UGH IMPROVED FARM notteceessfol, however, and the track caught his right leg against the css* and eat his foot off— Jhgt above tte ankle. ) Now Wilbert, a seventh grade student at ddUta High School, is able to,walk with an. artifi cial foot, Hat “hot Very fast,” he says. This kfad of thing COULD have happened if a nine-foot sidewalk had. bear available bat no one can argnethat fijiikt accident and otters' like it that are 272 Mocks within the city that have NO sidewalks, *Wch rety pointedly means that the bulk of people Ihhf in the city have to walk la, the streets when and If they walk, since that 141 block-area with sidewalks includes the. down town business area where few people live and wharfe feW Un escorted children come and *o. An adequate singly of home raised meats is estimated lor the well balanced diet on the North Carolina farm. d»y» w«nt to* Jack Boomer who drew 1$ months few assault on * female. Judge Paul Frizzelle of Snow Hill Monday convened a one week term of Jones County’s Superior Court and at the dose of court Tuesday afternoon very little “damage* had been done to the king-sized docket. , With 12b cases on the court’s calendar only 32 had been clear ed through Tuesday and eight of these were cases that had been noli pressed. Those 'Who went free from court on fids .type ruling Includ ed James IArock Boomer, charg ed with assault, Roy Edwards charged with; non-support, U. P. Thomas charged with alienation of affections and assault, Helen Canady with abandonment of minor children, Jerry Lee Ward and Lossle Bell MCtts, both charged with assault with a deadly weapon, Grover Harrison, charged unstated On, docket and Harold Koonce charged with non-support of an illegitimate child. Cases In which judgment had been reached with courts close ’Tuesday included Minnie tee Turnage who was given custody of her children following a hearing on charge of abandon ment against her? ArdejB *arl Jones and John Booker HHl, who Elijah Roberts drew two yean for a liquor law violation, sus pended on payment of a $30( fine, Adolph Oulon drew IS months suspended with a $15C fine and court costs in anothei liquor violation case. Charlie Poy drew 12 months suspended on payment of $25 and costs and three years probation, alsc for messing with srtumphole whisky. Charles Henry Coleman wa3 ordered to pay $100 and costs and surrender' his driver’s lic ense for an indefinite period for speeding 85 miles per hour. OP 'Dead On Arrival’ with woman’s in the di rection of the heart. Examining physician, Dr. Linwod Williams, said that death was almost in stantaneous. Deputy Sheriff D. F. Wilcox, who investigated the shooting, said Arnold could not identify the man with whom he was “tussling.” Arnold was in dicted on an open charge of murder afld is being held for trial at the next term of Lenoir County’s Superior Court. (Pola roid photo-in-a-minute by Jack Rider.) JK* Kinston re cently era* promoted to corpor al while serving with the 330th Ordnance Depot Company in Korea. - Corporal McDaniel, ordnance storage specialist, arrived in Korea in September 1052 from Fort Lee, Va., where he complet ed basic training. A veteran of 18 mbnth’s Army service, he holds the Korean and UN Serv ice Ribbons. A United States cotton crop of 14,605,000 bales was forecast as of August /L This is 3.5 per cent less than the 1952 crop of 15,136,000 bales. The indicated 1953 crop will be the third rela tively large crop in succession. The 10-year average produc tion is 12,215,000 bales. Too Much Speed, A Curve and A Pine Tree Put This Pair on Stretchers -- —. .... room of Parrott Manorial Hos pital Friday night. Their car liad failed to make a carve just east of Hooker's Crossroads on dows suffered fractures of both legs Mid Jarman had a severe concussion and other minor cuts and bruiafes; Investigating offi •ors could not determine which of the men was drtvlac tl* car