e Moore Is home aft a patient at Wayne Hospital in Oolds Bdna Bouse has returned home after visiting relatives In Wil mington. 'sv.vv;‘'S". tji ■■ Hr. and Mrs. U. R. Garris arid daughter, Martha Dare, spent the weekend in Savannah, Oa., visiting, their daughter, Mrs. Ed Broughton, and fam 'Ruth Glenn Hardy of Raleigh sprat the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Hardy. Mabel Lynch of Dunn was weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. James Norwood Vause have recently moved to Raleigh to make their home. Ura. George Kreuger, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riddle, Durwood Wal ters and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Walters came Friday to be with their father, N. H. Walters, who has been quite HI but Is im searcl He might be an Attorney, a Con tractor, a Druggist, a Grocer, ami Automobile Dealer. Whatever his business . . . whatever the product or service you are look ing for, youll find it in the jp iw. Wmm BUYS — to * ■ Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Moody spent the weekend in Bender!! son guests of Mr. Moody’s par ents, Mr. and Mm.