Let stand* 2 hours. Silt dry ingre dients into large mixing bowl. Add prune mixture, oil' eggs and nuts. Mend thoroughly (about 1 minute). Bdat 2*.. minutes, ate medium speed; Make Strawberfyi• ' Jata Now . By Betty Barclay]tmmmmm— ■^KILE strawberries are abundant, store shine of them, on your pan in, tk.ll o_— ____:_: c_ delicious straw berry jam; Strawberry , •*» Yield: about 11 medium glasses (5\/t lbs. jam) , 4i/J cups pre-' !■ pared fruit ■ (about 2 qts. rjpc si raw i jerries; , / cups (3 IDS.) wgir; 1 box (2J4 Oz.) powdered fruit pectin. , t: ; prepare the fruit. Crush com one fewer at a tijpsc about 2; tu«V c^>* strawberries. Weis 'S into a very-large sauce pSike the jam. Misuse sugar' & Add -peered fhrft . . M .«Wt h». saucepan and mix well. Placeever high heat and stir until mixture comes to a hard boil/ At once stir in sugar. Bring to a full ly. Re spoon. Then stir .and skim by turns pilling boil and boil hard stirring constantly. Ren Stirring heat and skim minute, :onstantly. Remove from iff foam with metal for 5 minutes to cool slightly, to pre t.vent floating fruit. Tadic qpickly into gfasses- Covet jam at onte with % inch hot paraffin. A SACRED DUTY • From man’s earliest record ed history, .he has endeavored to embody in the last rites, all ' the love and respect felt for the deceased in his lifetime. All the ski}! of aft, all the knowledge of science has been lavished to ward this end. We feel deeply the responsibility reposed in us when we are allowed 'to help jplan and' conduct the services for those who have passed on. :SX f>t>T EDWARDS funeral Home ambulance Phone 4150 KirttfOfl, N. C. W SURE ¥011 CAN msR SWP #1- g£ &* jf* 2 f g and 2 that*, soft butter mixed un til crumbly. Bake ip,350°F. oven tor 45 to 50 minutes. Out in squares, serve warm. Or bake batter fp paper-lined muffin pans, 20 to 25 minutes. Omit Streusei Topping it you wish and Stave hot with cara mel sauce and vanilla ice cream. HONEY-DOT SAHJCE — Sounds (good! Heat honey by standing con tainer hot water until a little ANSWER: Without proper care die com trill lose most of its Ba tumi flavor.'In 24 hours at 85 de grees temperature over hall of die sugar in the com changes to starch. But at 32 degrees the change is reduced to only 15 per emit, 'thus, retaining the fresh corn flavor. QUESTION: Why did egg prices start up in June of 1967? ANSWER: ft was mostly due to Clearance of all Summer Merchandise! / ' ' ••••’•■ Summer SUITS * Summer SPORT SHIRTS Summer STRAWS Summer SHOES ■ 1. . ■'. Suit Special! NORTHCOOL Wash ‘N* Wear 75% Dacrori 25%Cotton Cord. was $38.95 ' Now .Only $29.95 Terrific Reduction on SWIMWEAR BERMUDA SHORTS AND OTHER SUMMER ITEMS Frosty Mom “Helping io build a better Livestock Market for Eastern North Carolina” tiie* drop in productMb resulting from the heat wave over most of the nation. Another footer greater confidence in higher prices because shipment to market de clined. ; ' V QUESTION: What’s the outlook for male prices in X987? . ANSWER: Suflport price in North Carolina in 1957 wifi be about $1.97 per 100 pounds, down 14 cents from 1956. Prices lor the 1956 crop averaged about 20 cents per 100 pounds above the support price. Prices lor this year’s crop are ex pected to'be less than last year because of large total supplies and lower support peaces. NEW "STRAIGHT-LINE” Admiral DUAL - TEMP REFRIGERATORS Fit Your Kitchen to a “T”. FREE 288 bottles of Coca-Cola 1 FREE When You Buy Any 1957 Auto-defrost ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. 200 N. HERITAGE PH. 7-1212 KINSTON WE NOW CARRY NOHNER PAINT AT ANY PRICE! Believe Me Folks, It k Your Loss If You Don’t Patronize My ^ Boss i