Kidd Bremer’s "RALEIGH ROUNDUP” SmtEErr SCENE . . . People who have visited the State Mm mm here—and it is about the mos* popular point is Rale&i for out* o*-towner8-^caa*etageod, pjctwe of recently dumped plane for the handsome new LegriMfte BolM* inr 'Until the committee actually pot down to selecting sites for the building a month ago, a half-dozen locations hadbeea suggested. Now It looks as- if the structure will go to none of these. About one Mode north of the State Museum on Halifax Street— and amadk dab in the middle of the street—seems to be the site now in the'forefront. H the place is select ed, the street of course would go around either side of the Legisla tive Building—much as do the high ways around courthouses at Pitts - boro,' Whiteville, and at several other locations in the State. 'Plans for converting the two blocks south of the Capitol on Fayetteville Street into a mall are still being discussed—and you can look for a street-park of some type on the tiwo blocks running north of the Capitol to the Legislative Build ing. That is the way the new center of-Raleigh on the governmental front shapes up at this time. It will be architecturally sound, uni que, and beautiful. WHILE HE’S GONE . . . With the Governor, his secretary Ed Ran kin, and several other top admin istration officials in Europe dur ing a large portion of November on an industry-hunting trip, what would happen if something went seriously askew here in North Carolina in their absence? Will, of course nothing is said about it, but it is tacitly under stood that Lt. Gov. Luther Earn hardt of Concord has been given full power to act in emergency in the Governor's absence. You will note—if you think back upon it—that Luther Hodges and bis Lieutenant Governor are never out of the State at the same time. When one is away, the other is al ways here. Before taking action in a