WMBimfOmREPORT New farm credit legislation, by a Senate sub which was periods for repayment. The new program, which will be put into full effect as soon as coun ty offices are briefed (by Sept. 15), will also make loans available to what have been considered as “part-time” farms in the past. Senator Scott was insistent about farmers who are not able to ob tain enough acreage allotments tor what might be considered a full time operation. They have other jobs in order to sncctanent what they earn-on the farm. Certainly Slich farmers ought to be eligible for Joahs,” he said. The new program will be handled through the county Farmers Home Administration nflOcps. latest word Irons the textile in diistry ft that the Elsenhower Ad ministration wtil announce a pro gram prior to the Novemfcet elec iicms tint will mate 'sJftftiaetery adjustments in the textfle import situation*-, A special committee of cabinet lend officials is working overtime •on the program now.' and quality cf every egg. Then too, she may be buying the eggs from a vending machine conven iently located fo'take owe of pur chases forthe midnight Suck after the stores have closed. Charles W. Wampler of Harrison burg, Virginia thinks the outlook for poultry producers is very bright. As our population becomes niore a population of indoor peo ple, the consumption of heavy meats will be replaced with the lighter foods such as poultry, milk and eggs.. W. ,'E. Newlon from the Univer sity of California predicted that egg candeling machines are on the way out. Since the method now in use can ndy determine whether and density of yolk. Newlon lieves that the air-conditioned, light-controlled hen boose is 'just around the comer as poultrymen make a real effort to control tem perature and light conditions which have such1 a great effect on egg production. - ' When Should You Irrigate? Tobacco extension Specialists State — Sufficient moisture during tbeknee . high to early fcleom stage will da much to deveiope the agreed and the of leaves, a, large plant frame, quality and weight, without excessive body or micKimte * Plan Now For Better Yields SM Call ue today for engineered irrigation -y Tailor «wi$e for your farm. pton Irrigation ftjo., Inc. $•» H. M»Ni ttfcMt - A~ ■ % riiftarf ml BraJfarrf vimwi vnp Mvorora Mrs. W. H. WMik £5 store an urfed U attend and >rio(r«fctife Iraw&es to be spread on the church grounds folkwriag WW™®®* t&kfl \ - V 'w »""*' "*y»f**^rrr:rX' ■;?-.,i"-*■■."• "Helping to build ^ bolter Livestock ' Market for Eastern^ofth Carolina” ■ ■ '1 This Thursday, Friday, Saturday August 16th, 17th and 18th Three