ffrst starts, ly-inexpensive, but if the is neglected — as many private citizens allow — you -may find yourself with a sizeable repair bill on your bands.” 4 A more important reason for frequent checking of your car # to discover mechanical deteriora tion before it becomes,a safety hazard, the major said. Neglected brakes, tires and other p«i|8; fre quently contribute to' serkms ac cidents, he warned. Obvious wear and other damage to such things as braids, wind shield wipers, tires am} horn can easily be detected, Major Efeiitz Said, and be urged drivers to check these Items frequently themselves. However, he added, that it takes a Careful check by « competent mechanic to uncover more deep seated troubles. Lenses should be clean and re~ flectors bright. •' 3. Rear and stop lights should operate properly. Directional sig nals should also he checked. 4. Tires should- be checked lor wear and proper .inflation.• « 5 Wheel alighnient should be checked, probably more frequen tly than most people realize. ' 6. Exhaust systems -and muffler a qualMeti rHSchanic,especially in winter. 7’ Windshield wipers should op erate'steadily, with blades check ed to see if they-are “live” and 8. Glass should be Hear, free of cracks or discoloration. 9. Horn should be working pro perly. 10. Rear-view mirror should give a dear -view of the road behind. are grown for making jelly and also for their ornamental beauty. Another kind of apple may not be so.familiar and this is thfe one we will discuss. We wall call it the Cedar Apple. 'Hie Cedar Apple, as the name implies, is borne on the red cedar tree and it is a'bad actor. Why? Because It is responsible for a disease which attacks apple trees and is known as cedar\rust. This rust, which is a fungus,, attacks both the leaves ana fruit of the apple tree, and, in severe cases, will cause the leaves to turn yel low, stop manufacturing food and may drop. This disease is commonly known as an alternate boat problem be cause it spends the winter stage fit tiie red cedar and the summer silage on the apple free. If one of the hosts is destroyed, the di sease will disappear, and this is the best way to control it. On the oefer the little brown apple, or ball, can be easily identified at this season of the year. When warm weather and rains come in the spring, these apples swell, be come Jelly-like and put out horns or#«pore bodies. These spares are tUaeharged and carried by the ' wind to apple trees which may be as much as a mile pr more away, apple leaf the disease first as a small- orange spot > Tractors and Implements for 1957 Here’s “when” - - - January 25, 1957 Here’s “where” - - - Jenkins Farm Equipment Company ;i " X Bring Your Family! x Bring Your Friends! x Meet Your Neighbors! •