on Kinston’s u * tes and in 'for alder, atmite de. Mr legislation tendered by jett ipenmlits the MaysviMe sell to order the condemn a of buildings in the rftyUtnlta to further order, their demo. bL lhls btH (Owsef Bill 410) jly extends to iMSayavtlte the » powers granted by General utetoftU toiwns of 5,000 or y ■ mse Bill 681, which ha* pass ' a im q need will be greatly Increased by the opening next fan of Tea chers Memorial School which will serve children living on and east of Heritage Street. This will en, with present to travel over a and connecting mile and a half and connecting roads would almost, cut that dis tance In half, Heard pointed out. Already under construction, Heard reminded it the extension of Bast Daniel Street across the AdHn and -td the old Snow Hill Road, A proper bridge at that point would coot a minimum of fipoo he estimated. The council i^wed to include that Bridge hi the ,45-,6d budget and have It Completed by September first. Prospective Tobacco Acreage Prospective U. S. acreage of flue-cured tobacco la estimated at 905,300 acres, a reduction, of five per cent from the 1,042,200, acres harvested last year. QueenJ3treet between Peyton and 'Vernon Avenues to permit the six-foot widening that has been requested of the State Highway and PubMc Worts, Oammlssion. Heard's estimate of the cost to the city was $3,750 and he re minded that ho trees would have; to be moved and no right-of way would have to be purchased. in tomans at Morris Bloom is- a long way fromhls native home, bat Kin ston has been his home since' 1907, and today as he nears his 61st birthday anniversary on July 14, he is still very much a fixture in the life of the com munity. 1 Bloom was bom many years ago and many thousand miles away in a village -in Southern Russia near Odessa, on thp shores of the Black Sea. The full, rich and' ha