&jk .-.■-—r ---rm-—« , RD PUZZLE f j MM frafrcpf Noiw SAM ERVIN * £0? * restated - his Senatorial nositiou f Jesus. i the scene, the or customs, may an incident, but they do not affect the heart off the truth- Truth applies equally to every time and place. V Una is seen particularly in the Parables of Jesus. The woman searching for a lost piece of silver (Luke 15) might! be any woman, anywhere; tnei Smaritan helping a victim of thieves on the road to Jerico might be a driver of today jjitogping to^id^tbe victim^of a Jesus m for all the truth, because His life and truth were for all the world. He was not a Galilean pro vincial, but a Teacher and Savior, with a world mission sending forth His disciples to make disciples of all nations. thing else in the one package ot the federal aid bill. It is my fervent hope that we in the Congres will have an oppor tunity to vote on a Federal Aid bill which will prove to be as helpful (and harmless) to the schools in the Third Congression al District as Public Laiws 80S, 874, and the National Defense Ed cuation Act have been. I expect to Vote for the Federal Aid Bill if it Is one that I believe the people f the Third District would want en acted for the benefit of their chil dren. Envelopes Letterheads Ruled Forms Receipt Books Stock Certificates Checks Handbills Brochures Tickets Programs .Booklets Posters