Benson iJutiines ms raxm •ame amount TOM figure is growing daily. *ou are pairing more than $14 millions each month Just to store them surpluses. TOM MO is growing, too, as addi mated By your government. The lossfts which your gov ernment sustained in disposing of Just a small portion of pour holdings during the first three months of this fiscal year amounted to $47 millions. “ But, you ask, don't we have a farm program designed to in sure agricultural prosperity and prevent the very situation we find ourselves In today? The, answer Is that we are operating under the some farm program we had last year and for several previous years. Ac tually we have strengthened it In several important respects to the to February 1981 M tore, the farm price ftlo did from 118 * February of this year, have been mart stable to 1992, averaging, about 93 per cent of parity . This story of dadlntog farm income' and mounting agricul tural surpluses is the best evi dence that our present program is not functioning effectively. For mere than a decade, our fartoers have been producing under pressure. To meet the war-time needs of ourselves and our allies, they tumpd out rec ord amounts of food and fiber between 1941 and 1948. With the end of the second World War, they were asked to pro vide the commodities required to .the rehabilitation of Europe tod other sectons of the earth. Then came toe Korean War, with new and heavy demands for farm goods of all kinds. Suddenly this situation was radically aleterd. World food production had been climbing Frosty Mom Meats Inc “Helping to build a better Livestock Market for Eastern North Carolina” ik&V, * ■ yt s* i iMyi cruiser is Robert V. Dawson, in wrKfff comnmxucauons eicc* triclan second class, DHK, son of 4fe and Mrs. C. V. Dawson of Route ^ Kinston, and husband of the former Lois a. KMnert of 511 E. walnut St. Goldsboro. The Las Angeles rejoined the V. 8. Seventh Fleet In early December for her third tour of duty in the Far Cast. Tha. visit to Japanese tourist and trade center is being made since 1940. By 1092 this was .exerting strong preesnre in the market places. Our wheat ex* porta dropped toy one-third in a single year, cotton toy even more. Hot only had Importing nations increased their own pro duction, but they found that they could supply their reduced needs at lower prices from ex porting countries which had no farm price support programs. Just as many American con sumers have turned from butter to less expensive spreads, so have other nations sought cheaper wheat, cotton and oth er products. „ We have learned through some times bitter expedience that when the farmer is In trou ble, there is likely to be trou ble ahead for everybody. This year, net farm income is ex pected to be nearly |1 billion less than It was in 1052. And burton below the While fang’ income dropping, our toral j&Zbonsl in come has actually Increased. This disparity cannot continue in an economy such as ours. When the farmer can’t buy the products of industry, there are certain to be serious disloca tions. How we got into this situa tion is not as important, at the moment, as what we propose to do about it. I have outlined here some of the major prob lems facing agriculture. In af subsequent article, I should like to discuss some of the possible solutions. YOU’RE AT YOUR BEST WHEN YOU LOOK YOUR t,M BEST Arrow Skirt. *_■. Vi.,,, —.n.,v. .‘ji Stetson Hats Griffon Sinks pouadslb hare their 1963 cot- *' ton crop harrasfced. The arer age rate tor the nation to $9J9.. North Carolina Batcberiee prodded ofW mllUon chieka in tjh* first 10 month# of 1959— some 11.7 ^iwSptat more than, the same period of I96f. " DIAL 3846 AMBULANCE SERVICE KINSTON, N. C. ARE YOU WORTH $11,00 M. L. STADIEM, Mgr Stadieip Insurance, In 128W. St. Difl 2177 Kim too. “LETS FACE IT, FOLKS'.. .. I’LL BE BACK AGAIN NEXTI# TEAR!” Be prepared with a Chifctaas Chib Saving* Plan! Yoa*tt never yoke the unall amount you set «mride •edi week for year ChrietsMS Club account, but HeeeeJS VMSwIfebw ■■ ri^ . _ _ * aL jl . .uVHp nQQK nug ty jivoo .yow check in Pj V : '.v^ ■