kmt involved in trying to forces situation upon two peoples wb6 had accomplished ■' go much together under no sterner prod /that mutual respect and enlightened self interest. The black and white citizens of the South have marched steadily forward — neither quite equal in many economic and ' political aspects to their compatriots in other parts, of our country. Yet they did the law turn its back On the majority in terests of the area. The federal law is spit upon by men of goodwill who five years ago spoke with reverential awe of the supreme court. The federal law has be come a cheapened political tool, used to gain office for men of small conscience and selfish motive, that gap Chat had grown so narrow between the white and < black The pressures beneath such a vast politi cal tent as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ax# understandable if not appreciated. U*e hunger for fuU citizenship in every sense of the word inspires many wild, many sane impulses- in every heart blade or white. Ope white father may gnash his White father may gnash his * Us energies to have a homo; a car, dothes, recreation, education for 1 lii.: TV': • tWA ni fUa: bis children that ate equal to those of fellow next door upon whom fortune smiled more Madly. But none but the i ? socialist would insist that the family the second family be deprived of ti better things of life because the unU neighbor cannot afford them ft* Um i a^l Us family. ad public education, but the same forces which an v cannot split the nation tor Never Forget That These Editorials Are The Opinion Of. One Man, -—— ----And He May Be Wrong. Thie Pt?arsali Platt; Firstly, .■ than to be armaed with a weapon that wOl hot work. K you depend; apon it for pro jteetion ant ft fails you1 are lost If you know Quit yon have to depend upon your own ability ,to resist them toe action is sim pler and often more safe. North Carolina, in our opinion, would be far safer behind its present laws and principles than be hind this new *set included in The Pearsall Plan. ' ...fmm We are informed Oat Kinston City SI ager Roy Robinson has been told “to i down” bis effort to eliminate Mind < ners in Kinston caused by shrubbery other privately owned constructions on j lie. property. We trust that if this is that the aldermen responsible wall be JONES