THE JONES COUNTY 37 TRENTON, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 VOLUME 6 r’s First fm i is the carin which Jongs Counts first 1955 traffic fa* tUity, Benjamin Lee Jenkins, was riding: when he mt Mnt ly killed late Saturday night. This ear, owned and' driven by Glen Adams, was driven onto a. rural .paved road near Shady Grove Methodist Church from another connecting rural paved road, at which there is a stop sign. As it came out into the rohd it was struck on the left side by a car driven by Steven Morgan Jr. of Pollocksville, who was driving toward Kinston. Patrolman Marvin Thomas, who Investigated /the accident had drawn ho indictments Wednes day morning', jenauns .wa on Trenxon Route two. The passengers in the ear with Jenkins, included the driver, Adams, who suffered a cut and other bruises about the face, Edward Moore also of Trenton route one who suffered several broken ribs and possible internal injuries and Hobart Sanderson of Kinston route I III I three ■ who escaped Injury. Morgan was not hurt. Jenkins was riding in the back seat ot the car pictured here and he was knocked from the ear, along with its other occu pants and be was feund almost 90 feet from the car.. Be died almost instantly, It is believed, from a broken neck. (Polaroid photo-in-a-minute by Jack Rider) m Get* 60 Days (7 ■