NES COUNTY Kinston. Paeto^oi^thi^ne'w MeihodfcU flock la Don Collins. The publip is Invlted -ie see the small trot handsome new church vbkh was designed by John Rowland and Jim fjHmgoon (Polaroid photo-ta-a-mtnute by JockRider}%j * y Meeting Held Tuesday; One Change Made Just £806 voter* out of n» than 6,000 on the regtstmtl books gave toiMWodpotories a no# slate <**>ur*l» had i together In aneftort tor a an progressive clQpQMpEp^ - Radio Executive Bill Page tc ped the voting with 1,4a* vot council with 1,242 rotes. The next four to the mice were the unseated incumbents. Bur weU Temple was sixth with 1,206, Bd Johnson k ■wot/ seventh with so.vaur^s oame in ninth with 641 votes. McKinley Hawkins, the only negro to the race, ran 10th with ma W* y;VT..V From the 10th candidate down through the fifteenth the vote dropped shaipi#'; C- ;, I - <**»y » t the city hall flrowp Wootenwfth two-year term (1061-53), Taytar who starved from 1047 un til August 1954 and LaRoque who has filled out the unwqplred .team are the evidenced mem bers. Page and Baker ware tak ing their first crack at formal 4»wa«»v " • ' !$;:;■*' HP ' . ■■ ■ ■■■ y ■ - '• Bill Heard Resign* City Manager Bill Heard, who is Kinston’s first and only man ager until this time, Wednesday morning announced Ms resigna tion subiect to the approval of the newly dec ted city council War n, and it promises to be a perftot cUmAx to a sea son at successful performances that have been a credit to the Community Theatre and to Kin ston. ■' 4' Leading roles in this produc-. ition are being played by Bob Kidd, Bob Forney, Leonard Lot tin, Dan Bagatelle, and Kenneth Foeteue. Ih addition to ptayidg one of the leading roles, Bob Forney is directing “Stalag 17 .. - f,VJ Advance tickets, are in <— to; $1.20 in each of the Stan' dard Drug Stores and Pearson's Department Stoke. Tickets at the door will be $1.50. Tax Collector said this week that some 70 persons to had recently been office have failed' any way to the letter said; In part, “Ac cording to Information from the North Carolina Motor Vehicle Department, it appears that you wpre the registered owner of the above described vehicle as of January 1, 1955, and that you specified In your application for title that the vehicle was sub ject to taxation In Jones Coun ty. We have checked ah listings In this county for this year and have been unable to find this vehicle listed”. And, “If this vehicle has been listed in an other county, please have the tax supervisor of that county fill in the form below and then .bring it to this office. If we have not heard from you within Brock -Offers Her As Jones Auditor »'- V.i which was shepl into since in the biennial city elections on qtataday. Heard said that since almost an entirety ‘new board has been elected he feds |he hew group should have the op portunity to employ its own city manager. Heard was employed in February of 1M8 as the city em barked upon the city maaager council form cf government. lira. Brock baa served In that post since the resignation of Swindell Pollack and prldr to his resignation she had wonted In the office for a six-month period. The commissioners reluctantly accepted Mrs. Brock’s decision to leave' the county’s service and made no pubHc announce ment as to her possible succes Qther activity of the board in cluded a recommendation ad dressed to the Highway com mission that the road in front of Jones High School be widened to 16 feet. WMf'W Lenoir County’s Sixth Highway Fatality in ’pS Kills Winterville an is * *"■”h?th* ■“* mefi ■ ““ — 1 10 days from the date of this letter, we shall assume that our Information is correct and will proceed in listing; the property tor taxation to you as provided by law”. That first letter of April 16 broughta considerable response but no reply came from more than 300 of the 700 who received such letters. Many were found to be listed hi; other chanties, tout on the other hand many were found to have several ve hicles that they had “forgotten to list". Another lector has now been mailed jto that aoa-ptas who ig nored the first letter, which says In part, “Wehave not heard from you regartjipg jihte. We are, therefore, listing the vehicle for .taxation to your name at a valuation of $....Any protest will be heard by the Board of County Commission ers at its regular monthly meet ing on the 6th day of June, 1955.” Oppose Office Move Hie Kinston city Council Monday night quickly passed a reaotatton in qppasltion to the Kinston office and transfer the local personnel to Goldsboro and New tfem. This is part of the so-called economy effort of the Elsenhower Administration and Mafcrtot Congressman L. H. Fountain and Senator 8am Ervin are Riding local citizens in opposing the change. Bikes Kill 16 There were 1* Meydists num bered among North Carolina’s 691 traffic victims last year. An other 321 suffered Injuries ac cording to records of the Motor Vehicles Department. Most of the victims killed were children under 14 and all were men or hoys except, one. A single girl, rider in the 16-19 age bracket was reported killed. And one oldster in the 65-74 age bracket buffered fatal injuries while Tiding a two-wheeler. Wanted In Lenoir .