Merchants frequently attract the attention of customers by adver tising the conditional sales con tract security device as the “easy payment (tan,” “budget plan,” "deferred payment plan,” or “dig nified credit plan.” X the conditional buyer misses one of his payments, may the seBfcr take the property back? Yes. If the condition*! buyer 'lifis to make any payment when ft is due, the' seller can repossess or take back the property. X the seller repossesses or takes back the property he can still sue the buyer f^r the amount of the sales price not yet paid, less any amount he gets from a -resale of the property. la a conditional sales contract valid oral? , A conditional sales contract is valid, ay between the conditional fflw1 and the. conditional buyer, wdthouta writing. But in order to he valid against the creditors of, end purchasers for a valuable con sideration from, the conditional buyer it must be in writing, and registered, in Jhei, court house. contracts. They frequently regis ter only contracts involving a largo sum of money or where, In their opinion, there is considerable fi nancial risk. Where must the conditional sales contract be registered? X the conditional buyer is an individual who resides in North Oarolina. the contract must be re gistered in the office of the regis ter of deeds of the county where the'conditional buyer reside* at the time the instrument is exe Where a conditional sales con tract has been registered in the proper county, a subsequent change of residence of the buyer or a subsequent removal of the pro perty, to another county of North Carolina does not affect the hen. The law does not require a se cond registration in this State in either of these events. A resident of North Carolina buys an automobile, from the Jones Mo tor Company- The. conditional •ales contract is not registered. The conditional buyer sell* the automobile to Tom Smith who has F(’ «r."v;p vt/. ,• K*-.- : PK knowledge erf the fact that the automobile wfs acquired from the Jones Motor Oompmy under a conditional safea contract Does ——— a valid title to the Yes. The Jones Company should have protected its lien on the | automobile by a registration of the conditional sales contract No notice, however full and formal wall supply the want of registra , > .. ,> ...K I jit . 1 Htln IN ANNOUNCING my candidacy for re-election to Congress, I first want to express my sincere thanks to the good people of the Third Congressional District for the confidence and trust shown in me over the years. To tiie best of my ability, I have sincerely tried to make my record one of service and one of which both myself and our District would be proud. This I sincerely believe I have accomplished. 'My record shows that I have never hesitated to go even beyond the call • of normal duty to help in all matters of vital interest to you, including such matters as military bases (including Camp Lejeune, Cherry Point, and Seymour Johnson); river, harbor and drainage projects; school projects for towns, roads; EE A projects, veterans’ problems, railroad and transpor tation, and marketing of agricultural products. My record shows that all these problems and others have, of course, been in addition to the heavy history making legislative program, much of which has been of direct benefit to bur District. I am proud that this record includes the George-Barden Act, dealing with vocational training; the Barden-LaFollette Act, dealing with the training of the physically handi capped; the Tobacco Program, and many others. My 21 years of congressional seniority, service on many important legisla tive committees, and the Chairmanship I now hold on the very important House Committee on Education and Labor have taught me many things. Among them, the sure knowledge that legislation is not passed by pressing buttons, regardless of promises. Instead, effective legislative work requires a lot of experience, hard work and a respected standing with your fellow Members of the Congress. All these, advantages I have to offer our District. Between now Snd the May 26 Primary; I plan to visit the District as much as the legislative schedule of the Congress will allow, but there will be much legislation of vital interest to our District which will require my being in Washington. I malm only one promise, I shall strive to continue to represent our District in tbs future to the best of my ability as my record shows I have done in fhbpast <»• f.v...-; • •»*. • -v nov . n4£ , I EARNESTLY SOLICIT AND NEED YOUR SUPPORT.