to mostly is this segregation ques. (ton. And to touch Hghtiy on that ■object tor a moment I will in form you of * few experiences (bat a southerner faces in the north. * To begin with I think that it is a great injustice to the young peo ple of the north that they have been so mlsiafohned all these many years as to what the situa tion is in the southern states, and 3 might add that a great majority of these start in the public schools. Here is a typical example of what I mean. Recently I came in con tact with a girl who is a high school senior, one of the' first tills (and very repulsive to say the least), “Mr. Surles, why are the negroes so mistreated in ttie South, why aren’t they given an equal chance with the rest of the people?” Now Jack, that is a ques tion that I have beqn ashed be fore and one which brings out the itenon in me. r To say that I have an answer to the above question is saying it mildly. In the first place the per son who generally ask this ques tion is completely misinformed that it is pitifuL Another observa very poor conception of our Ameri can history and what it stands for, and this: 1 think can be traced partially to the way of1 the so, balled progressive teaching today. During the war Jack, 1 know that you lived sound N. Y. C. long enough to see and realize that they have as much segregation here as we do down south. In my which lowed made me still more proud of my southern heritage. , This colored woman informed me thait she was bom and raised around Winston-Salem, received her college education- in N. t£. and' also became a registered nurse in the same state. Her husband — N. Y. born — was informed by her in my presence that colored col lege students were a ddme-a-dozem in N. C. She stated that under no circumstances would .she become > a member Of the National Associa tion for colored people as she was convinced that it yras a RED or ganization. This same woman told me that she Was informing^ ail Of her co lored friends up here that they were grossly misinformed as to /what the conditions are in the south. So you can quite readily see that it is indeed a small group who are causing a great deal of the trouble. There'hafve been times- in these mkX ■vr~. jut-, ,1 ly-T' i tt*n teHfng * little of the opposite «***> Thi* past week On Jfc Y. p«Sy New* brought out certain «ct* to State's Rights ® iot of people dj_ ierttcS- the theme was relative to Inb MCtea not being given the ri ght to prosecute communist — another recent decision by our estate. Supreme Court. I sincerely hope that the people will realise that It the Supreme Court can destroy, states fights in one thing that nothing else will be sacred insofar as the 48 states are con cerned. I also hope the NAACP win realize this. When jam get down to the basic facts, this whole thing is a politi cal football. In this both major parties are equally guilty, since we all know that the average poli tician is an opportunist. He will proanise the world to get elected and after that he passes the •‘buck” for the remainder of the time in office. I was wondering also if you had seen or heard of the survey that the New York Times made through the south a short time ago. Since I’m sure you know the paper,v they gut out a special edition a few weeks ago, eight pages to be exact; There was a so-called report from all the southern states. This was in conjunction with their regular Tuesday edition. When I' read sqme.of these reports I was won dering in several places where they gpt their Information or who they Were talking to. - , READY MIXED CONCRETE Al._a._j r._j> c BARRU9 CONSTRUCTION CO. KINSTON. N.C. NEW BERN HIGHWAY PARKING AT OUR BACK LOT. DRIVE m FROM GORDON STREET FOR YOUR NEEDS TODAY. 5 "1 SEEDS FEEDS HAY FERTILIZER Soil Conditioners Garden Supplies PAINT ■ w.; > ‘-vV-1. • r'. * ■. - : , FENCE Treated Lumber POST and POLES HARDWARE ROOFING BRICK cement that I like best at. thU time m y*ur report recently and the speech of the southern congressman who gdvt out with all of those, statis tics on thfe. clime and health pro blem in Certain areas of the nation. You woe right insofar aa apy of that news getting in the KY. papers, or if it 4* £ I did'hot «*w- ... .Mini I- I --’lit Should Tobacto Extension Specialists State — "Often Nm most beneficial water applied during the M*«*t >• irrigation at transplanting time. Why? — , Batter stands, quick Recovery from transplanting shock and more even growth." Plan Now For Better Yields Call us today tor engineered irrigation — Tailor made tor your farm. Thompson Irrigation Cov Inc. Rhone 4737 p. O. Box *09 609 N. Heritage Street Kinston, N. C. HOT POINT Deluxe % Ton Air Conditioner With Thermostat and Electronic Filter, Was 299.95 — now only $219.50 HOT POINT Deluxe 39 in. Automatic Push Button Range Was 399.95 — Close out for HOT POINT 17-ft. Deluxe Freezer Wu 479.95, Now $259.97 .82 Complete Sheet Meti , Phone 70637 KINSTON, N-, C.