New Provisions of VA Pension Laws Become Effective Julv 1st feetive date of die With an eye on Juy i » j it. ._ law, E. C. Elliott of the New Bern VA Office said veterans and wid ows who have made up their minds to elect provisions of the new law would^ probably find it advanta geous' to notify VA of their de cision without much delay. By so doing, they can avoid be ing caught in a- last-minute rush or bottle neck which might develop in die last few- weeks before the - effective date. Elliott advised. Those who notify VA of their de cisions to change from terms of the old pension law to the new one in advance of the July 1 date will be abe to have the change effected • .as soon as applicable. Those who notify VA of desire to change to 1 will receive new pension pay ments as of the date VA is noti fied. The payments in such cases will not be dated back to July 1, Mr. Elliott warned. A certain hesitancy on the part of persons receiving veteran’s pensions to notifyf VA of desire to change to the new system has been noted by VA officials. Mr. Elliott skid that much of the hesitancy may be due to uncertainty of the pensions as to what the future may hold in store for them in the way of in creased income, including social from non-VA sources. Others may be puzzled about the differences between the terms of the new law a&d dm old law, even after reading the pamphlet which VA has mailed to all pensioners. Their questions will be readily answered and help offered by the Contact Represen tative at the New Bern VA Of fice. However, VA cannot make the decision for a veteran or veteran’s widow on coming under the new security or retirement FIVE POINTS MILLING CO., INC. FEED - SEED - CHICKS - HARDWARE , AND HAEGElT MILLING CO., INC. FEED MIXING ON THE FARM "Your One Stop Shopping Center for farm and garden needs" 1013 Queen St. Frank Hargett, Mgr. New Bern, N. C. Be SURE You CURE With PURE GASOLINE — KEROSENE'— FUEL OIL PROMPT — EFFICIENT DELIVERY FARM A HOME Be sure with Pure F. R. POLLOCK DISTRIBUTOR OF PURS OIL PRODUCTS Phom 2011 t . Trenton, W. C. logs and Cattle Bought Daily Premium 'Price Paid Far Meat Type Hags “Honeycutt Meat Products” Let in slaughter and chill your cattle and hags far yeu, saving you the drudgery af slaughtering on the lam. Wa slaughter every day except Saturday — fust bring ue the live animal any day — got the dressed meat the followftig day er we pension law. The choice must be made by him or her. THIS IS THE LAW By Robert E. Lee (For the N. C. Bar Association) TENANTS IN COMMON Three brothers, all of adult age, inherit real property in equal shares from their father. One of the brothers wants to sell his in terest in the land, but the others do not want to do so. What can the one brother do? The three brothers hold their in herited (property as “tenants in common.” Any one of the three can selThis one-third interest to whom soever he desires without the con sent of the others. If he cannot find a purchaser of his one-third interest in the whole, he may petition the superior court for a partition of the property. The superior court then will appoint three disinterested commissioners to divide and apportion the real property among the three co-own ers. Where necessary and in order to make an equitable partition, the commissioners may charge a more valuable tract of land with a sum of money to be paid to the person receiving a tract of land of inferior value. Where the inherited property is a single house or building, or other, type of property that can not be actually divided satisfac torily, the court may order a sale of the entire property and a divi sion of the proceeds among the several co-owners. The costs of proceedings for QUEEN’S OWN - England’s Prince Phillip, who is com mander of the Queen’s Royal Irish Hussar Regiment, tours his forces in Soltau, Germany. partition are changes upon the sev eral shares in proportion to their respective values. In this case, the three brothers bear equally the ex pense incurred. Joe Smith and Henry Brown, good friends and neighbors, pur chased a summer cottage as “ten ants in common.” May a creditor of Joe Smith have his one-half in terest in the cottage levied upon and sold to satisfy a judgment he has obtained against Joe Smith? . Evinrude OUTBOARD MOTORS G&W Boat* & MFG GLASS BOATS GAS PUMP A BOAT STORAGE FREE Boat Ramp for Our Customer* FISHING TACKLE AND s "Complete Outboard Repairs" - BOATING SUPPLIES KIMBRELL’S OUTBOARD SERVICE ' , Located across street from New Bern Poster Plant Country Club Rd. New Bern Yes. The interest of each of the co-owners may be reached and sold by his creditors. Henry Brown cannot object to the purchaser at the execution sale moving in and sharing the cottage with him. Mitchell and Sapp purchased a farm. Mitchell died, survived by three children, leaving no will. Does Sapp become the sole owner of the farm? No. He becomes a tenant in com mon with the three children of ^itchell. Sapp will own a one-half interest in die farm, and each of the three chidren of Mitchell will own a one-sixth interest. Mitchell could have by will left his one-half interest to whomso ever he desired. Two sisters own a house. One re fuses to permit the other to enter and enjoy with her the possession of tiie premises. What can the ousted sister do? She may bring a court action re quiring her sister to permit the house to be shared in common by both. The ousted sister cannot oust the sister that ousted her. Neither can obtain an exclusive possesion of the house. BOOK REVIEWS Coni. From Pin 4 five in its vivid and vitally alive background, this novel will be fine summer fare for the person read ing just for fun. Mary Stewart, a graduate of Durham (England) University, is the wife of a geologist who lec tured at Durham. Dr. Stewart’s re search takes them abroad fre quently. In 1965 they realized a life long ambition by visiting Greece—MY BROTHER MICHAEL was one outcome of the trip. Pre vious popular novels by the author include NtBNE COACHES WATT ING; MADAM, WILL YOU TALK and WILDFIRE AT MIDNIGHT. YOTE Horace Lee Haddock for Jones County Board of Commissioners Your Vote and Support Sincerely Appreciated Hoot, Man! IF YOU CARE ABOUT SAFE GUARDING THE TIME, EFFORT AND MONEY YOU'VE INVESTED IN YOUR GROWING CROPS— DON'T LET HAIL PUT YOU OUT ON A LIMB FINANCIALLY . . . Get Crop - Hail Insurance Today. BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO., Agents Trenton, N. C. Representatives Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Group i — 1“ JONES ONSLOW DAVID N. HENDERSON Wallace, N. C. Henderson -FOR— CONGRESS MAY,28th DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 3* YEARS OLD — YOUNG ENOUGH TO^ATTAIN SENIORITY AND INFLUENCE. EXPERIENCED — ASS’T. GEN. COUNSEL TO THE COMMITTEE IN EDUCATION AND LABOR OF U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ABLE — PRACTICING ATTORNEY SINCE 1948. JUDGE, DUPLIN COUNTY GENERAL COURT. GRADUATE OIF UNIVERSITY OF > NORTH CAROLINA LAW SCHOOL AND DAVIDSON OOEUBGE.