Senators one of the 5 members of dal subcommittee. The ben aije: Senator Stuart ington of Missouri; Senator M. Jackson of Washington; Seha tar Leverett SaltonstaU of Mas eachusetts; and Senator James H. Duifif of Pennsylvania. The suto cominittee's chairman is Senator flyandngton, who served with great distinction several yean ego as Secretary of the" Air Fobce. The importance to the Natku of the task committed to this special subcommittee was emphasized this week in an editorial in the Evening Star, one of the outstand ing newspapers of Washington. This editorial points . out these things: "The Senate Armed Services subcommittee heeded by ter Symington has inquiry of greet importance to tho Nation. It la, in short, whether we ere losing out to Soviet Rus «t« bearing on our own effort and that of Soviet. Russia. This tudy can render a great service." The subcommittee has assem led a competent staff to aid it lit ts inquiry 'and has begun hear ogs. Thus far, General Walter tedell Smith, a distinguished oldier and onetime ambassador » Russia, General Omar N. Brad »y, another distinguished soldier ind onetime chairman of the Joint hiefs of Staff, and Allen W. Dul es, Director of Central Intelli gence and brother of the Secretary opposite. There are many reasons to Mhva that If Wofld War III comas, lh* first attack will bs launched against the Unit ad Status. In tha last two World Wars, Oar. many mado tha mistake of start. Ing a war In Europe into which wo woro IrrosloHbly drawn. It Is ton much to expect that a future enemy would commit fits same fully and dacislvaly retaliate, we cannot hope to break file enemy's above all vuib are asked, is — as u the family is able to certain fixed cnarges which have to be met in the way at 'merchandise;- here ♦*»« the' family makes selection with ifull knowledge beforehand betaiise the prices are clearly , marked. Our service charge is equally flexible. Here too, are certain unchangeable ele- ' ■ments, but the to$al bill rep resents a wide range between a minimum and all the extra personal services we may be asked to perform. EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE 4150 Ktiston H. C. ■nor Tobacco Harvester “Crop tested in the fields of Lenoir County* We Can Make Delivery Now Johnson-Sherman Co. YOUR "CASE" DEALER Goldsboro Highway . Next to Hwy. Patrol Office Phono 2035 Kimton, N..C Your Headquarters For PORCH & LAWN FURNITURE SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION . # California Redwood • Meta! Gliders • Metal Rockers aftd Chairs # Hammock with Sjtand • Chaise Lounge # Aluminum Gliders, Chairs USE Y . , • 3 '• * V trees from 10 to 13 inches in di ameter around the stump — trees which quite Utatfy an at their jMak rate of growth and making the owner aom# adhay. ;** '■ Question: Bear many chickens do I need to provide eggs for my fimity? ' _ • Answer; nee layer* for each %w© persons. U you have good Mode and manage it well, each tan* hodd produce MO or more . - CjJSiSSUfe: .» . -».—■ Question: How amt control' honeysuckle and poison -ivy? Answer: Coobwl J* atm*" when undertaken MttttVjK'X spraying is done with a tractor mounted sprayer, one-half MjjM' at 2, 4-0 amine salt per acx