Peopjje/Spots Jfi'Tlife: Hews »lfr ■ kings and princes of old France j ■stand at stony attention at auction! jin Paris. Bust of Louis XIV w* ■^tMe^awa^^rawe 18 CHAMPION *at< rANUJt jmskkx tooti^ at soutn^up ot is Aquarium. Even with these fine trappings,* ferry tare to Staten Island (background) remains a nickel) NEW FROM SERVtCEMEIS I Pvt. James Keys is On Duty in Germany 2D ARMORED DlV.’ GERMANY — Army Pvt James E. Keys, 19, whose wife, Thelma, lives jon Route 1 Kinston, recently arrived in Ger many for duty with the 2d Armor ed Division. Keys, who was last stationed _at Fort Jackson, S. C., was a farmer before entering the Army in March of this year. His .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grif fin Keys, live on Route 2^ Kinston. Pet. Robert Jarman is On Duty in Germany 2D ARMORED D5V„ GERMANY — Army Pvt. Robert N. Jarman, .17, son of Charlie R. Jarman of Route 2, Trenton, recendy arrived in Germany for duty with the 2d, Armored Division. Jarman, who entered the Army last February, was .last stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C., his basic training camp. The former Jones High School student wvs a fanner in civilian life. ■ ' ’ Sgt. H. N. Sanderson On Duty in Getmany ASOHAFFENBUIRG, GERMANY — Ammy Sergeant First Class Her onan N. Sanderson, 26, soil of Mrs. , A- supply speciaJigt lHt tbe Mb Regiment’s Service Company, he pppft <«*»•*• «n Hite to® ~ orne CouRm.Advanced Airborne Course, ivimpmaster School, Aerial Delfvery School, Non-Conkmissioped Officer* Acad der Ws auspices^S 80,000 novico ' Jumps were made hv fJiAfiA ahtdan/. by these students. 14. Ingram began Ms military career as an officer when he re . j..._. i Values to 1^8, LADIES & CHILDRENS Summer Sandals Value* to 148 1.00 1 Table of Piece Goods Short lengths Prints & Solids While They Last' Table 'Ladiep e Slips* Nylon Men’s Shorts & Under Shirts assorted ms Ladies Summer . ■ Sandal* ‘‘ wl Kidio «*• '*> M ■ < $148 per pair Values to $2.98 H On ■ Goods Value* to 59c'yd. 1 RACK mwmB Fr6e Gift* to Fir*t 100 Cuftomers To Enter Efirdi Thursday, Aug. 16th.