a 1. TTr ''Wamte&sttii GARDEN TIME St ; l tf Co I i > < ' —■—-:s Spring did came to'the State flair Arena in February as I tptd you it would in aa earlier column. However, it exceeded aU expecta tions for variety, freshness and blended beauty. The first South eastern Flower and Garden Show will end tomorrow and dates for the 1962 show have been an nounced, Starch. 2-6. This first' attempt to bring, an. event of this magnitude to Raleigh end North Carolina is the finest example of organized effort that I have experienced during m!y many yean of service to North Carolina horticulture, The thrall of aeeoimpiishmeut exemplifies the caliber of leadership associated i with the project and far outweighs any individual or group credit. There was something for every . one to enjoy. Artistry, beautiful and symbolic. A Japanese garden with tactic flowers, bamboo, and sandals on the door step. An ec centric fountain, blending in color with massed chrysanthemum s. Petals, shedding from , saucer magnolias and dropping 'like colored snow into beds of fragrant hyacinths. A bob white perched on a rustic rail fence whistling to his mate while the tall Jack-in-the pulpit add the dainty lady slipper listened. You could almost hear the wind whispering through the white pines and hemlock. Roses in great variety —tiny miniatures, floribundas and hybrid