he was called an isolation ist. We have seen, only in recent years, what Lodge meant when he said we would be embroiled at. the outset of trouble in Eur ope or any other place in the world. He contended that America would be the one na tion that would be called, ex pected and Just about demanded to enter the fight first. In other words ,we would have to fight the battles of our so-called friends. Korea is a concrete ex ample of that thought on his part. What did the League of Na tions prevent? To our knowl edge, nothing. Japan was a member of the League. Yet when she marched into Man churia in the early thirties, no other nation offered to stop her, except of course, China, the country invaded. There was supposed to have been ways of doing this, without firing a shot, but what did the member nations do? NOTHING! After many threats of what the Lea gue was going to do, Japan thumbed her nose at that wofld body and went on.her way to wage war against China for many years. The irony of all that, is that the United States was blamed outright, by none other than our “good friend England.” The British yelled their heads off that If we had been in the Lea gue with them, Japan would not have dared enter Manchuria. That is the old British diplomacy down right down the line. There is no doubt that if we had been in the League and had been un fortunate enough to have had a sucker In the White House, we would have been at war with Japan long berfore Pearl Har bor. In fact, the British even double-crossed the United States regarding the attempt to stop Japan’s Manchurian conquest. When our Ambassador called on the Imperial Japanese Gov ernment, to deliver a warning, that we would enter the fight on the side of China, as had been pre-arranged with the British, and they were to do same, we were left with the bag to hold. The British Ambassa dor made his can, and instead of telling the Japs, , that there would be war, with England and the United States fighting with China, he contradicted the Tyndall-Wood-Jarman FUNERAL HdME D. E . Wood Mutual Burial Association « .. J*re __ , , us down through the years. Franklin Roosevelt came up with the bright idea of the Unit ed Nations, and having at his command a bunch of party con gressmen who thot he was a lit tle god, voted America into that world organization. So when trouble came In Korea, Harry Truman stuck his neck out, and sent our young men to their deaths In that hell hole. On this point we have said and will again, that if the Congress at that time, had been Interested first in welfare of the United States, it would have impeached Truman for violation of the Con stitution. He got by with, call ing only a police action. Tru man had no son nor grandson In Korea being shot at. But when such lead-slinging and murder that is going on, in Korea is not a war, God help the world when It does become embroiled in a 'war. As you know, England is a signatory power of the United Nations. Her part to the Ko rean conflict is realy disgusting to an American. England’s to tfte ken contribution, as well as other United Nations members to the Korean mess has about convinced us that we were suck ers to be pulled into It without first finding out just what our allies were going to do and when they were going to do It. Why, our good friends are still sell ing war material to the Red Chinks! Yet we say, and they say, they are our friends. For our part we don’t want and will not have, friends that stab us in the back more than once, for If we survive that once, from then on, we are watching this so-called friend. In the third paragraph of this column we said a world peace movement could probably be worked, but there was a big IF. That IF Is just this: IF ALL THE SIGNATORY POWERS, WERE TO AGREE, AND GARRY OUT THAT AGREEMENT, that once a friend or foe, started a move of aggression, that ALL MEM BER NATIONS would CEASE ALL TRADE of goods of any kind, blockade that aggressor, and give an ultimatum that if she did not cease her aggression immeidately that ALL NATIONS WOULD BE AT WAR WITH HER, and all nations would have the SAME NUMBER OF MEN and the same amount of equipment on the field cf battle, we are convinced, that when an aggres " 111 aor. was met face to face with this array of war material that she would BACK DOWN IN A •HURRY! This could have been done In the Korean mess, W ALL MEM BER NATIONS HAD DONS WHAT THEY WERE OBLIGAT ED TO DO—OR were they ob ligated? We were left with load to carry. For our part, the time has crane for the people of this country to wake up and find out what is happening to us. We realize that we are so deep now, that we cannot easly get out of the so-called peace or ganization, but by the Grace of God, if ever again, we‘are un embroiled with foreign entangle ments, we should STAY UN-EM BROILED! and look after our own land. North Carolina cotton fiber lengths hare been increased &3 per cent in 10 years. ■*—— A new high of 238.8 million bushels of 1952-crop com'had been placed under the price sup port program through February 15. Bonus For Local Families Eastern Rulane Sales today is offering $50 on old ranges to ward new Hardwick gas ranges now displayed there. House wives also get 45 free gifts in cluding fine aluminum kitchen ware, cookbooks and prepared food mixes. (Advertisement) SERVICE TO A— ST AND ARD —And Nat To A Price WATCH— For Tour Route Man TWICE WEEKLY IDEAL CLEANERS 102 E. Peyton Dial 3407 HINSTON ' N. C. YOU CAN GET 3* ON YOUR,SAVINGS AT Looking For XXX We Carry A Complete Line of Materials For Building Needs Brick Windows Doors Roofing Screens filaff Plywood Disappearing Stairways Moulding Hardware Shingles Asbestos Siding

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