4 :e Jarvis, G. N. NoWe, Fred ■, W. R. Bender, R. W. Dur and Nathaniel Sylvester. ':KdfW WIENER ROAST .FOR CHOIR Mr* ;*H. M.' Hines invited the Young People’s Choir to her home fot a wiener roast test Tuesday flight, following whidx the group attended a movie in New Bern and enjoyed' light refreshments the movie. . PERSONALS • v: Mr§. Martin H. Parker had her grandsons, Harold and George Ful ler of Buxton, as weekend guest. iMsrsMEilton Askew is dohrg nicely Mrs. John White has returned .home after undergoing treatment at St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bern. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bender and (Mr. and Mrs. Alien Bender were hosts to Thelma Bender and her Math Class from Flora MacDonald College last weekend at their Bogue Sound Cottage. Sunday afternoon fid Atkinson, Hazel Ann Bender, Dead Rouse and Jim Culp joined |the group.' RENEW YOUR Subscription TO THE JOURNAL Dorothy Noble JCoonce \ Your, Vote'And ‘ Support For The feR ...,.... rVf,- j^S ....... im ■: • »*•* M 2**i 1 -V ' ^ IMS Send A WORKER TO BARDEN Brought Back to Your . Community In 22 Years? s>". Evelyn, and daughters Cassanjftra and, Congressman titi'i: A . am-— federal aid and protection for "FAMILY FARMERS" (Restore Acreage Cutbacks Whenever Possible) industrial promotion to create JOBS, UTILIZE FARM PRODUCTS AND NATURAL RESOURCES HIGHER INCOME FOR THE WORKING ^ MAN . . NO DISRUPTION OF OUR PRESENT i SCHOOL SYSTEM V ^nsWlnsaasl ' Pa uSH »i ii lii ii 1 ■ FEDERAL AID FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION v SOCIAL SECURITY JEXFANSION (Begin Old Agt-BmmiflH at M) PORT AND SMALLTORBOR DEVELOP. MENT • . ■ (Dredge and CleariQut tMver* and Streams) FEDERAL AID AN&PROTECTION FOR COMMERCIAL FfOIEftMEN LOW COST DISASTER- INSURANCE ( Equal and Prodipt Distribution of Federal Disaster Aid) j DUAL SAFETY COWflOUSB; HIGHWAYS, Etert*R ROADS CONSTANT PB$»tALCOMTACT WITH ■ PEOPLE OF 3rdQ{STRICT FOR BETTER REPRESENTATION , > ■ , ■■‘mk ' . ' . rvwe on