NUMB lER 2 fRENTON, N. C, THURSDAY, VOLUME XI ABC Profits Permit 12 Cent Drop In Jones County’s 1959 Tax Rate Meeting Tuesday for final con sideration of tile 1959-60 budget the Ames County Board of Com missioners were nappy to approve a 12 cent reduction in the tax rate because of profits coming to the county from the operation of its three ABC whisky stores. The rate drops from $1.78 to $1.66 for the 1 year. In addition to this happy re flection of whisky profits to the county another $19,000 from ABC store profits is ear-marked to go along with $20,000 of state and fed eral funds for construction of a > health department building. The total budget for 1950-60 for Jones County was fixed at $530,972, of which $127,348 will be provided by real and personal' property taxes. The $1.66 tax rate on the . $10,060,000 tax listed valuation yields a theoretical $167,111, but delinquent tax payers and prepay ment discounts make necessary the $167,111 levy in order to get the $127,346 tax-yield needs of the budget. Fiscal 1956-59 fs the first full year the Jones County ABC stores have been in operation. The first of three stores was opened Decem ber 7,1957. State and federal funds, beer and wine tax refunds, court costs, fines, fees and privilege license contribute the $407,634 that brings the budget in balance. — . .... I.'l . . Branch Bank Holds Formal Opening May 27th With Many Guests Present The new Branch Banking and Trust Oo. building in Trenton, iwhich has been open flor business since March 6, had its formal opening May 27 from 5:00 until 9 p. m. The building, built in Williams burg architecture hais four tellers windows, three offices, the vault, a bookkeeping department and a night depository. Mrs, Alta Koonce is the vice president and cashier of the Tren ton branch. Working with her are Mrs. Lela Pollack, assistant cash ier, Miss Mavis Koonce, toiler, Mrs. Peggy DuVal, teller, Mrs. Nancy Taylor, bookkeeper and Miss Anna Lou Smith, bookkeeper. In the receiving line Wednesday night were Mrs. Koonce, directors M. E. Hines, R. T. Johnson and W. R. Bender. Martha Koonce and Susan Bender also received the guests. Miss Koonce, Mrs. DuVai, and Mrs. Hines guided the tour through the bank and Mrs. Taylor and Miss Smith served refreshments. Refreshments, which were made by members of the Womans So ciety of Christian Service of the Methodist church, were fruit punch, bam biscuits, sandwiches, cake squares, nuts and mints. The dec orations were done in pink and green. The bank was also filled with several baskets of cut flow ers. Out of town officials attending the opening were J. E. Pascfaail, president of the Branch Bank, J. L. Satcbwell, senior vice presi dent, D. W. Kellogg, vice presi fiJTJaKTJSI I Mrs. Hubbard, Harry k Bate : enabler, apd Foy N. « , assistant vice president from the Wilson In dustrial Bank, B. H. Patrick, vice president of Kinston Branch and Mrs. Patrick, Eli is D. Harrell, as sistant vice president, Ediward G. Patrick, assistant cashier, and Mrs. Patrick and Miss Mildred Moore, all of Kinston. From the New Bern Branch, T, ,C. Fitzgerald, vice president John B/,Green, as sistant cashier, fames' G. Huff, assistant oashier, Jiw§e,E.rCayton, assistant cashier ahidjMrsj.Cayton, P. M. SeladB,'.assistant' trust of ficer anid Mrs. Nelson, and J. C. Bagg, member of the hoard. Architect- Raymond Faison and Mrs. Fareon and assistant architect J. E. Peterson were also present, i Seek Draft Papers Local Draft Board No. 53 which servos Jones County is trying to contact two young men wfw have | failed to file proper report*. The, last address known for the two to the draft board were Walter %ee j Chadwick, rout* 2 box 41, Jackson-| ville, N. C. and Stephen El wood Turner, 1705 West Vernon Avenue i present location of these young men is urged to contact the Tren ton Board. \ in Kinston. Anyone knowing the Jay Bird Flies Again Former Kinston Grocer I. J. "Jaybird" Sparrow Jr. last week again lived up to his nickname by ^flying the coop" In San Diego, California. Picked up early in May for extradition to North Carolina where a five year (all term awaits him. Sparrow managed to get free under $5,000 bend but when time •-■■ - -a.-19.*-*-*- - .a e®^ eelw wKl* •OlilCeP .HeTPwWO he was gens once again. Trenton ABC Store Robbed Monday Niaht of 20 Cases Maysville Methodist Attendance Contest Ends After 10 Weeks To climax a ten-week contest in the Church School of the Mays vUl« Methodist Church, the con gregation sponsored a picnic in the local community building following the Sunday morning service. During the worship service five awards were given to the classes that had shown the greatest im provement in attendance and ste wardship. The classes that received an a ward of a white Bible were those taught by Mrs. R. lL Sn§*st«}cfcs, Mrs. C- D. Smith, Mrs. R^ytJib son, Mrsj. Robert Curtin and Mrs, C. C. Dameron. The Bibles will be used in the worship centers of the various classes. Each child of the Church School received an Indian headdress con taining a number of feathers in dicating the number of times- he had attended Sunday School and the worship services. R. L. Mattocks, Church School secretary, made the presentations of the Various awards. Past-working, thirsty thieves Monday night parked a car back of the Branch Banking & Trust Company in Kinston and then af ter forcing open the front door of Jones County ABC Store No. 1 loaded their car with 20 cases of stolen “spirits” and a few bottles picked up at random from the store shelves. Apparently thinking that a tele phone line in the rear of the build ing was a burglar alarm the thieves cut it before nialrng their raid. The liquid loot included five cases of Old Hickory, five cases of Calvert Reserve, two cases of Old Crow', two cases of Glenmore abd one case each of Linfield, Ken tucky Tavern, Mr. Boston, Old Quaker, Bellow’s Club, Carstairs, all of which was pints except the Old Quaker which was in fifths. The thieves also lifted one pint o£t Mint Flavor gin, one pint of Orange Gin, one fifth of Vodka and one fifth of White Horse Scotch. Tuesday '' The Blond ay afternoon receipts of the store—some over $100 was left in the store in a hiding place. The thieves probably not supposing that any thing other than “liquid” assets would be left in the store overnight. ‘Hub’ Has Question "Hub" Andrews appeared be fore the board of county commis sioners Tuesday and had just one poiht' blank question on his mind, "What has been done and. what is going to be done about install ing a highway tile to eliminate present flooding of my property?" The board said the matter |had been brought to the attention of the Highway Commission and that was all it could do. Marriage License During the past week three marriage license were issued in the office of Jones County Regis ter of Deeds Mrs. D. W. Koonce. “they went to: (Robert Howard Jr., 29, and Rosa Lee Dudley, 25, both of MaysviUe. Preston E. Sasser, 22, and Ethel Burfeette, 21, both of Wayne Coun ty. Isaac Smith Jr., 21, and Marion Janet Jenkins, 18, both of Trenton. Slilgn of Summer On* sure sign of summer cam* to tha Jonas County Board of Com missioners Tuesday as Mrs. F. R. Pollock, spooking for employees in the eg building annex asked the j commissioners to seriously con-1 skier I. die installation of a water cooler in that part of the building and, 2 the addition of atr-eondi AtnMHMS AMI ftlMMSOMl • ftsAOMril L~ Tramni niuimiivnir ■ nv doiiu took no action an the request. Jones County’s 1959-60 Budget Set at $530,972; Tax Rates Drops to $1.66 News Briefs TUESDAY WRECK At 12:30 Tuesday afternoon a wreak at the corner of Heritage and Gordon streets between cars driven by Roy w. Griffin of Tren ton route one and Frank Barnes of 232 West Gordon resulted in an estimated $400 damage to the Griffin car and $600 damage to the car of Vardo Sa niters of Kinston route five, which Barnes was driv ing. Griffin pled guilty to running a stop light. HEAVY PROPERTY DAMAGE An accident at 1:30 a. m. Mon day at Adikin and Tower Hill Road resulted in heavy property dam age; $500 to the car of Wade E. Pih fer of Wingate and $200 to the car of James A. Williams of Tren ton route one. Phifer was booked for reckless driving and driving without a driver’s license and Williams was accused of failure to yield the right of way. DENTIST BREAKS BAD Negro Dentist James F. Cameron of 1017 Caswell Street was indicted over the weekend on charges of breaking and entering, disorderly conduct, malicious damage to pri vate property and trespassing. The charges were brought hy Eunice Outlaw and Julia Lloyd of 3-F Car ver Courts. Trial is set for June 8th. ESCAPE INJURY Mrs. Willard Carroll of Blue field,. Va., driving west on. US 70 about four miles east of Kinston at 11:10 Sunday night lost control of her car which wound up a total loss after capsizing in a ditch. Mrs. Carroll and two passengers escaped injury. IN TROUBLE AGAIN Harold Ciro Hawkins of Kinston route five was booiked over the weekend for a 2nd drunken driving offense and violation of the liquor laws. Hawkins, owner of a lengthy police record had not been in trou ble recently. TWO CHECKS, TWO MONTHS Magistrate Bill Thomas Monday sentenced Roscoe Bachelor of Pink Hill route one to two months in prison—30 days for each of two worthless check charges. MARINES LEASE HANGERS City and County officials Mon day approved a lease with the Ma rine Corps for two hangers at Stall ings Air Base. The lease calls for priority use of these two hangers by Marine Corps aircraft between June 1 and November 30 of each year during hurricanes or hurri cane scares. The lease price is $1200 per year and may be can celled on 30 day notice by the Ma rine Corps or 90 day notice by the city and county. Midget Car Racing Folks who ,liko a lot of excitment and noise are invited each Friday night at 7:30 to midget car races sponsored by the non-profit Kin ston Micro Midget Racing Asso ciation, which has recently com pleted an eighth of a mile track on the beck side of the Simon Jackson Airport south of-Kinston. From 20 to 25 of these tiny speed sters take part fas these Friday night events, including cars from Ora ansi) ore to the ocean. Any pro fits the racing association makes is donated each year at Christ mas Time to the needy children of Lenoir County. Holding its June Meeting on Tuesday the Jones County Board of Oomanissonerse stamped ap proval on a $630,978 budget and lowered the tax rate from $1.78 to $1.66 on the $100 valuation. Hie tax listed valuation of $10,060,000 would yield $167,111 on the $1.66 tax rate, but standard budgeting never permits appro priations to be made against 100 per cent of the tax levy. The allocations included in this budget are shown in the following tabulation: Department , Budget General Welfare 8 8,000 Aid to Blind 1,53a Welfare Administration 14,413 Old Age Assistance 38,880 Aid Dependent Children 110,160 Aid to Totally Disabled 36,120 County Accountant 3,599 Extension Department 10,474 Forest Fire Control 3,000 Health Department 16,007 Bond Redemption 34,260 School Operation 123,095 School Capital Outlay 13,766 School Debt 19,060 Mosquito Control 2,500 General Fund 96,106 Total $530,972 To balance this budget $403,624 will come from sources other than tax on real and personal property. The general fund allocations are tabulated below: Dept. '59-60 '58—59 Budge* Budget Commissioners Tax Listing $ 1,990 $1,281 5,301 3,059 5,231 4,367 8,788 8,4127 2,650 1,083. Tax Collector Sheriff Office Election Board. ‘Building & Ground 41,045 5,278 ‘Includes $30,000 building for Health Department This is how the $530,972 is al located for the operation of coun ty affairs during the coming year. Next week a detailed analysis will be published showing where this money comes from. Mattocks Reappointed To Welfare Board Register Deeds Coroner 8,471 6,632 50 10 850 341 Jail Expense Superior Court Clerk of Court County Attorney Miscellaneous Total 4,250 2,718 7,958 7,194 1,820 1,820 6,610 6480 $96,106 $48,635 Monday Robert Mattocks of Maysville appeared (before the board of county commissioners a iong with Welfare Superintendent Mrs. Zeta Burt to explain and an swer questions about the 1959-60 budget of that department. As one questionable reward for his services in that difficult post as welfare board member Mat tocks was appointed to another three year term as the commis sioners’ representative on the wel fare board. The State Welfare Board names one member, the commissioners name another and these two ap point the third board member. Mewbome Resigns Kinston Postmaster John F. Mewborne last weak tendered his resignation effective June 30 of this year Mewborne has served for more than three years in the technical position of "Acting Post master" since the senate commit tee charged with approving post master appointments has held up Mewbome's confirmation through throe sessions of congress. Mew bom; a Republican, was appointed to succeed Democrat E. R. Wooten and had the had luck to run into a a* t... bui■yfwll COVWrOfVwO By uviiiuvriif* • i i..■