Editors Opinions— I in bolding was not entirely as individuals as they were According to reports, behavior until the on the scene, and literally attacked them with guns and ckhs, firing on the retreating cars of the Wan.. No»gun-toting, dub-wielding Indian who marched onto the area rented by the Wan was arrested for taking the law into his own bands. Since the Wane men didn't resist, thereby avoiding a Woody fight, only one arrest was made—a Wan member accused) of “carrying a concealed weapon.” Now, we are strong for law and order, but anybody who believes it’s for just one side is just as bad as the KKK. In fact, that’s the disgrace about the Wan: It believes in its own law, for its own pur poses. So, we nominate for membership in the Ku Klux Klan those Indians who proved1 they can shoot guns in the night, wield dubs and fists, and instigate lawless disorder. We nominate for membership, also, the laiw ‘enforcement officers and agencies who stood by grinning up their sleeves. How far up the line Most Eastern Carolina Farms Are Fire Hazard That’s the opinion of R. S. Doug lass, forestry specialist for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service, who advises that the cost of pre paring and maintaining firelanes ■with a farm tractor is low com Unless your farm is different from most other Eastern North Carolina farms, you have a fire hazard on your handis. pared to what a bad fire can cost a farmer. 'Douglass says that if you have a rough area, you may need to get the N. C. Forest Service or a heavy equipment operator to pre pare your firelanes the first time. Then you can maintain them with ran be maintained . roads and firelanes if they are worked with a hush and bog harrow reversed to pull the dirt ip until they are level, and then maintained with a gang disk to leave them level. Douglass warns that often a pre pared and maintained firelane is the difference between stopping a serious fire and losing a stand of timber that would take 25 years or more to replace. “Fire is a serious hazard in timber growing, and spending a little money to reduce the hazard is an excellent invest ment,” he concludes. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Cent. Prom Paso 6 2*397 of 3,597 aggravated assaults, 1,938 of 2,425 house breakings, 324 of 4(70 thefts of more than $100 and 1,719 of 2,575 thefts of less than $100 and 450 out of 623 auto thefts— this in spite of the fact that Wash ington is 65 per cent white and 35 per cent negro—or was before the Supreme Court chased the white people out 'into Maryland and Virginia. More: New York with a negro population of 908,191 had 7,585 in prison while Mississippi with a ne gro population of 966,494 had 1,432 in prison. Which works far both negro and white _. wholesale integration as in New York or complete segregation it The North has an ethical prob up problem to grow worse wfthgrieTOueta of the prob -.■■ ■ of law enforcement responsibility tWa would run !»'debatable. Just consider It as going to the lord from which orders which would have been given if the situation had been reversed. Judging from the governor’s remarks it could include a pretty high level of law i '"l;”'' L: ''T'T V enforcement responsibility. All these have demonstrated their fit ness for membership in such as the KKK by their actions in the Robeson county affair. Last but not least, let uS nom inate the press for its handling of the story. Its indulgent, smirking rnuc. Mvcn reports of the mob violence of the Indians shows it needs no train ing in prejudice to qualify for the Han. It might just be, though, that these nominees are a little too strong for the modern-day ldan. —Mt. 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