Tswtfii* Chrfet TJje We Of Mrs. E. A. Beaman with 25 mem bers present. The program was a study of foreign missions and the title was “O God, We Pray for Presses at work for God.” Mrs. Darris Koonce, prayer chairman, had the program. Mrs. J. W. Allen gave the devotional. Then Mrs. Wayne Haskins led the group in prayer. Mrs. Mack Curtiss presided over the business session and after the meeting a Chrstmas party was held at wbch time each person revealed who her secret pal had been during the year. Refreshments of sandwiches, nuts, .punch and coffee were serv ed. Mrs. Harold Hargett Hostess for Bridge The Little Bridge Club met Fri day night in the home &f Mrs. Har-; old Hargett Jr. Mrs. Hargett's borne was decorated with various Christmas arrangements and, her dessert, a jello parfait and punch, also carried out the Christmas spirit. Members present were Mes LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS HAVING qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of H. F. Bliz bard, late of Jones County, this is to notify all persons having- claims against hiS estate to present t^spa to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of December, 1980, or to her Attorney, otherwise this notice; wiH be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . AH persons indexed to said es tate wiH please make immediate settlement. : ^ fflhis tfisa fifh /lav nf TlAenmKnv nuy! riiTnlliii Prod Pippin, Macvin Thomas and BwU Hargett. Mn. Wright mm high score and IBra. Pippin won low score. Christmas Party The Trenton Baptist Church gave its annual Christmas program Sun day night. Alter the program, the Christ mas tree was decorated with gilts to foreign missions. Following that a party was given tty Heber Moore, and everyone there received * nice gift. Baptist Children Given Christmas Fjarty on Sunday The Trenton Meth^jJist Church bad a Christmas party for the children Sunday night which was held in the assembly room. A huge Christmas tree stood in one comer with gifts underneath, and a fire place and mantle stood along one wall. The chjhjren sat around the fireplace and, sang carols. The Rev. Walton, Bass read a western type Christmas story and then Santa Claus made Ins ap pearance and gave each child a gift. Dancing Classes for Trentonians Sponsored By Woman’s Club The Trenton Womans Club an nounces that Mr. Rodney Heath, a fonmer teacher of the Artbur Murray studios, will begin a danc ing class January 9 at the Trenton All those who are interested, •please go, to the first dancing class, or find out the details from Mrs. Nimrod Carroll or Mrs. Jake Crooan. ' ■Mis. ip Wd their families arrived Monday for several days. Then the Afajas* plan' to mafee a trip to NorMfc, Va. • • • Elizabeth Deppe Barker, a sty dent at Womans College, arrived home Saturday for the holidays un til Jlan. 3. Bill Haimonond, son of Ifr. and OUTBOARD MOTORS Crafogr*,Jpg^&MFG GLASS BOATS GAS PUMP « BOAT STORAGE FREE Boat Ramp for Our Cuttomors FISHING TACKLE AND "Complota Outboard Repairs' SUPPLIES OUTBOARD SERVICE Located across straot from Now Bom Power Plant 1305 Pembroke Rd. Now Bom May our sign point your way to holiday ftini • TRENTON AMOCO SERVICE F. F. GOODRICH TIRES — DELCO BATTERIES W. D. Parkor, Prop. Elton* HOI Tronton, N. C. Disrnito moM ohain - to. Mrs. W. H. Hammond, has arrived borne to the holidays. Bill, who is oh the teaching staff of De Vry Technical Institute in Chicago, HI., in'the desist department, will be homeuntil Bee. 26. •' (1 • •' 4, 3 ■ , j Dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrt. Itaaamood Sunday Were Mn. Pearl Hammond, Miss Ora waifcms aad Miss ■nny Harnttood. The occasion was Miss Willi aims’ 85th'birthday, and Monday, she was honored with a rfilt; from the Trenton Chapter 86, Order of Eastern Star. Miss Williams is the oldest member of the Eastern star here. Mrs. mu TWgpen and son, Dimuri, of BeulavUle. • • * Hie Life Membership pins which were to be presorted in the morn ing worship service a,t the Trenton Methodist Cbuncb, wiU be pre sented the following service, two weeks later, because of student recognition day to be observed this Sunday. ?' Hogs and Cattle Bought Daily Premium Price Paid Ear Meat Type Hope “Honeycutt Meat Products” Let us slaughter and chill your cattlo and hogs for you, saving you tha drudgory of slaughtering on the farm. We slaughter every day except Saturday — just bring us the live animal any day — get the dressed meat the following day or we will deliver It to the locker plant for you. The cost: — CATTLE -- No Cash -r We keep hide & liver only. HOGS — .01 1/2 cent per-pound Phone ME 7-7127 New Born, N. C. Cbrktma* 1 SAVINGS I C LG B You decide. how much to iav«l Wo *end you 4 chock next November! BRANCH BANKING & TRUST co. Member Federal Deposit ms. Corp. TRENTON, N. C. Dainty Ma id Bakery