trinity College now isu&c university. On the fourth of the month in 1838 Davidson College—a celebrated Preabyter lan institution—was chartered. Richard Caswell—revolutionary patriot apd governor of the colony—was bom August 8 in 1720 and six days later in the year 1881 North Carolinians vo ted down prohibition 164,133 to 48,061 in one of several state wide ballots on Intoxicating spi rits. North Carolina began its cot1 ton production tnductry August 17 in 1730—more than 200 years ago when the "first cotton fac tory” was established. •And almost . 200 years earlier on August 16 In the year 1687 *. Wlj, KINSTON’S DOMINATE THEATRES tTRRS PARK ENTIRE WEEK STARTING SUNDAY AUG. IS “THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY” In Technicolor, and CINEMASCOPE ; WAYNE HUNT SUN. - WED. AUG. IS - 18 “VALLEY OF THE KINGS” In Technicolor With ROBERT TAYLOR ELEANOR PARKER THURS.-SAT. AUG. 19-21 “DAWN AT SOCOfcRD” In Technicolor with PIPER LAURIE CAROLINA SUN. - TUES. AUG. 15-17 “PARIS PLAYROYS” Question: ' What causes some of my chickens to suffer -with enlarged craws? Answer: This condition devel ops in almost every flock while on range, especially If the range feed Is coarse. It is usually brought on by the bird eating too much fibrous material. The swelling Is actually an inpae&ion which occurs because of the In ability of the muscular action colonists’ friendly Indian Man teo was baptised. That was only five days before Virginia Dare the first white child bom In the colonies wee babtlsed. That date August 20, 1687. A heavy death toll was taken In two separate Incidents during August. On the 19th In 1919 what was described as “the worst storm ever” hit Beaufort and Morehead City. The first Atlan tic hotel was blown down com pletely — so was the Ocean View hotel, “Dozens”'of yachts were destroyed, tracks of the state owned railroad were tom up and “several persons were killed.” newspapers of that day said. At Beaufort on August 22 1899 14 fishermen were drowned and four persons reported missing (evidently never found because the'papers printed only the one story of the event) in a hurri cane, The same ill wind destroy ed 38 homes and four churches at Ocracoke. Twenty-two persons were kill ed in a train wreck at Bostian bridge two miles from States ville on August 27 in 1891 in what was recorded as the worst train wreck to that date in the state. Tarboro had been chartered as “Tarborough” August 24 in 1772 and on the same date as the train wreck Bowman Gray succeeded the late George Brooks as teller of the Wachovia Bank in Winston. The Gray family la tter became prominent and phil anthropic and the Wachovia bank one of the largest in the South. Probably the biggest public e vent until that time oceured at Asheboro August 29 in 1009 when T. B. Bowman was hanged upon conviction for poisoning his wife. Ten thousand persons at tended. file hanging—the papers stated. & Trust Co. Kinston Trenton of the craw walls to force the material through the relatively email opening- from the craw to the preventriculus and from there to the gizzard. Sometimes the condition -can be relieved by holding the bird upside down an kneading the cfaw. But it’s best to eat the bird-before its condition gets too bad. The con dition is not contagious. Question: is pine straw a good mulch for garden vegetables and shrubs? If so, how good? Answer: Pine straw Is on ex cellent mulch, for any plant. It 1» better than most you are apt find to stores and Is free for tJto taking In many Instances. || permits water to pass freely, wbpreoa Bawdust has a tenden cy to pack down and repell rains or water sprinkled with a garden hpse. it Is not acid-forming as thought to some quarters. A mul ch not only preserves soil mois ture, but helps keeps the soil cool and keeps down weeds. Question: Gan I buy most any breed of chicken I want to North Carolina? -v,. ... Answer:Yes. That Is, you can obtain any of 12 different breeds being produced for . either meet or-eggs, but rks* agr some'ltf) breeds produced for show pur poses. North Carolina has 178 commercial hatcheries. Personal Paragraphs (Continued from page 2) water lines he needed to get his “Little Old FHA Mortagages” then Jesse Pugh, realizing that the city would be tightly bound for money pulled a Calvin Coo lidge and decided “not to run”. Then to add insult to injury Pugh winds up his tail-chasing “Letter to the Editor” by sug gesting that the ideal city coun cil would consist of a lawyer, an engineer, an accountant, a fleet operator (trucks we presume) and a large business operator. That sounds like Marx in rever x. Marx cried “Arise, proletariat’.’ Wooten’s cry in the political Wilderness is “Arise, plutocrats.” That seems to me to be a rath er crude effort toward class legis lation, or something. ; Pfiaally, I said that X was a little “let down” by Pugh’s let ter. And I was. He and I had the same English teacher, Miss Leonora Watts, who was perhaps the best Esglish teacher ever to crack a grammar in the city lim its of Kinston, it seems that at least a part of her efforts were wasted on Pugh, for if he had absorbed all she put before him, I don't believe he would have written a letter In which he con tradicted himself so obviously. Pugh Is what the art world calls a “dilettante” and Webster describes that pretty little word In this fashion: One who fol lows an art or branch of know ledge desultorily or superficially or as a pastime. And' certainly Pugh’s knowledge of and Interest ~ ■ ' In the art of government Is superficial and desultory. But, unless my political nose Is out-of working order. It ap pears to me that Pugh has his eye cast upon a not-too-distant time wjhen he’ll break out . Into a full grown political rash and be running for office all over again. The next time, however, he will be running on his record rather than his ‘'principles” and there Is a considerable differen ce as he, I hope, will live to learn. - •1 , ", —^— I WHEN YOU NEED ' Ambulance Service CALL Garner’s Funeral.Home Dial 2124 Ambulance Equipped With Oxygen For Emergency Use “COURTEOUS ATTENDANTS” Mr. Tobacco Farmer Investigate Coker’s New Tobacco Variety No. 139 SEEDS AVAILABLE THIS YEAR. CROPS MAY BE SEEN AT THE FOLLOWING FARMS: WILSON COUNTY: No. 1—On farm of Pete Byrd about three miles southwest of Bailey near Bulloch School. No. 2—On farm of J. C. Eagles about three miles north of Wilson on N. C. Highway 58. No. 3—On farm of P. L. Woodard & Co. about two miles north of Wilson on Tilghman Road. This variety of tobacco resistant to both wilt and black-shank, and produces well. The seeds will be scarce, so place your order if interested. Booked orders will get priority. M D A ( i ^ SEED *> FEED & S JPF Y CO. Agents For Coker Pedigreed Seeds Heritage St. Dial 4211 Kinston, N. C. .VJ.'.l. i'-i. . ^. V . INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS • FARMALL TRACTORS wurwii «!t j