Birds younger than six ■weeks require between 20 and 22 per cent protein for most rap id growth and development. But after six or eight weeks, gains are equally rapid on the lower-protein ration, - On the other hand, broilers, placed on a 16 per cent protein cation at six or eight weeks fail to gain as well as those on a ration containing 19 per cent protein. This means that 16. per emit is an adequate protein level in the 6-to-10 week growth period. The protein level- in broiler ration* can be reduced, says the county agent, by feeding grains, Pecan Growers For Highest Prices Sell Your Pecans To T. B. Young & Co. Open Every Tuesday at The Big Star Warehouse In Kinston by feeding low-protein finishing pellets, or by using a lower pro tein alUnash system. Of these methods, the use of a lower pro tein all-mash system Is the eas iest and the most foolproof. The extra work Involved in feeding pellets or grain and the chance of reducing protein too much may offset the savings to be realized through the use of a lower protein ration. The average American eats 94 pounds of potatoes each year. Garner’s Funeral Home Dial 2124 Ambulance Equipped With Oxygen For Emergency Use ‘‘COURTEOUS ATTENDANTS” fete IK non MMous ■*» . «** neioin 60MW t^e*ee» v^a^tt awopnw CMntBcvwp *i mower MAmSTiwer IMUSWMt BRKiM CMMi It mouses So neaiT cars to maul just one eottioi or the new yo*K cny classificp teiepHoNe oieccicwy • State College ' Hints to Homemaker BY RUTH CURRENT. State Home Demonstration Agent Honey on the table—One farm of every ten In North Carolina keeps some bees which means a plentiful supply for North Carolina families. Honey is a good, healthy food and can be used in many ways, too. Are you making full use of the hon ey available in your commun ity? Use it as a spread on pan cakes, -waffles or hot biscuits —either plain or creamed with butter. Try it as alnveetner in beverages, on fruits or cereals. Bland It with peanut butter; chopped nuts or dried fruits as a sandwich, filling. Honey may be used in place of sugar when preparing .candled vegetables, cinnamon toast, baked ham, baked apples, custards, pud dings and pies. Cakes, pud dings, cookies and candles stay moist longer if made with honey. Try these honey rec ipes .recommended by Virginia 'Wilson, Extension Nutritionist at N. C. State College. Honey Seven-Minute Frosting 1 tablespoon water 1 egg white 1-3 cup honey 1-3 cup sugar 1-18 teaspoon salt Plice ingredients In upper part of a double boiler and place over boiling water. Beat mix ture with a rotary beater un til it holds assort peak. Remove from heat and beat until cool enough to spread. This will make enough to cover tops of two (8-ineh) layers. All honey may be used (2-3 cup) for a .very sweet frosting, ,,w Honey-Nut Tarts $ 2 eggs ' , g&Sj tablespoons '/! •{$$& eup strained honey $ v '• 1- 3 cup light cam syrup _ 2- 3 cup coarsely chopped pe cans or peanuts Into muffin tins or tart Dan*. Honey Topping l-< to 1-2 cup honey feVl-6 teasppn salt 1 egg white Place all Ingredients In a , bowl and beat until mixture Is stiff. This, can be kept In a refrigerator and beat up before Using each time. Serve as a topping er cake. «n gingerbread or oth Afcoat 550 million busbels ot of 1953 wheat had gone under loan or purchase agreement by mid-October, compared with 312 million bushels In the same period last year. SERVICE TO A— ST ANDARD —And Not To A Prioo i WATCH— For Your Boat* Man TWICE WEEKLY— IDEAL CLEANERS 102 E. Peyton Dial $487 WINSTON N. OL HOOKER and CO. STOCKYARDS AUCTION SALES of Livestock on Tuesdays We Buy Hogs Every Day w PHONE 3624 KINSTON, N. C. ROUTE 2 FOLKS... .. I’LL BE ) BACK 5, AGAIN V. NEXT f YEAR!” Be prepared with a Christmas Club Savings Plan! You’ll never miss the small annmt yon set «««lf each week for your Christxnw Club account^ but it will look mighty good when you receive that check in 1954. Better join today.