r^PlpIpPij'' : ^.* ty's Active Farmers nm a* ha a* a surprise birthday -< party givan in honor of his .86H1 anniversary last Sunday. Williams, father of 12, ' county commissioner, one of the county's largest landowners and on# or its moir nmirKiora cimvns passed Kis 86th milestone last Fri day but the children waited until Sunday »• "slip up on him" with «i|? surprise party. Still active and alert, Williams enieyed every ' minute of it along with several do xen friends and relatives who gat flared for the day. pulled up to Deputy Sheriff Cy Griffin’s house in Comfort at about noon time Sunday. In the back seat of their car was'a bloody, badly mauled white man, partially un dressed and in a semi-coma. The woman’s story was that she had seen the white man wander ing down the side of a road — Just where is still in doubt . . She thought it was someone she knew. She stopped and offered a ride. The man, who proved to be a stranger, accepted the' ride. And the woman permitted him to climb into the car in spite of it not be ing who she “thought it was”. Her story continued with rather lurid account of the stranger try ing to rape her far full view of the children and the colored -man. But the attempt was stalled. Then they stopped at a Jones County filling station and asked where they could find the law. “we got a crazy man we want to get rid of” . No attempt was made to get rid of “the crazy man” at the filling station where there was help. The filling station operator said the woman, the negro and the 'children were in the front seat and the man was not beaten up at that stop. The woman explained that by saying, that a couple of miles down .the road the man tried to rape her again and this time was given the beating which caused Jones. County authorities to carry the man to a Kinston hospital when he was brought to the jail in Trenton. Once the Duplin County woman had deposited the bloody Onslow Countian with Deputy .Griffin she took off, and up until Tuesday she hadn’t returned to Trenton to pre fer charges in spite of the-fact that . the Duplin County Sheriff had told [her to do so, at the request of the American Pe Committee on Ag PSffSfi Smith, one of the best known jrenng banners inthe county, is a •on of the Late Mark Smith, Who served many years on the county hoard Of commissioners. He is sec retly of the Deep Ran Kntiitan ^tflh'ynd is- active in church and fraternal activities in his home community. Last year Hoke'King of Sandhill Township was winner of the award. Kenneth Foscue was chairman of the committee which supervised the selection this year, but actual selection of the winner was made by a secret committee of men who keep up With farm affairs in the Sl"‘ ' !V ■ .'■£ . Smith was commended for his contributions to his community, for his outstanding soil conservation Albertson Foxhunt Next Week coined. ♦ . ■ - »M .. ^ ' ■ la r a town tain a pretty tight control am Koonce to #Um from adding jl few more lumps to those he ha« already given the Happersville woman. • ■■''?• Koonce is already under indict ment mi two charges scheduled to be. heard in tile next term ot lm~ noir Comity's Superior Court Shooting Ernest Rhodes and reck less driving on separate occasions. Now he’s under $250 bond scheduled? to be tiled in the Jones Couhty Su perior Court s beating the Hap place of business had been broken. Into and a considerable quantity of merchan^fep iyai stolen. Sheriff Votes is understandably bewildered. So far as he can de termine it appears that the On slow Counts in has suffered the worst end of the bargin. The lost weekend cost him $55 in cash which he thinks, or says he had in his pockets when he took the two drinks with his “friends” in Jacksonville. And it also cost him a very severe Beating. The Duplin County woman has refused, to return to press the charges she made Sunday. The colored inan who was riding with, her has told the Sheriff of Duplin County that he “heard a little " ‘ .don.t ftfe Flivvers and Electricity Rapidly Changing Living Habits Electric power and the gasoline engine lade the awesome power of the atomic bomb but these older and better known advances of me chanical science have changed the living habits of Americans more than all the other inventions of the pas* top years. /• And change presents problems to some and pleasures to others. Largely the problems created by the gasoline engine and electrical power have fallen into the lap of those who set govermental pol icies and administer the same. The pleasures have come to the users offthese two gadgets. The^nap of America has been made and is now being rapidly re made "by the uses and extension of the us£s of these two giants. For two generations the ques tion was ‘Hdw You Gonna Keep ’em Down On The Farm?”; now it has become just the opposite. True, farm population is decreas ing at hn alarming rate, but not so for what the sociologists call i on* end of Lenoir County ithor. At top left it in* horn* Copeland Town* in Mm aovHi. iW* w» iff 11 CyMflTyg 'Hrfl9V« aero trad* of land war* aoW ■£*:X..••:? \bx Hit* hot C.kM .* $M0 ..eh and’ *vlh*. P**t ftw ywn tnd foil «a»" nwrt art unoar coimrucnan. ..‘ l ' - ' — -A-r • ~ Sheriff Yates. . After receiving emergency treat ment in a Kinston hospital the On slow Countian was returned to Trenton in a somewhat more co herent condition. His story went “tbisaway Saturday night he had taken two drinks Of whisky with men he met at a Jacksonville filling station. The next thing he knew was when he "come to his senses” in the Kin ston hospital. He had no memory of his rough ride with the Duplin Countians. Since no charges had been pre ferred against the Onslow Count ina, Sheriff Yates released him, with a reminder that he might have to look him up again if the woman from Duplin County did re turn and sign a warrant. Monday^ the Jacksonville man re turned to learn of any further moves that might have been made in the case. Then he reported to Sheriff Yates that he knew one of the men with whom he had taken the potent two drinks. It was his conviction that he had been drug ged . . A feeling shared by De puty Roy Mallard who carried him to the hospital in Kinston. The Onslow Countain further re ported that Saturday night his