i amount to be ■mount •f • recovery- Therefor* th* Army ha* recommended that th* com pensation provided for in th* bill bp reduced by $10,569.22, shit in dicates that It will not hav* arty Ablation W) the enactment of th* bill if It is amended to provide for any award to Mr. and Mrs. Pag* In th* amount of $14,430.88", Let me mike perfectly dear that I am utterly in sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Page, just as I am utterly in sympathy with any fam ily who has lost a member on duty with the armed forces; but my sympathy does not extent to the point where I’d be willing to give every surviving family of,such a dead veteran $25,000; which is ex actly what this bill amounts to if equity ^were to be exercised by Congress. K this bill is permitted to pass in v the Senate, and quite Mtely simi lar bills must have gone into the records long ago; then our govern ment is sitting astride a prece dent tot cannot be left alone un mJgbt not be such s had idea, but I don't beUewe our honored dead would wish to be the cause of push ing the nation they defended fur ther into bankruptcy. This bill should be killed or every family who lost a member should be paid $25,000. l&ESSfSSfc taxation. North " It, in co-operation with the Carolina Department of I in'aL"i"i»HL»»»'»Ji mill received from. While Federal fa*', allows you a dfaideod credit again* your tax due, North Carolina law allows you to deduct a percentage of the di vidend received equal to the per centage of the corporation’s in come taxed by North Carolina. For example, it you receive dividends dram a corporation which pays corporate income tax to North CtyraHna an three-^wnths its ■wrings for the year, you need pey income tax only on one-fourth of the dividend received (the one •ourth on which the corporation did not pay income tax to North Carolina). The comet tray to take this deduction is to enter yOor to tal dividends received in the