PoiiDpen ’*•*» V Cove City Road Quarter From Trenton Elijah Smith, Operator Personal Paragraphs (Continued from page 2) "No.” and flunked him. Perhaps burdened with more pupils that she could poMbte mpervlae well, the did not have time, dr th« inclination to teach him something that he ehookl have NOW OPEN FOR UNITED CLASS a®/, ir AUTOANP FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING 800 Different Combinations To Select From. Auto Glass Installed While You Wait ■ . -I ■ ■ rs; S TERM CAN BE ARRANGED 205 W. Caswell Street Corner Heritage & Caswell PHONE 707-11 This is the Home of— Courteous, Economical Service for those who need Building Supplies LUMBER and vroB MORTAR UMM Plain and Check Ball ROCKWOOL INSULATION ASBESTOS SIDING WUti and Celovs WOOD MOLDINGS All Kinds w OUTSIDE DOOBS *11 Sim INSIDE DOOBS Two Panel and Ffre Panel Six Colonial Panel BOLL BOOKING SHINGLES, 210 lb. DU PONT PAINT These are a few of the thousands of home building and home renovating materials we have on hand for your service. —-OFKJNJ Vernon Avenue DIAL 4681 PARK9I& ; j This to a generalized Indict ment of the entire school sys tem, ’when more faithfully It should be a direct latilctpniM* of a specific teacher or two. There are many—perhaps a ma jority-dedicated teachem tout there to also a conetdecable seg ment of the teaching fratern ity today who have no interest beyond ttie pay check. .• ; S? Perhaps an ill wind (the su perme court’s segregation de cision) will blow some good to our entire school system, in that it will bring to focus the attention of the public tgxm the modernistic trends in educat ion. I am not expert enough, nor bold enough to suggest exactly what to wrong, but E am brash enough to say, unequivocably, that something to wrong. Discipline in our schools is far too lax. I admit this Is a reflec tion upon our modem home, since' a completely wild brat coming out of an absolutely un disciplined home to a difficult dcise for even the most season ed teacher to swallow. But I do agree with Godwin, wholeheartedly, that our educa tional system has become far to concerned with quantity, too con cerned with vocational arts, too concerned with athletics and too little concerned with the fun damentals of education, which still, to me, are “reading, writing and ‘rithmetic”. That person who cannot express himself or under stand the expressions of another is hardly educated. Statement of ownership, man agement end circulation as re quired by the (Act of Congress od August 24, 1912 and as amend ed by the Acts of March 3, 1933 and July 2, 1946 otf the JONES JOURNAL Published weekly at Trenton, N. C. Editor and Publisher, Wilbur J. Rider Managing Editor, Wilbur J. Rider Business Manager, Muriel G. Rider Owners: Lenoir County News Company, Inc. Owners of one or more per cent of the capital stock in Le noir County News Co. Inc.: Wil bur J. Rider, Muriel G. Rider, John W. Rider, Barrus Con struction Company. Sheppard Warehouses, Inc, E. L. Scott, P. A. Hooker, John J. Rowland and William A. Coleman; all of Kinston, N. C. Known bondholders other se curity holders owning or hold ing one per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities Is NONE. Average number o f copies bach issue of this publication sold or distributed through the mails or otherwise to paid sub scribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown is 812. Wilbur J. Rider, Editor ft Publisher Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this Day of October 1954 Doris Tull Notary Public My commission expires March 2S, 1956 aUi;:. North Carolina allocated $2, yafrjOOO far the punehase of »»<* for me scnooi L»uncn Pro WELS ‘Hayloft Frolics’ Friday Night Contentnea ill M Carolina is fall of talent ed ’..yawn* people and here’s ft ohance for them to prove tfc “Uncle Kiker”, who has had twenty-live years of promoting end performing fa the folk field of eniertaament, along with Us remlar radio work, promises yen one of the most outstanding performances of this type to be seen anywhere In the Carolina*, and at the same time, gives the boys and girls a chance to go higher in show business. Let’s all pat oar shoalders to the wheel and make “the WELS Hayloft Frolics” a grand success. ' On ..stage In person will be such fine entertainer as “The Fi ne State Playboys,” The Meready Brothers,” "The Dixie Hillbill ies”, “Jerry Jenkins”, “Lefty Hale”, “The Carolina Pardners”, and that hinny man “Useless”. Show time -is eight o’clock. Admission is 60 cents for adults. Children under twelve, 40 cents. Ladies, be sure to wear your fir dies because this is * side splitting event. John B. Hawkins Bade In Slates QUONSET POINT, R. L—John B. Hawkins, chief aviation ma chinist’s mate, husband of the former mss Nonna Outlaw of Route a, Boat 38, Trenton, re turned to the Butted States Sept. 17th after serving an over seas tour in the Mediterranean area with Patrol Squadron 8. i Patrol Squadron 8 Is operating the ‘Neptune’ type, twin engine patrol bombers and is home based at the mouth of Narragan sett Bay here in Rhode Island. The squadron, which has com pleted its preparedness assign ment with (American Naval forces (overseas, has |p(retvious*y had both warm and cold weather operational experience in the (Caribbean, Iceland and New foundland. Country dwellers Increased from 16 million In 1640 to about 3Q million in 1953. Jarman-Howard, Inc. FUNERAL HOME (Formerly Tyndall-Wood-Jarman) D. E. Wood Mutual Burial Association DIAL 3846 AMBULANCE SERVICE KINSTON, N. C. i-alS Frosty Mom Meats Inc. “Helping to build a better Livestock Market for Eastern North Carolina” jjk < ■; v No W 11 i r* %■