' •'•rr fmpipp won high accuse and Mm. Ptavin made low. Alter the game, Mrs. with coffee. ..&£■.•; ■ -——. PARTY HONORS RS. HODGES , Jr. «M Rl rvailav nidlit tw»7 ni'guw ayBlB, Stwe yed in which i Mrs. Wed an a stork staav l the home of Mr il games were taa. W. S. Hill ' LABier #1GHT Kfct at flie Rotary Clab d Tuesday night when the 1 die with an oyster mast at Snead* Ferry. Rotarians and guests were Mr. and Mrs. Braxton George, Mr. end Mrs. John Hughes Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allen, Mr. and ‘Mts. Fred Pippin, Mr. and Mrs. titefc Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swiggett, Mr. and Mr®. W. F. H«, Mr. and Mis. Ben Moore and son Hwy. 79 East Hwy. 258 South 5851 9970 urge you to join the Kinston Community Coricert Association of March 11. next October Faya Emerson plus Other attractions your Community Concert Association. KINSTON, N. C. See in: If 20,000 Hands Have Opened This Door W, iI■ §Sit fl telr iillsi Billy, Mas Marie Mafiard, and OanVerneteon. *HNOUtfCSM«NTS , Worid Day of Prayer will be held at 7:39 March 8 in the Tfogdcopal and Mr. tad Mrs. Fred Pippin made a trip to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hodges vi sited friends in Wasfcjngton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franck vi sited relatives in Rjchlande dur n ; in the 4-H Field NATIONAL > We, The Merchants of New Bern, Are Proud to Support 4-H Qub Week Congratulations 4-H’ers titty & Co. NEW«ERN a®§ Montgomery Wend & Co. 229 MIDDLE ST. M£W BERN Oettinger Bros. 319 POLLOCK ST. NEW HERN Penny’s NEW RERN Appliances of New Bern, Inc. 409 BROAD ST. NEW BERN New Bern Oil fic Fertilizer Co. 202 GUION ST. NEW BERN Electric Co. .« ST. NEW BERN