ANNUAL MEETING OP WMU The Woman’s Missionary Union of First Baptist Church had its annual meeting at Cherry Point April 10 with the following ladies attending: Mn.. W. M. Adams, Mis. Marie Adams, Afn. Claude AdMms, Mrs. 8. E. Brown, Mrs. W. A. Gasperson, lbs. DeLoath, Mrs. David Evans, Mrs. Marian .Brat ford, Mrs. tL. L. Mattocks, Mrs. E. B. Mills, Mn. Glen Heath and Mis. Dorothy fiudd. ANNUAL^ISTRICT MEETING OP FEDERATION OP HD CLUBS HELD Hie annual meeting of the 20th District Federation of Home De monstration Clubs was held last week in Morehead. “Educating for living Today” was the theme of the meeting, and de&gates bom Wadi, New Beni, Mayor George Dill of Morehead City, and Moses Howard, of Morehead. Dr. Bessie MdNefll of the home economics department of East Carolina' Col lege was the speaker and Mrs. Herbert Waldrop of Newport was guest soloist After the luncheon, tire women were entertained with a concert by the W. S. King school band. Ladies from Maysviile who 'attended were Mrs. C. D. Smith and Mrs. W. E. Henderson. ATTEND DISTRICT MEET Mrs. J. ,R. Pelletier, Mrs. N. N. Mattocks, Mrs. C. C. Dameron and Mrs. A. H. McDaniel attended the district meeting of the WSCS of the Methodist Chunch in Kinston last Wednesday. , MRS WARREN, NEW PRESIDENT OF PTA OTHER OFFICERS NAMED The April meeting of the PTA was held. Monday night at the school with Robert Mattocks, pre sident, presiding. Mrs. W. If. F. little led in prayer, after which an informal discussion on needs and problems of the school was held. The nominating committee elected Mrs. HMda Warren for the next president', Mrs. C. D. Smith for vice _ president, Mrs. Flora Lee Parker, secretary, and •Mrs. J. P. Gardner, treasurer. Fol lowing the meeting, Mrs. Maxine (Britt, Mrs. Marion Hooks and Mrs. MSartha Henderson served re CLASS PRESENTS QUILT TO METHODIST ORPHANAGE The Intermediate dw of the Methodist Church has Just com pleted a quilt, with the hdp of ladies of the TOCS. They had their pictures taken Sunday mom. ing with the quilt, and sent']£ by Bobby Mattocks, to the Methodist Orphanage in Raleigh. SECOND HIGHEST RIBBON WON BY MAYSV-ILLE TROOP The Crow Patrol of Troop 200 of MeyavHie attended the 1056 Boy Scout Camporee at Jackson ville April 2(L22. While there,.they cooked their own meals, put up tents and gateways, and partici pated in the events, which helped them .to win a red. ribbon, the second highest ribbon. They. at. tended camp fires at night and had a thoroughly good time. There were 3700 boy scouts at the camporee. The five boys who went Little Miss Diane Sounder, daughter of (Mr. and Mrs. William Tingle of New Bern spent the week, end with her great - aunt and un de, Mr. end Mrs. Elmer Header son. ■ Rudolph Pelletier returned home Sunday from St. Luke’s Hospital where lie spent several days. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Pruitt an nounced the birth of a 9 l>. baby girl, Wednesday, .April 18, at Le noir Memorial Hospital in Kinston. 'Mrs. Pruitt is the former Fannie Foecue of Maysville. Mr.- and Mrs. G. J. Bunch and family of Portsmouth, Va. spent a few days with Mrs. Bunch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mills, and her sister, Mrs. James Bar. bee. Mrs. L. L. Mattocks visited m • Fuel Oil , MAYSVfiULE 322S1 Prompt Service Our Guarantee ■ I •Of course we haven’t actually counted aD the Joneses. But it seems a'safe guess. Because this year—as they have year , after year—more people are buying Chevrolets. And 2 j million more people drive Chevrolets than any other car. * Maybe you ought to come in and see why this is so. (Are you keeping up with the Joneses?) THE NEW BEL AIR SPORT COUPE with Body by Fishor—ono of 20 frisky now Chovrolot modols.